Date: Sat, 11 May 2002 11:30:13 -0400
Reply-To: 80 Westy Pokey <pokey@VANAGON.ORG>
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
From: 80 Westy Pokey <pokey@VANAGON.ORG>
Subject: 3 passenger front seating for Vanagon Westy
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Well I got my "double wide" seat on Thursday and was VERY
impressed! As I was told it slide right into the stock
passenger side seat rails. But before I can carry three
people up fron there are two complications:
1) The bench seat is hinged and won't stay upright on its
own. I am not sure how to secure it. Ideally, I'd like
something that could be removable.
2) I have the seatbelts but I am not sure where to mount
them. The lock portion of the passenger belt is now hidden
by the middle part of the bench. The middle passenger has a
lap belt.
I thought about trying to use the leg holder of the front
table (as the bench instalation has made this table more or
less redundant). And maybe mounting a second table mount on
the passenger side. but I would like to somhow secure it to
the piller where the passender seat belt attaches too. Any
thoughts? Has anyone done this? Does anyone have pics?
---- Original message ----
>Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2002 20:29:47 -0700
>From: David Marshall <vanagon@VOLKSWAGEN.ORG>
>Subject: Re: 3 passenger front seating for Vanagon Westy
>Please see ###
>David Marshall
>Fast Forward Automotive Inc.
>4356 Quesnel Hixon Road
>Quesnel BC Canada V2J 6Z3
>Phone: (250) 992 7775 FAX: (250) 992 1160
>- Vanagon Accessories and Engine Conversions
>- Vanagon, Transporter and Iltis Sales and Importation
>- European Lighting for most Volkswagen models
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Vanagon Mailing List
[]On Behalf
>Of 80 Westy Pokey
>Sent: April 19, 2002 8:17 AM
>Subject: 3 passenger front seating for Vanagon Westy
>I have a line on the passenger bench from a '86 or '87
>van that uses a single seat for the driver and a two person
>front bench seat for the passengers. Unfortunatley the
>drivers seat is missinga, and the wrecker is reluctant to
>out the seating hardware so my questions are:
>1) Can I use my regular Westy drivers seat with the pannel
>van 60% right side bench?
>### Yes.
>2) Should I just forget it if I can't get the seating
>hardware or will it pretty much bolt onto what is in place
>already in my westy?
>### What seating hardware - you remove your single seat and
slide in the
>double wide seat - no additional hardware.
>3) will I have issues with the handbrake or shifter?
>### No, shifter is not a big deal unless you are the middle
guy why is
>careless where you put your legs. There is more than
enough room to get
>your hand between the two seats to grab the ebrake.
>### In case you are interested, I have a double wide front
seat (grey vinyl)
>you can have for $50 USD plus shipping. It is able as
complete as you can
>get for a double wide passenger seat.