Date: Sun, 4 Feb 2001 12:08:15 -0800
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
From: Steve Schwenk <sxs@CONCENTRIC.NET>
Subject: Re: Libel / retraction demanded in 24 hours
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Eat me! Get a life.
"Horace K. Sawyer" wrote:
> Excuse me Schwenk, I certainly do have a license, and certainly may discuss
> law and the legal system anytime I want to. Its called the First
> Amendment. : )
> Your reliance on state specific law is misplaced. Surely you aware of the
> United States Code, providing for FEDERAL crimes, which applies in every
> state. Are federal prosecutions a new topic to you?
> In first year law school we learned that slander is spoken
> defamation. Libel is written. You have accused me of slander. Whom did I
> speak to with intent to defame?
> Advising people? Legal advice comes with the attorney client
> privilege. There is none on this list. But I can surely help people in
> need. And do. Its called public service. Its part of being a
> contributing lawyer.
> Your derogatory statement about my home state, why is that necessary? Is a
> Georgia lawyer less prominent than a California lawyer? Another state? Do
> you find it necessary to resort to such uncalled for remarks in your
> professional affairs? Please explain your factual basis in detail,
> otherwise I will presume there is none.
> Accusing me of committing a crime? What crime? And where? Who is the
> alleged victim? What damages? What law would YOU apply?
> You have no cause to do so, and you are libeling my name personally and
> professionally. This is not Friday, and your encouragement to invite
> someone to sue me without any legal basis is an ethical violation governing
> the practice of law on your part, and gives me a cause of action against
> you personally.
> Surely you must have made these statements in error, so kindly issue an
> immediate retraction.
> If not received within 24 hours then you will grant me a license to take
> whatever action I see fit against YOU to protect my rights. I think you
> know what I am talking about. And I will.
> I am waiting.
> Do not libel or slander my name or my family, personally or my professional
> reputation again, period. Do not send me any personal email on this
> subject. You have chosen a public forum, and I intend to hold you to it.
> Sincerely,
> HK Sawyer
> At 06:48 AM 2/4/01 -0800, wrote:
> >Horrace, I must regretfully inform you that you are
> >practicing law without a license. sure, you may have
> >one in that little state you are from, but you are
> >advising people in states where you have no license.
> >I'm afraid that's a crime!
> >
> >You have also slandered the seller of the
> >certificates. You better be sure he actually committed
> >every element of the offense you are accusing him of,
> >here in a public forum no less. If he did not, that is
> >libel per se, and you my friend are liable for his
> >damages. And for his suffering.
> >
> >Go forward, Friends, and protect yourselves from
> >outrageous accusations like these. Sue the b*****.
> >He's asking for it!
> >
> >------------------------------
> >
> >Date: Fri, 2 Feb 2001 22:42:49 -0500
> >From: "Horace K. Sawyer" <firestream@MINDSPRING.COM>
> >Subject: Re: Birth Certificate Requests Received to
> >Date
> >
> >In the U.S. Attorney's Office we called mail and wire
> >fraud.
> >Sounds like this guy has bought himself a high priced
> >lawyer and a trip
> >to
> >U.S. District Court in his future if one of you were to
> >step forward.
> >Federal criminal charges have a way of making sinners
> >become saints
> >overnight, and I bet that money would reappear quickly,
> >plus interest and
> >costs.
> >Go forward friends and protect your fellow citizens
> >from becoming his
> >next
> >victims.
> >
> >HK