Vanagon EuroVan
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VANAGON archives – February 1997

Table of contents:

  1. Re: (28 lines)
    From: Gregory M Daughtry <>
  2. "Koolatron" cooler

  3. "Name the plate" - Kharma Circles

  4. "New" camper 2nd report

  5. "Rocket Boxes" Gasoline etc.

  6. "new" camper report

  7. "thing" on steering column

  8. '61 Double Cab FS

  9. '67 Resto ~ on the road Saturday!


  11. '78 VW bus FS

  12. '80-'84 Westy small dash outlet plug

  13. '81 Westy miss and dash mat

  14. '81 Westy miss and dash mat (fwd)

  15. '81 westy FS near SF

  16. '81 westy FS near SF, CA

  17. '82 diesel westy passes inspection

  18. '82 diesel, Ring job

  19. '83-'85 hunting idle

  20. '85 vanagon rebuild or burn?

  21. '85: Headlights on = Hot reading

  22. '86 ECU (digifant) needed!!!!!

  23. '86-on idle stabilizer cleaning tip

  24. '87 low RPM/idle - (mostly) fixed, THANKS!

  25. '87 low RPM/idle problems.

  26. '91 Syncro suddenly won't start

  27. (Fwd) Re: 89 Westy with crazy German Blaupunkt radio.

  28. (Fwd) Re: I have an 88 camper for sale

  29. (Fwd) The OJ trial as told by Dr. Seuss (fwd)

  30. (f) Vanagon Westy Scale Models

  31. (no subject)

  32. **BIG NEWS!!**

  33. **BIG NEWS!!** Cheap Parts \ my own VW business!

  34. 1 water pump, 1pr floor mats still avail

  35. 1.9l Heads needed

  36. 1/87 Scale vanagons

  37. 15K report on Redline MTL

  38. 1980 Vans and color

  39. 1980 gone auto trashy questions

  40. 1980 vgon auto tranny questions

  41. 1980 vs 1981??

  42. 1980-91 Vanagon repair manual.... (fwd)

  43. 1981 vs 1982??

  44. 1982 Shift Boot Plastic Wanted

  45. 1983 Vanagon Westy

  46. 1983 Westfalia Camper Van For Sale..Seattle Area

  47. 1983 Westfalia For Sale

  48. 1984 Westy F/S

  49. 1989 Volkswagen Westphalia Syncro (4x4) For Sale... (fwd)

  50. 1990 Syncro for sale

  51. 1993 EV F/S

  52. 1995 EV Winnebago - Cracked Top

  53. 2.0 Inline Engine in a 87 Vanagon!

  54. 2nd battery installation question

  55. 3/21 pinnacles vs. panamint?

  56. 71, list?

  57. 80 Vanagon gremlin update

  58. 80 vanagon gremlin exorcised-finally!!!!

  59. 80 vgon autotrans update

  60. 800 # for Camelback VW parts dept.

  61. 81 front right blinker lens?

  62. 81 spilling gas. Rubber Grommet anyone??

  63. 82 diesel westy for trade

  64. 83 Westy FS Santa Cruz Cal.

  65. 84 Westy Hydaulic Lifter problem

  66. 85 Westy LP fill valve

  67. 85 westfalia gas tank

  68. 85 westy for sale, Albuquerque, NM

  69. 86 Vanagon

  70. 86 syncro needs ne engine

  71. 86 westie Gear shift Q's

  72. 86-88 Westy Weekender Pop-Top Wanted!

  73. 87 Syncro FS $3000

  74. 87 Syncro oil/coolant leak

  75. 88 Westfalia for Sale (Phoenix)

  76. 89 Westy with crazy German Blaupunkt radio.

  77. 89' VANAGON CARAT-WKNDR (fwd)

  78. 91 Vanagon wiring diagrams???

  79. 914 motor etc

  80. <No subject>

  81. <Syncro> VC #2

  82. <Syncro> VC #3

  83. <Syncro> VC #4: The Real Story

  84. <Syncro> viscous coupling

  85. <Syncro> viscous coupling fluid

  86. <Syncro> viscous coupling fluid !

