Vanagon EuroVan
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VANAGON archives – July 1999, week 1

Table of contents:

  1. "The Parts Place"

  2. '79 Bus question...

  3. '86 Syncro FS in SF Bay Area

  4. '89 Vanagon 10 years of Curiosities and Observations

  5. '89 Vanagon 10 years of Curiosities and Observations-Bucking

  6. 'FS: Swivel mechanism complete

  7. (f) Re: Coolant?

  8. (f) no content: End of the World and Vanagon timetable.

  9. 02 sensor life

  10. 120 MPh, 99 Eurovan, Winnebago

  11. 1987 Vanagon Video

  12. 1st gear sounds gritty...

  13. 2 Westy Interior Cleaning Products

  14. 3rd World, Was: DISASTER AT JIFFY LUBE!!!!

  15. 5 spd diesel tranny.

  16. 82 diesel overheating

  17. 85 GL AC Convert advice

  18. 85 GL AC Convert advice + trip report

  19. 85 Vanagon power loss

  20. 85 flashing coolant indicator

  21. 89 Wolfsburg for sale

  22. 90 Westy fridge/stove getting no gas.

  23. 90 westy power windows not going up

  24. A couple of CV joint questions

  25. A/C Adventures from Hot NJ!!!

  26. Add Power Steering to 81 Westy?

  27. Air conditioning

  28. Air-cooled FI harness

  29. AirCooled MSDS Range Panzer

  30. Alt. hoses

  31. Alternator Bracket

  32. Alternator testing or battery kerplunky

  33. Answer Re: Trouble in Turboland.

  34. Any Idea what this is?????

  35. Audi 5-cly turbo diesel Vanagon- on it's

  36. Audi 5-cly turbo diesel Vanagon- on it's way to Alaska

  37. Aux Battery

  38. Aux Battery Idea

  39. Aux battery solution??!!!

  40. Back from Snow Lake - still alive

  41. Best cover for Westy?

  42. Blankety-blank CV Snaprings

  43. CV Joint advice

  44. CV Joint advice]

  45. CV advice thanks and kudos

  46. CV joint,spacing washer ?

  47. Can I put an air-cooled engine in a water cooled 91?

  48. Can I put an aircooled engine in a water cooled 91?

  49. Cleaning Carpets

  50. Cleaning Carpets / 5cyl turbodiesel vanagon

  51. Compatibility of AFM harness with early Vanagons

  52. Consumer Reports - Our Favorite(or otherwise) Repair Shops

  53. Coolant capacity -&- brake question

  54. Coolant?


  56. Darrell Boehler's URL

  57. Dometic question.

  58. DynoMax exhaust part number

  59. E-Mail Legislation (death of message)

  60. E-mail legislation

  61. E-mail legislation

  62. EV A/C?

  63. Electric window inop (syncro westy)

  64. Engine Quits

  65. European syncro safari

  66. Experiences with synthetic brake fluid?

  67. FS 87 Syncro GL

  68. FS: '84 Sunroof Vanagon

  69. FS: '84 Vanagon parts

  70. FS: 90 Westy in NW Lower Michigan

  71. FS: AFM harness upgrade

  72. For Sale: '66 Adventurewagen split-window microbus

  73. Friday Post: A Friend on Disability Needs a Vehicle

  74. Fridge problems

  75. Front curtain

  76. Fuel injector rings

  77. Fw: Dometic Fridge Fans

  78. Fw: DriversFest '99

  79. Fwd: 120 MPh, 99 Eurovan, Winnebago

  80. Fwd: 99 Eurovan

  81. Fwd: CamperVW

  82. Generic, three wire, O2 Sensor choice for digifant?

  83. Generic, three-wire, 02 sensor choice for digifant?

  84. Getting closer to the high idle problem

  85. H2O tank senders solved!


  87. HELP NEEDED - Cooling System Flushing


  89. Haunted Westy! SOLVED

  90. Haunted Westy!!!

  91. Hauted Westy

  92. Head Gasket Leak Time....

  93. Head stuck to cylinder

  94. Head stuck to cylinder: need advice

  95. High Idle Problem Fixed! (I hope)

  96. Hooking up A/C compressor properly?

  97. Hot rod Vanagon

  98. Ideas on installing E4-lights

  99. Inside the van propane tanks

  100. Kablooie!

  101. Looking to buy.

  102. Mini-Projects. Tinting

  103. Mini-Projects. Tinting (and black screens)

  104. My Stella is still sick..

  105. My new camper!!!

  106. Need rear bumper for '91 westy...

  107. New '87 Wolfie owner!

