says "Please note that the Syncro 16 wheel arches require
extensive modification of the fender openings on a non-
Syncro 16 models."
So wouldn't the Tri-Star Arches fit easier - ie:
no "extensive modification" of the fender opening? What is
the minor trimming? Do these come with instructions?
---- Original message ----
>Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2002 23:38:00 -0700
>From: David Marshall <vanagon@VOLKSWAGEN.ORG>
>Subject: Re: tri-star fender flares------looking for
pictures of these on Vana gons.....anybody seen
>I recommend the Syncro 16 wheel arches over the Tri-Star -
they just fit
>better if you are running larger tires. The Tri-Star
arches will actually
>make your openings smaller. Minor trimming in the rear is
required for the
>Syncro 16 arches. I sell these for $500 USD for the set.
They are not
>cheap, but they are very nice!
>David Marshall
>Fast Forward Automotive Inc.
>4356 Quesnel Hixon Road
>Quesnel BC Canada V2J 6Z3
>Phone: (250) 992 7775 FAX: (250) 992 1160
>- Vanagon Accessories and Engine Conversions
>- Vanagon, Transporter and Iltis Sales and Importation
>- European Lighting for most Volkswagen models
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Vanagon Mailing List
[]On Behalf
>Of Smola, Tony
>Sent: June 26, 2002 4:06 PM
>Subject: tri-star fender flares------looking for pictures
of these on
>Vana gons.....anybody seen these?
>Hello fellow Vanagonites,
>I am looking for pictures of the cool fender flares...the
>type......I have the SVX motor going into my 85' Westy,
>and I was able to utilize the factory 16 X 7.5 jj alloys
from the
>SVX.....the wheel height is the same as the MXT's
>which I will be selling......there is less than 5K on the
>Anyway I wanted to see some photos of Vanagons with the
cool wheel
>flares............the SVX wheels have a 55 mm offset, but
>the adaptors they fit perfectly under the wheel
arches........And I just had
>to take the front wheels to my vertical mill to open the
center hub area and
>created a new lip for the stock center caps........looks