  87. <Syncro> viscous coupling fluid wishes

  88. <all> PS line rust-out

  89. ? Curious- Fan runs when lights on,

  90. ? Curious- Fan runs when lights on, even cold.

  91. ? Oil Drain Plug removal

  92. A few questions about '86 Vanagon

  93. A new traveler

  94. AFM Repair?

  95. AFM, etc...

  96. ANNOUNCE: Best of Type2 Archive

  97. ANNOUNCE: Hoover Sermons in Permanent Home

  98. ATTN German & Japanese Listmembers who e-mailed me!

  99. AUDI 5 Cyl. Swap Site

  100. AVP 2.0 Vanagon AC engine FS

  101. Adding on gauges

  102. Additional Seating for Westfalias

  103. Advice needed: Accessory pricing questions?

  104. Advice request. Thinking about buying a later "waterboxer" vanagon

  105. Air Box-Capacitor Fix?

  106. Air Filters!

  107. Air-cooled to Water-cooled

  108. Alloy wheel deal

  109. Alloy wheel deal (retraction)

  110. Alternator & EGR lights flashing?

  111. Alternator Repair

  112. Announcing the 55 South mailing list!

  113. Announcing

  114. Any last words?

  115. Anybody got a diesel Van for trade??

  116. Anyone in SEATLE?

  117. Argh!

  118. Audi Quattro List?

  119. Audi Turbo wheels on a Vanagon

  120. Autoreply Message

  121. Aux battery

  122. Aux. Battery Relay PIN #

  123. Aux. Gas Heater -Eber...

  124. Auxilliary battery, relays, installation

  125. Az Bus Club to Vote on NEATO affiliation~tonight.

  126. BIG NEWS/Use of List

  127. BIG NEWS/Use of List/no VW content


  129. Battery Removal - '87 Camper

  130. Bike Racks

  131. Bike rack over rear window?

  132. Bike rack over rear window? Yakima Roof racks.

  133. Bike racks

  134. Bilsteins for front of Syncros!

  135. Bingo, got the part# AUDI engine support

  136. Bleeding Air problems

  137. Blower Motors

  138. Brand new free Leaky rear heater

  139. Bubblegum in carpets....

  140. Bugs galore... :)

  141. Bus Boys Back, Catalogs Anyone?

  142. Buses FS (CT,MA,NY Areas)

  143. CCC's reconaissance trip 3/25

  144. CCC's vote results

  145. CV boot unbalanced

  146. CV source

  147. CV thanks

  148. Cable Link

  149. Cabriolet Freind

  150. Camelback VW phone #

  151. Camper rentals in N. Ca. ?

  152. Camping Update!

  153. Camping! RSVP Please!

  154. Captain's Chair Arm, '87 camper

  155. Changing tranny in 80 vgon options (fwd)

  156. Clarification on non-GL Campers

  157. Clean the water tank?

  158. Cleaning plastic wheel covers?

  159. Clutch-related problems

  160. Contact for Kennedy Engr.

  161. Convoy travel safety

  162. Cool Oil

  163. Coolant Leak

  164. Coolant Leak: heater

  165. Corona de Tucson ~ more directions...

  166. Cost of Head Gasket Replacement

  167. Cruise Control - Diesel

  168. Daytime Running Lights

  169. Daytime Running Lights-91 Carat


  171. Delta 6/Euro-american RV Products...

  172. Diaganosing Fuel Injection Systems

  173. Diesel fuel gauge

  174. Digifant ECU

  175. Disconnect O-2 sensor>>Digifant II: Son of Digifant? Tell Me More

  176. Does JCW sell exhaust for '84 Vanagon?

  177. Driver's side mirror/ '80 V6anagon for sale

  178. Driving from FL to CO, any tips?

  179. ECU Recall?

  180. ECU Repair Post Needed!!

  181. ECU fix and recall q's?

  182. EV - THING Demographics

  183. EV CL for sale

  184. EV Piston Slap Wrap-up

  185. EV VR6 non-camper sighting

