Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2002 14:06:48 -0400
Reply-To: 80 Westy Pokey <pokey@VANAGON.ORG>
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
From: 80 Westy Pokey <pokey@VANAGON.ORG>
Subject: Re: Canadians beware! UPS are a bunch of crooks
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Not the seller, the carrier. Here is a direct quote from the
"UPS said all costs were straight up and FINAL", this is why
i will call (UPS) today (and complain)"
If the carrier tells the seller it was a final cost, how is
he supposed to know that it is the final cost EXCEPT for a
25% to 50% surcharge on the back end?
---- Original message ----
>Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2002 10:49:34 -0400
>From: Jay L Snyder <Jay.L.Snyder@USA.DUPONT.COM>
>Subject: Re: Canadians beware! UPS are a bunch of crooks
>Your problem appears to have been with the "sender" not
the "carrier".
>80 Westy Pokey <pokey@VANAGON.ORG>> on
>10:30:52 AM
>Please respond to 80 Westy Pokey <pokey@VANAGON.ORG>
>Sent by: Vanagon Mailing List <>
>Subject: Re: Canadians beware! UPS are a bunch of crooks
>Fair enough. I guess what I am saying is the blurb on the
>waybill does not adequately disclose the magnitude of the
>fees, and since the magnitude is as high as it is you
>shouldn't have to ask them.
>You are right they are legally entitled to charge fees, I
>meant crooks in a metaphorical sense. Like when the dealer
>said they were going to charge me $300 to do my alignment, I
>left because I did not want to be "robbed"....
>---- Original message ----
>>Date: Fri, 07 Jun 2002 08:24:25 -0600
>>From: Ben McCafferty <>
>>Subject: Re: Canadians beware! UPS are a bunch of crooks
>>To: 80 Westy Pokey <pokey@VANAGON.ORG>,
>>> Where do you work UPS? Fedex?
>>--Nope, used to work for one of their competitors.
>>> I wasn't aware that the seller was using UPS as I stated
>>> my original e-mail there was a miscomunication and he
>>> up using UPS. This was WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE, I did not
>>> INTENTIONALLY use them, nor would I EVER.
>>> Moreover, UPS does not go out of their way to inform
>>> that the receiver would be subject to brokerage fees
>>> I admit it is probably burried in a document).
>>--It is stated on every international waybill. When you (or
>your shipper)
>>signs the bill, you agree to have UPS or FedEx be your
>customs broker, and
>>to pay their fees according to their tariff.
>>> Instead of calling my complaint asinine look at it for
>>> it is... A warning to Canadians that UPS charges hidden
>>> that are not readily disclosed to US senders.
>>--I'm not calling your complaint asinine. I'm saying that
>brokerage fees
>>are a normal part of every international shipment, be it TO
>Canada, TO the
>>US, TO Hong Kong, or wherever. And you're right, they can
>add up,
>>especially on a low-value shipment like you described. The
>forwarder I
>>worked for charged $75 for customs clearance--whether your
>shipment was
>>valued at $10 or $10 million, because the labor and time
>involved for
>>clearance doesn't change based on the value of the shipment.
>>Rather than calling your complaint asinine, I'm agreeing
>with you that
>>people should be aware of the fees involved and ship
>accordingly. I do not,
>>however, agree that UPS or FedEx are crooks, when their fees
>are (BY LAW)
>>posted and available in their tariff to anyone who asks.
>>bmc :)