Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2002 10:49:34 -0400
Reply-To: Jay L Snyder <Jay.L.Snyder@USA.DUPONT.COM>
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
From: Jay L Snyder <Jay.L.Snyder@USA.DUPONT.COM>
Subject: Re: Canadians beware! UPS are a bunch of crooks
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Your problem appears to have been with the "sender" not the "carrier".
80 Westy Pokey <pokey@VANAGON.ORG>> on 06/07/2002
10:30:52 AM
Please respond to 80 Westy Pokey <pokey@VANAGON.ORG>
Sent by: Vanagon Mailing List <>
Subject: Re: Canadians beware! UPS are a bunch of crooks
Fair enough. I guess what I am saying is the blurb on the
waybill does not adequately disclose the magnitude of the
fees, and since the magnitude is as high as it is you
shouldn't have to ask them.
You are right they are legally entitled to charge fees, I
meant crooks in a metaphorical sense. Like when the dealer
said they were going to charge me $300 to do my alignment, I
left because I did not want to be "robbed"....
---- Original message ----
>Date: Fri, 07 Jun 2002 08:24:25 -0600
>From: Ben McCafferty <>
>Subject: Re: Canadians beware! UPS are a bunch of crooks
>To: 80 Westy Pokey <pokey@VANAGON.ORG>,
>> Where do you work UPS? Fedex?
>--Nope, used to work for one of their competitors.
>> I wasn't aware that the seller was using UPS as I stated in
>> my original e-mail there was a miscomunication and he ended
>> up using UPS. This was WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE, I did not
>> INTENTIONALLY use them, nor would I EVER.
>> Moreover, UPS does not go out of their way to inform
>> that the receiver would be subject to brokerage fees
>> I admit it is probably burried in a document).
>--It is stated on every international waybill. When you (or
your shipper)
>signs the bill, you agree to have UPS or FedEx be your
customs broker, and
>to pay their fees according to their tariff.
>> Instead of calling my complaint asinine look at it for what
>> it is... A warning to Canadians that UPS charges hidden
>> that are not readily disclosed to US senders.
>--I'm not calling your complaint asinine. I'm saying that
brokerage fees
>are a normal part of every international shipment, be it TO
Canada, TO the
>US, TO Hong Kong, or wherever. And you're right, they can
add up,
>especially on a low-value shipment like you described. The
forwarder I
>worked for charged $75 for customs clearance--whether your
shipment was
>valued at $10 or $10 million, because the labor and time
involved for
>clearance doesn't change based on the value of the shipment.
>Rather than calling your complaint asinine, I'm agreeing
with you that
>people should be aware of the fees involved and ship
accordingly. I do not,
>however, agree that UPS or FedEx are crooks, when their fees
are (BY LAW)
>posted and available in their tariff to anyone who asks.
>bmc :)