  186. EV piston Slap questions

  187. EV piston slap - how noticeable?

  188. Early breadloaf Westy hi-top sighting

  189. Ebberschlaber heater don't work...

  190. Electircal Problem

  191. Electric confusion

  192. Electric vehicle page

  193. End of the Mexican Beetles

  194. Eng.swaps-'86 Jetta eng. FS...

  195. Euro headlight.

  196. EuroVan Pison Slap diagnosis

  197. Eurobago Broken Top Update

  198. Eurovan For Sale

  199. Eurovan Westfalia FS

  200. Extra Gas

  201. Extra Gas?

  202. F.S.'83.5 Westy GL $2000obo

  203. FS '86 Westfalia

  204. FS - Sacramento Area

  205. FS 73 bus

  206. FS Poptop

  207. FS Sacramento Area

  208. FS: '74 Bus & 90 Jetta / WTB: Diesel Vanagon

  209. FS: '82 Vanagon, burned engine

  210. FS: '89 Westfalia in Pa. (Repost)

  211. FS: '95 EV Camper 8K Miles

  212. FS: 1980-1991 Vanagon parts for sale

  213. FS: 1993 EV MV Weekender

  214. FS: 84 Westfalia Camper(S.F. Bay Area) (fwd)

  215. FS: Bentley Manual for Rabbit/Scirocco

  216. FS: l995 vw eurovan camper diesel full equip. 29000 cdn

  217. FS:1980-91 Vanagon parts. Taking apart several vans

  218. FW: Extra Gas?

  219. FW: SA Rear windows- hey, they open!

  220. FW: This is really going on, even in O.C.

  221. FW: lowest mileage

  222. FW: volkswagen vans in Alaska

  223. Factory Alloy Wheels

  224. Family Camper

  225. Family Camper Contact Information

  226. Follow-Up - Tires for VW Buses

  227. For Sale 95 EV Camper

  228. For Sale 95 EV Camper, 78 Westy

  229. For Sale: 1987 VW Adventurewagon

  230. For Sale: 1987 VW Vanagon

  231. For sale 84 Vanagon GL Best Offer

  232. For your Friday Amusement...

  233. Found & Bought Family Van!

  234. Found one! Need advice!

  235. Free Long Block

  236. Free Long Block (Winner is...)

  237. Free Long Block Update

  238. Friday Humor- short part 1

  239. Friday Subject: Remember those offroad rabbits?

  240. Friday humor(non-VW,long)

  241. Friday humor-short part 2

  242. Front seat swapping

  243. Front seat/upholstery

  244. Front trailer hitch (for bike rack)

  245. Fw: (fwd) If you've had thermo, you will laugh at this!!! (fwd)

  246. Fw: ECU Repair

  247. Fw: Kroil!

  248. Fw: buying a westy

  249. Fwd: *Greetings From The Independent Traveler*

  250. Fwd: 1981 vs 1982??

  251. Fwd: Alloy wheel deal

  252. Fwd: Clarification on non-GL Campers

  253. Fwd: Family Camper Contact Information

  254. Fwd: Long Block Advice

  255. Fwd: Parting out a 1973 412

  256. Fwd: Question about 86 Synchro Weekender

  257. Fwd: Question about 86 Syncro Weekender

  258. Fwd: Re: ? Oil Drain Plug removal

  259. Fwd: Re: Tierra del Fuego AND Cape to Cape Clarification

  260. Fwd: Z Products address

  261. Fwd: [Q] : cut wheel wells

  262. Fwd: mail back up ----------Me, too!, Me, too!

  263. GEX advice, et al.

  264. German license plate web site

  265. German license plates

  266. Go with the door sticker.....

  267. Good Catalogs & RE:sludge

  268. Group camping anyone?

  269. H2O Head Cracks


  271. HELP!

  272. HELP!!! 87 Syncro loss of compression (puttputtputt....)

  273. HIPPIE DAYS, 97 A VW ROAD RALLY! ----Details/Route/Info

  274. Happy Mardi Gras Everybody!

  275. Has anybody had any problems like this? VW Taxis

  276. Head Gaskets are Shot

