Vanagon EuroVan
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VANAGON archives – April 1999, week 3

Table of contents:

  1. "Propane Protector" Mud Flap Removal Question

  2. '86 Vanagon 5-cylinder Weekender FS

  3. 'FS: 1990 Volkswagen Vanagon GL

  4. (contest) I need Ideas for my personalized license ...

  5. (contest) I need Ideas for my personalized license plates

  6. *NEW* Westfalia Pop-Top Canvas For Sale 80-91

  7. 1.6TD into Vanagon (Pics Anyone?)

  8. 110 AC arrangement

  9. 1997 5sp Diesel Eurovan (panel) for sale!

  10. 2.1L motor and AT trans for sale

  11. 80-81 AIR - Vanagon Bentley Manual

  12. 81 Air-Cooled Vangon Stalling at Warm Idle

  13. 82 Westy tire question

  14. 83 Vanagon

  15. 83 Vanagon fuel pump

  16. 84 Pulsing idle UPDATE 2, zu hohe Leerlaufdrehzahl

  17. 84 Vanagon for sale

  18. 86 westy for sale(nice )

  19. 87 Vanagon Crisis

  20. 87 Vanagon Crisis [long]

  21. <No subject>

  22. A/C HOT wires!!

  23. AC A/C

  24. AC parts available



  27. AVP & Headgaskets in place

  28. Air Cooled Heat

  29. Another conversion (was: What is THAT thing)

  30. Antigen found W95/Ska.A.Worm virus

  31. Anyone going to VW show this Sat in MD?

  32. Anyone want a sunroof for Vanagon?

  33. Audi 5000 - no vanagon

  34. Auto Reply from Watch_Mail for 16-APR-1999 17:00 to 20-APR-1999 17:00

  35. Aux. battery & accessories installation report (long)

  36. Ball joint question.

  37. Bentley

  38. Bloody HTML

  39. Bras that cover bumper

  40. Buses Over the Bridge

  41. Buying a Wolfsburg edition...whats it worth ?


  43. CANADIAN THREAT!/FRI! ( No Vanagon Content)

  44. CO Detectors

  45. California salvageyards--BW Dismantlers update

  46. Carlisle May 14-16

  47. Carver web address

  48. Cat died, muffler constipated. 1.9l '85 Westy

  49. Chevy Small Block Swap

  50. Coil Spring Re-Do Caution

  51. Complete 2.1l motor for $1200

  52. Cool table idea

  53. Cool table idea (bad link)

  54. Cooling System, '86-91 Vanagon Syncro

  55. Cooling hoses: generic

  56. Dark Green Paint Code?

  57. Diesel vs. gas

  58. Dream Camper For Sale – October 1999!



  61. EMPI Extractor Exhaust System

  62. Eurovans (bare with me)

  63. Excellent Mail-Order Catalog- IN USA TOO!

  64. Extra capacity fuel tank

  65. FS 84 GL

  66. FS 91 Vanagon GL Westy - -Back on Market

  67. FS trailer hitch $45 -- buyer backed out?

  68. FS trailer hitch: buyer back IN - SOLD!

  69. FS: '91 Syncro Westy

  70. FS: 87 Wolfsburg Camper ...$3500 in South Florida (Hollywood)

  71. FS: 87 bus, Bethel, OH ... $1000 takes it.

  72. FS: Westys & Winnie-Ottawa

  73. FS: for Syncro - used Viscous Coupling

  74. Fan Hub O-Ring

  75. Fan problems

  76. Fire Ruins My Day

  77. Fire co's(no Vanagon content)

  78. Fire ruins my day 2.0

  79. Fire ruins my day...

  80. Friday funny (No Vanagon Content)

  81. Frivolous suits

  82. Front tables-----

  83. Fuel consumption comparison table

  84. Fw: Fire ruins my day...

  85. Fw: Re: "Propane Protector" Mud Flap Removal Question


  87. Fwd: Platinum Cat vs, gasoline heater

  88. Fwd: [wetwesties] Idea:Amtrak and long Westy trips

  89. GL4 Synthetic

  90. GL4 in front diff

  91. Gas Boycott...ROTFL was: More info on the "Gas Out".

  92. Gearbox oil query.

  93. German Auto, Manville, NJ-----kudos!

  94. Get ready to cast your stones....

  95. Get ready to cast your stones....Important reading for Syncro owners

  96. Good mechanic in Hartford CT area

  97. HELP!!! Rochester, NY Area!

  98. HTML run-on crap (was: Re: towwing

  99. Habanero antifreeze?

  100. Happy Friday Van Fans :)

  101. Happy99 apology!

  102. He isnt missing a wire..

  103. Head leak

  104. Heavy-Duty Air Filters

  105. Help 87' won't start

  106. How VC's work

  107. How do you hook up a stereo in a Vanagon?

