Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2000 13:13:27 -0600
Reply-To: Chuck Hill <hilltech@NETINS.NET>
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
From: Chuck Hill <hilltech@NETINS.NET>
Subject: Auto transmission
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Sean Birkner wrote:
> > Hey all,
> > My '90 V'gon (w/auto tranny) has been having a problem lately. After it
> > has been sitting for a while (esp. overnight) when I put it in Drive or
> > reverse, take the parking brake off, and put my foot on the gas, the revs go
> > up, but thevan hardly moves....
> In my experience with this problem, the cause is a problem with the seal at the
> accumulator piston. Sometimes the piston itself, which is plastic, is damaged,
> but ususally it's the rubber seal associated with it. Take a look at 38.25 in
> the Bently manual. The transmission is shown upside down, for clarity.
> You may be able to service this item yourself--I have.
> 1. drain the ATF by removing the pan on the transmission. You'll want to
> loosen the big nut on the dipstick tube and move the tube to the side slightly.
> 2. remove the oil strainer cover, strainer, & gasket--if it comes easily at
> this point.
> 3. loosen the valve body. Bently says 11 screws hold it in place
> 4. carefully lower the valve body from the transmission.
> 5. the accumulator spring probably comes down with the valve body, but if
> not, pull it out.
> 6. carefully pull downward on the accumulator piston, and it will come out.
> Examine the piston & assembly, look at the cylinder bore for "stuff". If you
> see any, use something like aerosol solvent to blast it clean.
> The last time I did this, a new accumulator w.seals was ~$30.00 US.
> FWIW, the Audi 5000 series, the A2 Golf/Jetta, & the Vanagon all use this same
> basic automatic, and suffer from the same occasional problems. There are
> internal differences, but there is interchangability between the units as long
> as the part is an "upgrade". The duty severity ranking would be Golf/Jetta >
> Vanagon > Audi > Audi "turbo". Only 4 studs mount the transmission to the
> transaxle, it's no big deal to swap things around. The transmission coolers
> come in different styles, or may be absent altogether. They interchange as
> well.
> Chuck Hill