  277. Head Gaskets are shot. Should I swap heads?

  278. Head gasket failure Q

  279. Heater Panel Removal Help 84 Westy

  280. Hello from a newbie

  281. Help! Need a Saint Louis Mechanic

  282. Help, Overheating Vanagon

  283. Hotwheels busses

  284. How much milage form 5 cyl. EV

  285. How to Subscribe???

  286. Hubcaps needed

  287. Hydaulic Clutch "Adjustment"

  288. Hydraulic Clutch "Adjustment"

  289. I have an 88 camper for sale & "thing" on steering column

  290. I need help! I'm about to shoot the syncro

  291. I think the Volkswagen Gods like me???

  292. I would like to be on your mailing list

  293. I'm a Thule Roof Rack dealer

  294. I'm back!!! (long)

  295. Idling Problems 87 GL

  296. If you've replaced your CV joints--please read

  297. Ignition wires

  298. Important Camping Stuff

  299. Increase idle speed for air comditioner?

  300. Interesting EV Demographic

  301. Inuvik/Volkswagen World Article

  302. Is there a 5-speed out there?

  303. Itle help please!


  305. JCW Heat Exchangers Quality?

  306. Jetta List?

  307. Jetta/Golf/Cab mailing list?

  308. Johns Car Corner...(was '86 ECU...)

  309. Journeys under difficult conditions

  310. K2 EV.

  311. K2 EuroVan

  312. K2 EuroVans and body trims

  313. Kampers at Keyser Pond

  314. Karan Lee Carruth <>: FW: WARNING: Phone Company Internet Service Charge

  315. Kelly Park

  316. Kennedy Engineered Products

  317. Koolatron

  318. Koolatron cooler

  319. Krill. no *Kroil*!

  320. Kroil!


  322. Latin America Travel

  323. Lean running - any risks?

  324. Let it snow! [F]

  325. LiMBO Members

  326. Lighter tyres for lighter steering?

  327. Lights Out On VW Design Radio

  328. List Coffee/Travel mugs anyone???

  329. List Trips (This year)

  330. Local VW siteings!

  331. Local VW siteings! (and VW KARMA)

  332. Long Block Advice

  333. Looking for Ron Salmon..

  334. Looking for a Bentley Service manual

  335. Lowest only counts in car lots

  336. Lurking Sniveling Unknowns

  337. MPG & Gauges on '81 Westie

  338. Mail Order Parts???

  339. Mailing list name contenders

  340. Mailing list name?

  341. Major Hesitation and Power Loss

  342. March CCC's camping

  343. March CCC's date suggestion

  344. March CCC's update

  345. March HMN Adds (some real low mile vans old and new)

  346. Mass. Vanagon-ers

  347. Mexican beetles

  348. Mexico Information

  349. Mexico info

  350. Michigan listmembers???

  351. Mileage.....

  352. Missed out on the EV

  353. More on the FCC Info.....PLZ EMAIL to tell them how you feel.

  354. Muir Book buy

  355. My Sliding door does not open?

  356. My morning with Charlie Ford!

  357. My new '91 Westie update

  358. My wheel nuts are frozen!!!

  359. NEED outside sliding door handle

  360. Name the plate for the '67 RFH Contest

  361. Near stall on right turns???

  362. Need Half - Shafts

  363. Need Microfiche Reader for VW parts films

  364. Need Westy little doors...

  365. Need plastic/chrome window deco

  366. Need to Find: 68-71 Passenger Bus...SouthEast US prefered

  367. Needed - EV Oil Filters

  368. Newest Vanagon on the list - Results!

  369. Newest Vanagon on the list??

  370. No catalytic converter??!!

  371. No mail on my vanagon list

  372. O2 Sensor

