Date: Thu, 5 Jul 2001 10:17:27 -0400
Reply-To: Rod Smith <rodwreck@SE-TEL.COM>
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
From: Rod Smith <rodwreck@SE-TEL.COM>
Subject: Re: My Great Exit....... at last!
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Gee, you will be soooo missed!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tim Smith" <smithtj@NBNET.NB.CA>
Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2001 9:43 AM
Subject: My Great Exit....... at last!
> Well folks,
> It's been a slice, but after postponing my departure
> by a month and lurking in digest mode/P-mail reply
> I can't justify staying on this list. I can't remember
> when I signed on first, early enough that Unca Joel and
> I used to battle for 'most posts in a month' title, long
> before the original list split into aircooled and water
> cooleds. I signed on again recently just to find a copy of
> the digijet FI manual, which I didn't get.
> I bailed 2-3 years back because the list technical content
> dropped waaaay off, while the spam content gained momentum
> as more vendors discovered a captive and willing group with
> free advertising. Neither of these conditions has changed.
> In fact recent list content has been so far off VW content it wasn't
> worth even scanning a digest. Vendors are still there pimping
> as hard as ever. Case in point, the recent quote for a temp sensor
> at $31US, while I buy them for $21Cdn ($15US) from a wizened up
> VW factory mechanic who gets them from the local FLAPS wholesaler.
> But I think what finally made me realize how futile this whole
> scene has become was yesterdays post from "a 4 year VW employee, in parts
> dept"
> who had to ask if his vanagon had a sway bar. D'oh! Plus the fact that
> with full access to a VW service techies/manuals has to ask why his
> is running rich. I dare you to post the name of the dealership where you
> no way would my wheels ever roll across that dooryard. This speaks volumes
> about why the dealership network sucks so badly, total lack of knowledge
> and little motivation to learn. And it shows me why the vendors can
> make a killing off this list, the consequences of going elsewhere are
> ignorance
> and money. Sorry Dave, don't take this as a personal comment, it's more
> a generalization ;)
> Last time on here I made a pitch for the list community to get together
> produce 'our own' digital Bentley, based on the cumulative work and wisdom
> listmembers. I also suggested that a full blown FAQ be set up and new
> members informed of it's location. It is easier to simply ask the list,
> the minimal effort approach rules. Shame. And like Bob Hoovers sermons,
> published on V@L, some vendor will burn them onto a CD and start charging
> for what was free originally. I won't even try to suggest that this list
> organises into a cooperative unit, with suitable incorporation and tax
> to allow buying directly from wholesalers like Overland or in Canada,
> Or from KYB,Bosch,Mann,BFG/etc/etc. Want to guess what the wizened up
> pays Altrom for the temp sensors he sells to me for $15? Think about this
> next
> time a list vendors price seems so great compared to the dealers.
> A few names amongst the din stand out, Frank Grunthauer (sorry, if
> for his technical posts, ditto Bob Lilley. For reassurance that there
> is still a 'community' out there, Phaedra's efforts have been great, wish
> I was near enough to enjoy her get togethers. That leaves about 99% wasted
> bandwidth that I delete daily. The list has fragmented in 'focus groups',
> where those with common interests, TDI, Subaru conversions, Syncro's, can
> pick up a far higher amount of content. This explains the dropoff of tech
> content on this list, members driven out to find their own groups, and
> representing I suspect the more knowledgeable and resourceful members too.
> And now that my $0.02 worth of non-technical (but somehow appropriate)
> wasted bandwidth is over, so am I. List Meister Tom C..... thanks.
> Tim
> a bus driver since '71