Vanagon EuroVan
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VANAGON archives – April 1998, week 3

Table of contents:

  1. $24,000 for a vanagon

  2. $39 Poptop Skylight List Deal - they're in

  3. '46 Type I FS

  4. '81 Westy: from gas to turbo diesel... German lecture?

  5. '81 Westy: from gas to turbo diesel... am I insane?

  6. '84 Vanagon front door rain leaks

  7. '87 Vanagon Weekender FS $3500

  8. '87 Westy for Sale in PA, rebuilt engine

  9. '90 Vanagon add

  10. 'Demographics'

  11. 1.9l Turbo Diesel Group purchase.

  12. 110 A/C cooling...on the cheap!

  13. 15" Vanagon wheels for sale.

  14. 1945 - 1947 VW production (was: RE: Could be...)

  15. 1986 Westy Weekender for Sale!

  16. 1987 Camper AD and Interior Pic

  17. 1987 Classic Vanagon Video Offer

  18. 3 groove pulley and oil seal

  19. 82 Diesel Westy- HALF TRACK: Tracked Off Road System Conversions

  20. 85 Auto transmission making strange sounds

  21. 85 Westfalia Torque Converter Leak

  22. 87 VW Vanagon Video

  23. 90 Westy synchro front wheel noise

  24. AC-DC converter and battery charger question

  25. Acceleration versus temperature sensor

  26. Air in my coolant - '86 Syncro

  27. All Straight -Domestic- H2O Hoses for Vanagons/Entreprenuer Needed

  28. Alloy Wheel Lug Nuts/Bolts

  29. Alternate to "cheapo-splice" routine?

  30. Anyone VW Museum Certificate?

  31. Anyone flying from Mpls to SF (non VW)

  32. Auto Transmission "bang" from 2nd -->1st

  33. Back from Busses on the Bridge!

  34. Bentley Manual

  35. Berg Short Shift Kit in a Syncro - Yes!

  36. Birth Cert.

  37. Body and Paint

  38. Busses On The Blue Ridge IV, May 29-31, 1998

  39. Busses Over the Bridge

  40. Buying a Syncro - concerns

  41. Buying a Vanagon

  42. Carat Pictures!

  43. Carver P4 (Propex) heater info request

  44. Carver P4 (Propex) propane heater group purchase

  45. Carver P4 propane heater group purchase

  46. Classic 1987 VW Sales Video for Vanagons

  47. Cleveland to Peace River Alberta

  48. Clunk on deceleration, autotran

  49. Clunk while shifting to high gear

  50. Colors, Exterior

  51. Coolant Hoses: Are there Grades?

  52. Coolant Renewal and Flushing

  53. Copyright Fiasco

  54. Correction of website address for 'Pooh'

  55. Could be... was: '46 Type I FS

  56. Crud in Collant hose

  57. DYNO LINK for CHIP/Ecu "Kit"!!!

  58. Death to step rust!! AKA that problem with the footwells

  59. Demographics

  60. Digifant electrical/fuel problem; kinda long.

  61. Don't use ABC for engine fires!!

  62. Drivers side door wanted for 84 westy

  63. ECU Wiring Question

  64. ECU/Rocker Kit for Testing by Dennis Haynes

  65. ENGINE SWAP: Group purchase of mounts?

  66. ENGINE SWAP: Syncro Engine Swap Site updated.

  67. EV Update Newsletter

  68. Esslinger 2.3 update

  69. Exhaust leak

  70. F.S.:Pgh. PA area 90 wety, Syncro

  71. FS Sacramento area

  72. Flickering Oil Light

  73. For Sale

  74. For Sale 89 Vanagon

  75. Fourth Gear Report

  76. Free vanagon parts

  77. Fridge cooling problems

  78. Front Shocks Replacement

  79. Fuel filter question


  81. Fwd:Euro: Brakes: 81 Volkswagen TRUCK, Mechanical, REAR BRAKES

  82. GEX engines

  83. GEX transmissions

  84. Gex engine with 50000 miles

  85. Going Back to Wolfsburg (again) in June

  86. Gray water tank

  87. Heads

  88. Help - Setting Idle Mixture

  89. Help: $1000 to fix Jetta Trans?! (NO VANAGON CONTENT)

  90. Help:'90 Carat Vanagon won't start

  91. Herky-jerky slowdown -- '87 Wolfs

  92. How deep can a Syncro go swimming?

  93. I Need A Parts Washer So Bad I Can't Stand It

  94. I don't get it...CD

  95. I'm sure this has been covered...

  96. Joel/Posting Patterns/Vanagon Disease

  97. K&N filters (Dyno'ed '71 911 +4hp)

  98. Leaking fluids..... life with the Boxer

  99. Looking for '87-91 Westie on East Coast

  100. Looking for parts

  101. Looking for westy interior parts

  102. Looking for...

