Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 08:04:39 -0700
Reply-To: mike <mwmiller@CWNET.COM>
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
From: mike <mwmiller@CWNET.COM>
Subject: Re: Crash Test's, Crush Zone's and other garbage
In-Reply-To: <>
Content-type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
Darn I hate people who pussy foot around and won't tell you what they mean!
> From: "Terry K." <CTONLINE@WEBTV.NET>
> Reply-To: "Terry K." <CTONLINE@WEBTV.NET>
> Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 07:09:28 -0500
> Subject: Crash Test's, Crush Zone's and other garbage
> While I read I laugh----
> All the hypothetical theories, and irrelevant data that has been
> plastered all over my screen is just that--at best a guess---and a joke.
> Crush zone's and Crash test's are only relevant to new vehicle's of
> sound construction-----not 15 to 20 year old vehicle's, where the
> fasteners are weakened by corrosion, and /or the sheet metal's molecular
> make-up has been altered by years of harmonic vibration, stress, and who
> know's what else----
> And think about this---Who Care's?
> Why in the hell would any of you be worried about any head on's or other
> mishap's of this nature, when your purchasing an obsolete vehicle in the
> first place ?----
> If in reality, if this was an important factor, not one of you would
> have really bit the bullet and purchased that overpriced Westfalia,
> Wolfsburg, or Carat in the first place.
> And here's another thought----
> Not only is all this crash info garbage --- allot of you are playing
> Russian Roulette, in overpowering these 4 wheeled boxes---with the Land
> of the Rising Sun flat 4's, or the TIICO morphodite conversions-----
> Yea Baby---make it go faster-----then when the time comes to apply the
> hooks in a heart stopping situation, which of course weren't modified to
> compensate for the increased HP----SPLAT !!!!
> A real joke would be to donate a 15 year old Vanagon, with about 200,000
> miles on it, to the national insurance institute, and have them bolt it
> to their crash rail and propel it into the test wall----forget about the
> Volvo--go for the gusto----I think most of your jaw's would drop when
> this thing exploded.
> I bought my Vanagon's because they are unusual, are fun to drive, and
> are super utilitarian----they work for me----
> If it's my time --Oh well--and it really doesn't make a tinkers damn
> what I'm driving---
> Later,
> ______________
> |[ ] [ ] [ ]\
> | | | |
> ~~~ ~||-(())----(())-|
> Terry--
> "Zoom, Zoom, Zoom"
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~