  108. How to join the list?

  109. How to's?? What happened to them?

  110. I have only been able to find one brand

  111. I like Platinum Cat vs gasoline heater

  112. Interesting item on eBay web site item#91423390: vw owners manual from 1981 vanagon

  113. Interesting item on eBay web site item#92595475: VW Vanagon Wheel Covers (Hub Caps)

  114. Interesting item on eBay web site item#92597550: VW Vanagon Westfalia Moon Roof/Vent (new)

  115. Interesting item on eBay web site item#93863498: Volkswagen Vanagon 1.9 liter piston kit

  116. Intermittent ignition delay when turning key

  117. JB Weld

  118. Joel's lube search

  119. Lack of power on my 87 Syncro

  120. Loaf Sighting: Comedy Central

  121. Looking for info. of Tannin inhibitor. (coolant)

  122. Looking to buy in Maryland

  123. Loose items in vehicle

  124. Mark Keller back on list

  125. Mold in ducts.

  126. More info on the "Gas Out".

  127. More on AC parts

  128. Museum Birth Certificates

  129. My Experience with "Mothers" Paint Protection System

  130. NO VAN Werds-Did you know that gullible isn't in the dictionary?


  132. Need some help.

  133. Need source for '86 axles

  134. Needed One German Oil Ring for 1.9 liter

  135. New German Side Tents and Credit Cards

  136. New Ground Wire for Rear Stereo - Part I

  137. New Pop-Top Seal For Sale

  138. New Westfalia Canvas for sale on eBay WOW!

  139. New ground wire for rear speakers

  140. No Vanagon content

  141. No vanagon content (914 list)

  142. North of Seattle Trans Rebuilder

  143. PARTS

  144. Paint codes...

  145. Paint color on a weekender I saw?

  146. Paris/Dakar race

  147. Part Number ID Help Needed

  148. Phosphate Free: How to determine?

  149. Pin stripes and sliding windows

  150. Platinum Cat Q's

  151. Platinum Cat mounting thoughts

  152. Platinum Cat vs, gasoline heater

  153. Port. Plat Cat

  154. Power Steering Lines on E-Bay

  155. Princess Auto

  156. Propane Tank/Valve service

  157. RECALL of CO detectors (No vanagon content)

  158. RFC: Formation of "Vanagon's Anonymous" Organization

  159. Re-Cool table idea

  160. Re.Battery Light.

  161. Red Line products on-line

  162. Replacement steering wheels

  163. Ring..

  164. S/S refrigerator flue

  165. Sagging Visor/ louver screens

  166. Sale on Jetta/Golf Eurogrille (ad)

  167. Sears - Tires

  168. Show in Monrovia, MD (I'm Back)

  169. Show-stopper Air-cooled Single Cab for Sale

  170. Speaker Removal

  171. Speed Rating

  172. Speed Rating & Florida

  173. Speed Rating EXPLAINED

  174. Speed Ratings Explained?

  175. Speed Ratings and tire salesmen

  176. Speed controllers (no vanagon content)

  177. Spring sag solutions

  178. Squeak, rattle, and roll

  179. Strange noises from engine (longish)

  180. Sue the fire department was: Fire ruins my day...

  181. Sue the fire department was: NO VANAGON CONTENT

  182. Sunday Washington Post Classifieds

  183. Sunroof won't shut

  184. Sunroof-- more questions

  185. Syncro Cooling

  186. Syncro off-road or not?

  187. Syncro tire dia. ad nauseam(F)

  188. Syncro tire dia. spec. - tolerances?

  189. Syncro tire dia. spec. - tolerances? Ask Mr. Science!

  190. Thanks to all, and goodbye

  191. The Dying 86 Vanagon - engine cuts out

  192. The never-ending tire thread

  193. Thinking of a new URL - slim vanagon content

  194. Thinking of a new URL - ultra slim vanagon content

  195. Thunk-Thunk Revisited.

  196. Tire recommendation

  197. Tire thread & anecdotal evidence

  198. Tire thread - my mechanic disagrees

  199. Tire thread, play safe!

  200. Tires

  201. Tires & Spares & rotating & VC

  202. Tires (a bit long - some random info)

  203. Tires (please read)

  204. Tires (sorry)

  205. Tires again, Goodyear Wranglers being discontinued.