  373. OEM Flourescent Light Source

  374. Obtaining the Refer/sink/stove unit

  375. Occasional Sticky Lifter 87GL

  376. Oldest Vanagon on the list - Results!

  377. Oldest Vanagon on the list??

  378. Oops... some delayed e-mail :(

  379. Opinions of a VW Camper

  380. Overheating - 86 Syncro

  381. Overheating Eng, Why ?

  382. P/S Pump Diagnosis ?

  383. PC's


  385. Parting out a 1973 412

  386. Parts Place

  387. Parts Place and neat tools

  388. Parts quote wanted

  389. Paulchen rack... again

  390. Photovoltaics, aux. battery, evaporative cooler

  391. Plastic Wheel Covers-again

  392. Please remove (and where's the air-cooled list?)

  393. PopTop Seal Update

  394. PopTop Seals are In! (*A few extra are still avail.*)

  395. Power window part needed 87 Westy

  396. Propain in the neck

  397. Propane success!

  398. Propane tank removal

  399. Purchase Eurovan?

  400. Q about framechat

  401. Quad driving light grille on SA Vana

  402. Quad driving light grille on SA Vanagon (pics)

  403. Question about 86 Synchro Weekender

  404. Question about 86 Syncro Weekender

  405. Question on shocks

  406. Questions About Buying Diesel Westi

  407. Questions--Re: WTB 86+ Westie Full Camper (long)

  408. RP Dusseldorf Classifieds

  409. RP Dusseldorf classifieds

  410. Radiator Fan Ballast resistor harness

  411. Rear Hatch Adjustment

  412. Replace Headlights?

  413. Reply to: Re: Reply to: Re: Signs of Wat

  414. Reply to: Re: Signs of Waterpump Death

  415. Responses to --> SPAM

  416. Responses to your inquiries (& other misc. comments)

  417. Revised Camping List

  418. Road books

  419. Ron's Parts, 1.9 Diesel Engines, etc.

  420. Roof Racks & Storage

  421. Roof-racks for Westfalia

  422. Roof-racks+Mudflaps

  423. Rotten eggs located

  424. Rotten eggs!

  425. Rubber molding on pop up top

  426. Running a Business

  427. Running a business...

  428. Rust around rear window on 90 Vanagon

  429. Rust on exhaust

  430. SA Quad light grille UPDATE

  431. SA Rear windows- hey, they open

  432. SALE Diesel Vannagon


  434. Sad story - HELP please (idle)

  435. Saw an EV dbl cab today...

  436. Screen ring a necessity ?

  437. Shifter

  438. Sightings per mile - Honolulu.

  439. Signs of Waterpump Death

  440. Six cylinders no waiting

  441. Sliding window gasket

  442. Solo Brake Bleeding Success (finally)

  443. Someone sell me a bentley Manual

  444. Soundproofing '85 Camper

  445. Space Heaters, Propane Stoves etc

  446. Spring Break Camping Trip

  447. Square Headlights

  448. Stainless Steel Exhaust

  449. Stupic Ignorant Question

  450. Stuptid questoin

  451. Subaru 2 VW Conversion

  452. Subaru Conversion

  453. Subject: Re: coolant leak

  454. Successful fan motor repair (Jetta)

  455. Suggestions for a trailer hitch please..

  456. Summer East Coast Bussing....

  457. Sunday Washington Post Classifieds

  458. Swivel Seats

  459. Swivel seat sticker

  460. Swivel seat sticker update.

  461. Symptoms of Bad Lifters?

  462. Syncor Decals

  463. Syncro Air Filter CDN $$$

  464. Syncro CV joints

  465. Syncro Gearbox Replacements, Prices

  466. Syncro Junkies Help Me...

  467. Syncro Update: The Perfect Sleeper, Better Tires, & Stud ?

  468. Syncro decals