  108. New Paulchen Rack (long!)

  109. No Westy content /99 Beetle question

  110. One more thing- 89 for sale

  111. Pain, with a silver lining

  112. Procedure: Replacing Trans Final Drive Seals

  113. Prompt response please...

  114. Q - Best cover for Westy?

  115. Q-Best cover for a Westy?

  116. Question 4 U (AKA: Continental Contact)

  117. Re-New Paulchen Rack (long!)

  118. Reading Light Install (AKA: Please welcome a Newbie.)

  119. Rear A/C fuse overheat!

  120. Replacement Bumpers.

  121. Replacement propane tank

  122. Reverse lights

  123. Rifle case storage

  124. SA HD Spring Rates

  125. SA exclusiv!

  126. SUBFEST '99 Groton CT. (light VW content)

  127. Santa Cruz Beach BOARDWALK ...WHAT A BLAST!!

  128. Santa Cruz for the 4th of July... or bust!...

  129. Shameless plug for Transporters by the tunnel

  130. Shifter adjustment

  131. Shortest Lived Clutch

  132. Sold Magic Bus

  133. Sportsmobile

  134. Stella is still sick..and I'll see you later!

  135. Suspension thumping

  136. Swivel seat friction pads

  137. Swivel seat problem Driver's side

  138. Syncro on the Beach

  139. Syncro on the beach!

  140. Syncro owner Tim Smith, where are you?

  141. Syncro ride height

  142. Syntec and Bosch Plat 4's experience

  143. Test Results re Syncro Bilsteins

  144. The *un-repair* shops. Was: DISASTER AT JIFFY LUBE!!!! (long)

  145. To buy or not to buy...

  146. To hot to handle

  147. Towing a Vanagon

  148. Trouble in Turboland. or... drain line woe's

  149. Trouble in Turboland. or... drain line woe's Update

  150. Turning when hot

  151. VINYLEX? (& Black trim conditioner)

  152. VW SA Exclusiv site

  153. WANTED: vanagon mag wheels:

  154. WTB- 1.9l case or whole motor

  155. Weird over-heating problem, please advise!

  156. Westfalia Info

  157. Westy Air Con. Question

  158. Westy Interior Cleaning Products

  159. Westy Reborn! Was Dead 83.5

  160. When storing under cover, was: Q - Best cover for Westy?

  161. Who has fan speed resistor

  162. Why does my Van axle hop when reversing.

  163. Winning Water Wars: A/C dribble & Coolant Games

  164. [DIESEL] High Idle Problem Fixed! (I hope)

  165. [Fwd: Custom Bilsteins Shocks are Here!]

  166. [Fwd: Fwd: CamperVW]

  167. [Fwd: Fwd: CamperVW] - Synro Tranny Blues . . .

  168. [Fwd: Re: DISASTER AT JIFFY LUBE!!!!]

  169. auxiliary battery madness... long

  170. bonehead maneuver

  171. carpet cleaning

  172. clutch adjustment

  173. clutch pedal worries

  174. cooling system flush and other issues('81)

  175. drooping wiper blade

  176. engine quits

  177. fridge fan fuse

  178. fridge fan fuse (say that 3 times fast!)

  179. heat in an '81

  180. help for syncro tranny!!

  181. intake air for cis van

  182. jiffy lube

  183. looking for hubcaps

  184. looking for hubcaps (F)

  185. mechanic in Orange County, Cal.

  186. more on 89 for sale

  187. need dealer part # for coolant temp sensor

  188. non Westy Camping advice?

  189. oil pressure

  190. over heating weird

  191. rear hatch bug screen

  192. rebuild or 5 cyl?

  193. removal of weight from flywheel and cam lift

  194. replacing heater blower!

  195. ride height.....?

  196. selling Cabriolet/Which list?

  197. shift lever adjustment

  198. shift lever adjustment (why?)

  199. shift selector shaft adjustment

  200. skylight guys phone #

  201. skylightguy's e-mail?

  202. sporadic high beam prob on 85

  203. sporadic high beam prob on 85 /f

  204. staying warm

  205. stuck rear seat compartment

  206. synthetic auto trans change, goodies

  207. turning air-cooled Heater Off

  208. van fixed thanks to Coby

  209. warning eurovan owners/ 134a

  210. wtb: '85 manual transmission
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