  103. Looking...

  104. Lower Ball Joints

  105. MIME/HTML format

  106. Magnum PI Vanagon FS

  107. Makeup mirror lighting(new thread finally)

  108. Moaning noise from front of van

  109. Museum Certificate Ordering Info....

  110. My bike racks

  111. NOS for horsepower

  112. Need Suggestions for Craftsman Tool Set (NO Vanagon Content)

  113. Need to find: Walker Exhaust dealer ON,CA

  114. New German Side Tents for sale

  115. New Michelin EV Tires

  116. Not read: Type II tent

  117. Oil Pressure Alarm Fixed

  118. Oil Seal Q's; '81 Vanagon

  119. Oil leaking...

  120. Oil pressure readings

  121. Oil pressure sensor confusion (Was: Before I buy an engine ...)

  122. One Week Left...

  123. Philly Bound

  124. Pirelli P4000 (was:New Michelin EV Tires)

  125. Planning a trip to the left coast

  126. Premium Radio Problem and dumb idea

  127. Price breakdowns On The ECO/Rocker "KIT" (no Vanagon content)

  128. Price breakdowns On The ECO/Rocker "KIT" and Comments about ZOOMIN!

  129. Pullin'


  131. QUAD ROUND HEADLITE GRILLES wasRe: Vanagon in South-Africa

  132. Question about Clutch Slave


  134. Remember the boring survey post?

  135. Repairs according to Red/Green

  136. S.O.S. from N.M.!

  137. SAGAZ Seat Covers - Get Model 20

  138. Sad story

  139. Salt Lake Tribune Sunday Vanagon Ads

  140. Saturday adventure

  141. Setting clock

  142. Slave cylinder procedure

  143. Special Hoses or NOT 84 Westy

  144. Starter Repairs

  145. Stereo install-- prevent a fire please

  146. Stolen Bus Report RECOVERED!! :-)

  147. Summary: Best Replacement Vanagon Engine

  148. Summer time warning Re: Flickering Oil Light

  149. Sunday Washington Post Classifieds

  150. Syncro Swimming


  152. Tax Me, Please...

  153. Thanks for Speedometer help

  154. Thanks for o2 answers

  155. Top 14 signs your mechanic is losing it...

  156. Top Overhaul

  157. Toronto area Refrigerator Service

  158. Towing with Vanagons

  159. Transaxle Drain Plug Detritus

  160. Unsubscribe Vanagon List

  161. Van DMV registration cost

  162. Vanagon Major Surgery?

  163. Vanagon Trailer Hitch for Sale

  164. Vanagon in South-Africa

  165. Vanagons in Africa

  166. Vans X-ing USA

  167. Volkswagen Westfalias for rent in California

  168. Water leaks-reposted

  169. Weakly Statz ...

  170. Westfalias in Alaska

  171. Westy table size?

  172. Wipers Very Slow

  173. Wrong part numbers for foglight swtich

  174. [1986 Westy Weekender for Sale!]

  175. [Fwd: Re: Buying a Vanagon -- fixing model years]

  176. [Fwd: Re: Buying a Vanagon]

  177. a/c cutout switch

  178. a/c refurbished (long)

  179. access to battery ?

  180. air conditioning

  181. camping ??s- stove and fridge

  182. carat owners!

  183. cylinder heads

  184. demographics

  185. evaporative a/c option

  186. evaporative a/c option (NO VANGON CONTENT)

  187. factory Paint color code sticker

  188. fire extinguisher researched (long, firefighting info)

  189. fire extinguisher researched: use extinguisher = destroy van

  190. for sale

  191. free radiator

  192. free radiator-sold :)

  193. frozen SAFe radio update

  194. gas milage on a diesel?

  195. heater boxes

  196. how to test fridge?

  197. idle stabilizer for 84

  198. lack of deceleration

  199. list hat

  200. local ny classifieds

  201. need, a bleeder valve + gaskett

  202. o2 sensor

  203. parts washer...

  204. parts-picture-books

  205. phosphates in Prestone

  206. quad round headlite grille Pictures?

  207. r134 conversion

  208. radio-frozen SAFe

  209. redline MTL

  210. rubber boots

  211. stoplight drag races

  212. subscibe vanagons

  213. syncro 16'' website TEST

  214. tranny level question....

  215. trips and parts to NE /f

  216. uh-oh..not again, was: Classic 1987 VW Sales Video for Vanagons

  217. vanagon conversion

  218. web site redesign

  219. westie faucet source
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