  469. T-shirt/Sticker Orders

  470. Taking out middle row in 7 seater

  471. Talking about MPVs

  472. Tank key

  473. Temp fluctuation solved by new thermostat

  474. Test 1

  475. Test driving '87 syncro - what to check?

  476. Thank You: RE: Opinion on 1978 VM CAMPER

  477. That "OLD" Hesitation AGAIN

  478. The BEST year for a Westy?

  479. The TRIP, Test & Stuff!!

  480. Third Chair?

  481. Tierra del Fuego

  482. Tierra del Fuego 2000

  483. Tierra del Fuego AND Cape to Cape

  484. Tierra del Fuego tour name

  485. Tierra del Fuego/Darrien Gap

  486. Tires for VW Buses

  487. Tires, Uni laredo, Yokohama etc

  488. To hot or not?

  489. Too hot or not?

  490. Trailer Hitch for Vanagons FS

  491. Trailer Hitch for Vanagons FS Valley Mfg. CO. Version.

  492. Tranny synthetic oil?

  493. Trip suggestions

  494. Turn indicator relay??

  495. UV's and Van Covers

  496. Unsgtable Idle

  497. Update: 88 Vanagon with "thing" on steering column??

  498. VANAGON digest 1277

  499. VANAGON digest 1278 topic 3

  500. VW "Hippie Run 97" and "Circle your Wagons" VW- Bus-ins

  501. VW Alloy Wheels

  502. VW Bus in Cartoon!

  503. VW Bus in song, lyrics

  504. VW Design Radio & Blower Motors

  505. VW Oil Filters for $5.45

  506. VW Owners, please help!

  507. VW Recalls

  508. VW Screen supplier

  509. VW Westfalias,or Syncro vans

  510. VW buy & sell / swap web page - KILL THIS THREAD!

  511. VW buy & sell / swap web page - READ ME!

  512. Valentine's Day statz ...

  513. Van-o-hams

  514. Van-o-hams (F)

  515. Vanacons?

  516. Vanagon "annihilation" on TV.......

  517. Vanagon Hatch Trivia

  518. Vanagon Heat Vents - Update

  519. Vanagon Heat Vents - Update #2

  520. Vanagon annihilation revisited

  521. Vanagon front suspension/track question?

  522. Vanagon parts I found, Great deals!

  523. Vanagons FS: Victoria, BC

  524. Vanagons/Eurovans -advice wanted

  525. Vent window frame

  526. Volks-motorsporsts Server Change.

  527. Volkswagen Meeting UK

  528. WANTED - COPY 93 EV MV Supplimental Manual


  530. WTB 86+ Westie Full Camper <$9k

  531. WTB: 86-91 Westy < $5K

  532. WTB: Vanagon Westfalia

  533. WanaWesti ===> GOTaWesti!!!

  534. Want to buy a Westy 1987 or newer

  535. Wanted !

  536. Wanted 88-91 Vanagon

  537. Wanted: '91 Syncro hubcap center

  538. Water Tank

  539. Water punp Emegency q's

  540. Water tank plate cover

  541. Weakly Statz ...

  542. Weather report from Ushuaia

  543. Well I got my new poptop gaskets...

  544. Westfalias out west

  545. Westi's and towing small boats

  546. Westy Parts Wanted

  547. Westy Questions

  548. Westy Tire Pressures?

  549. Westy curtains, and rust hole...

  550. Westy living. Was: Westy Questions

  551. What Service Do I Need?

  552. What does heater lever do?

  553. What tools, books, other do you suggest?

  554. Whats it worth?

  555. Whiff of polyglycol

  556. Window tinting

  557. Wiper pump and window seal for 83

  558. Wiring ?

  559. Wiring on power steering pump

  560. Ya Gotta Love Em

  561. Year Vanagon Stoped?

  562. Yes another stupid question:)

  563. Z Products address

  564. Zemco Cruise Control, out of business?

  565. [Fwd: '82 vanagon -- brake system gone]

  566. [Fwd: Re: Bilsteins for front of Syncros!]