  206. Tires, et al (LONG)

  207. Tires- quick list of what's available

  208. Tires-We're doomed

  209. To buy or not to buy...

  210. Trans Rebuilder

  211. Type 2 campout / IVWA Spring Nationals in North Carolina this weekend

  212. U Joint Advice

  213. Ultimate Vanagon engine for swap (F)

  214. Uniroyal Laredo

  215. VC

  216. Van-Again new policy (no applause, just throw money)

  217. Van-again

  218. Vanagon Bras and Covers Sale (AD)

  219. Vanagon Mechanics - Portland OR area

  220. Vanagon to Weekender poptop conversion

  221. Vanity Plate

  222. Viscous Coupling survey

  223. VolksWerks Transaxles

  224. Volksfest '99 VW SHOW this SAT. near Harrisburg/ Hershey , Pa

  225. WARNING Dennis Haynes is distributing Happy99 !! DO NOT EXECUTE!


  227. WTB : Front/Rear tables for 80 Westy

  228. WTB: Automotive Microfische reader

  229. WTB: European Westy

  230. WTB: Westy front table attachment bracket

  231. Wanted: Back bumper (fiberglass wide variety)

  232. Warning about machining steel pasat rims cracking!

  233. Was Re: braided SST brake lines

  234. Westfalia Pop-Top Seal For Sale **NEW**

  235. Westfalia upper bunk measurements

  236. Westy Captain Chairs

  237. Westy Front table

  238. Westy Front table survey

  239. Westy Front table survey & new tops?

  240. Westy Front table survey--solution to loose R. table

  241. Westy Table Dimensions

  242. Westy front table attachement for sale

  243. Westy front table survey

  244. Westys for sale NYC area

  245. What is THAT thing

  246. What is THAT thing?

  247. What? More tires?

  248. Wheel strenght and CO Detectors

  249. Where A/C fuse & relay???

  250. Why automatic 86 vanagon's differential failed

  251. Yah, Eurovan MV Weekender

  252. Yosemite or Bust!

  253. [Fwd: Habanero antifreeze?]

  254. [Fwd: VW to FLAPS Conversion - Coolant Hoses]

  255. [Fwd: Westy Front table survey--solution to loose R. table]

  256. [Fwd: Westy front table survey]

  257. [Fwd: [Fwd: Habanero antifreeze?]]

  258. [Syncro] Re: Viscous Coupling

  259. [Syncro] Viscous Coupling survey

  260. [vanagon] Fwd: Re: Van-Again new policy (no applause, just throw money)

  261. [vanagon] Re: Fwd: Re: Van-Again new policy (no applause, just , , throw money)

  262. a shocking question

  263. air-cooled heat

  264. archive question

  265. braided SST brake lines

  266. camper water pump question

  267. camper water pump question 2

  268. convertion van address corection

  269. cover cleaning

  270. cruise control

  271. diesel engine

  272. engine cut out at prolonged steady speed

  273. engine swaps

  274. eurospec conversion (old motor FS)

  275. fs stock fm/tape deck from 1991

  276. fuel lines replacing

  277. gasoline and diesel

  278. hatch door difficult to latch

  279. help! please remove my name!

  280. html abuse

  281. html on the list

  282. loaf table/oil pressure gauge pictures

  283. lube

  284. new to list

  285. odometer tires speed error

  286. parting out '86 van (2.1L w AT, or sell whole.. runs good!

  287. pertronix---'80 2.0--anyone installed one?

  288. propane leak update

  289. re;tire thread

  290. refridge

  291. rentals in France?

  292. shift linkage boots

  293. small exhaust leak: which epoxy to use?

  294. stereo gone

  295. stickers

  296. tall folks seat catch/slight fuel leak

  297. test message-don't bother opening

  298. timing trouble

  299. tires -- BF Goodrich Long Trail T/A

  300. tires -- Don't buy the cheapie NON truck

  301. towwing

  302. vanagon Digest - 19 Apr 1999 - Special issue

  303. vanagon maintenance books?

  304. very interesting!!!!!!!

  305. washer spacers 15" wheels bolt drum

  306. water tank level indicator
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