  568. [Fwd: Re: March CCC's update]

  569. [Fwd] Syncro Westie FS

  570. [] ! 1984 VW Vanagon for sale $1600.00 obo (picture available)

  571. alloy wheel offset correction

  572. alloy wheel offset re-correction

  573. alloy wheels...

  574. alternator blues

  575. ancillary gagues

  576. another URL for phone et al

  577. antifreeze carpet

  578. archeives

  579. auto trans ?'s

  580. autotrans (again)

  581. big news

  582. bright lights, no one home?

  583. bumpers on Vanagon (81)

  584. bus for sale

  585. bus for sale/trade

  586. bus to bed

  587. business on the list.

  588. camping directions

  589. camping update!

  590. can you help me?

  591. captain's chair arms

  592. cis problems - FIXED!!!

  593. clarification please

  594. clarification please, Temp sensor II

  595. classified ad

  596. computer

  597. coolant leak

  598. coolant system flush ideas?

  599. cruise control for 82 westy

  600. cv joint murder witnessed!!

  601. cylinder head temp sensor

  602. did it again... :-/

  603. diesel fuel gauge???

  604. diesel muffler

  605. digifant ecu still needed :-(

  606. disconnect 02 sensor

  607. disconnect 02 sensor: Plea for Fault Codes

  608. engine

  609. engine question

  610. engine replacement

  611. engine running too cold

  612. erratic idle

  613. exhaust system

  614. exterior shower vanagon, additional interior lighting, console, keys

  615. exterior shower vanagon, additional interior lighting, etc

  616. extra gas

  617. fridge fan!

  618. fridge fan?

  619. getting ev's in Europe

  620. group trip, year 2000?

  621. help!! diesel brake booster vacuum hose flange broken...

  622. horn wiring

  623. how to subscribe again

  624. how to subscribe to vanagon

  625. ignition wires

  626. ignore

  627. info received

  628. johns car corner...

  629. just a test...

  630. l995 vw eurovan camper diesel full equip. 29000.00cdn w...

  631. lazy speedometer

  632. listees in/near Athens, OH?

  633. lowest mileage

  634. mail back up

  635. mission accomplished!

  636. more camping updates!

  637. more on silver sockets

  638. more on tires/pressures

  639. mystery hose

  640. mystery hose (FUEL TANK)

  641. need xerox of '93 EV brochure

  642. oil additive(s)

  643. oil additives (son of)

  644. oil change help

  645. oil change help urgent

  646. online parts search URL

  647. parts needed - '87 Vanagon GL Westy Camper

  648. propane fill question

  649. propane leak?

  650. putting bus to bed

  651. re 1995 EV Winnebago - Cracked Top

  652. re EV Pricing and EV sightings

  653. really want to get on VW van list

  654. rear bumper for 83 vanagon

  655. rear hatch 85--> 80

  656. remind: tonite's recon trip

  657. remove from list

  658. repair of leaky water pump tank

  659. runs rough in rain

  660. runs rough in rain -Reply

  661. server change

  662. shipping wheels

  663. source for Aux. battery

  664. spring PNW camping

  665. squeaking bushings

  666. strength of plastic Vgon engine lid

  667. stupid, ignorant question

  668. subscribe

  669. subscribe vanagon

  670. suddenly won't start

  671. sunroof

  672. sunroof /POWER

  673. syncro encounter

  674. t-shirts (vw-like)

  675. tank key

  676. tent for back

  677. the '82 Diesel Westy Rolls again....

  678. tools for engine swap

  679. tools for engine swap (fwd)

  680. trailer Hitch FS

  681. typo, oops

  682. unstable idle

  683. vanagon engine lid

  684. very interesting siting

  685. volkswagen vanagon 88

  686. vwdiesel list: OOPS!

  687. vwdiesel mailing list

  688. wanna van

  689. wasserboxer gas htr

  690. weekender rear seat??

  691. what causes burping?

  692. wheel cover

  693. ~s need more votes!
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Any profits from list compilations go exclusively towards the management and operation of the Vanagon mailing list and vanagon mailing list web site.