Vanagon EuroVan
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VANAGON archives – November 1994

Table of contents:

  1. "TGIF" Contest!

  2. '56 Kombi - Plans

  3. '56 Kombi Progress - Welding & New Parts

  4. '56 Kombi Progress Report

  5. '56 Kombi Progress, Rocker Panel

  6. '56 Kombi Update

  7. '56 Kombi Update - Cargo Door Rocker

  8. '56 Kombi Update - Rockers and Undercoating

  9. '56 Kombi Update - Rockers and Windows

  10. '56 Kombi update: DMV/clutch

  11. '56 Kombi-Bondo

  12. '64 Bus common door fault

  13. '66 Bus For Sale

  14. '73 Bus For Sale

  15. '74 brake backing plates NEEDED

  16. '76 Camper in Washington-update

  17. '81 Westfalia camper questions

  18. '81 Westfalia odometer

  19. (fwd) 1968 VW Westfalia Camper for Sale

  20. (fwd) 1976 VW "Pop Top" Van For Sale

  21. (west) pretour particulars

  22. 12 Volt Halogens (was RE: generators vs. camping (long and tiresome))

  23. 12 year model cycle

  24. 12/110V Refrigerator 4 sale

  25. 1400--1600 rpm in '85 Vanagon

  26. 1965 VW Westfalia fer sale

  27. 1968 VW Westfalia Camper for Sale

  28. 1972 VW Bus, runs and all, for sale cheap

  29. 1977 bus

  30. 1st gear popping out/jamming

  31. 6 cyl. Vanagon

  32. 67 Volkswagen Deluxe Microbus - 21 Window - Sunroof

  33. 69 Questions

  34. 75 Westy LP, Wiring Diagram & Owners Manual Queries

  35. 82 Diesel Overheating

  36. 83 Diesel for sale..

  37. 83 westy overheating

  38. 85 owners manual

  39. 85 van, chicago, for sale, $5K

  40. 911 conversion flywheel question ?

  41. 911 engine conversions

  42. <No subject>

  43. ??? Syncro front half-shaft removal

  44. A 1776 for a 70 bus

  45. A/C an' all that stuff.

  46. AC in the winter

  47. ASCII map

  48. ASCII map, fish recipie

  49. About the tour -

  50. Ackworth, Tires, and Oil

  51. Additives

  52. Additives and Oil

  53. Adjust Battery LED Pot

  54. Adjusting Diesel timing

  55. Air Compressors ... (!)

  56. Air Conditioning Changeover?

  57. Air flow meters.

  58. Am I the only Swede?

  59. Another Redneck Joke (offensive to rednecks)

  60. Another losing Contest Entry

  61. Antenna Installation: Thank You All!

  62. Apologies to 3M

  63. Apology for excessive Msg

  64. Arlo Guthrie

  65. Bad fuel pump?

  66. Barndoor insults!!!

  67. Beetle redux... wonder if I start a crew-cab letter writing campaign...?

  68. Bendix source

  69. Berg short-shift for Vgon

  70. Big Engine For Sale

  71. Bleeding (my heart doth bleed)

  72. Blumenvasen

  73. Bobo Iceskater

  74. Bosch 009 and CA smog

  75. Bosch Platinum Spark Plugs

  76. Brake fluid: poison=not

  77. Bubba insults and Monster snaprings (at length)

  78. Bubba insults and Monster snaprings etc.

  79. Bubba...

  80. Bus models

  81. Bus seats for sale or trade

  82. Bus-Boys "Albatross" beam adjusters

  83. Bye for now...

  84. California dudes

  85. Camper/ pop top conversion

  86. Camping heater for an '86 Westy?

  87. Camping heater for any Westy

  88. Canadjuns, Bubbas, and false Joe Clarks

  89. Carb. problems - Help

  90. Chilli in buses

  91. Choices on Heat: Real and Imagined

  92. Class III Trailer Hitch O...

  93. Class III Trailer Hitch Offer

  94. Cleaning Pop Top

  95. Climate Control

  96. Clutch Cable Replacement??

  97. Clutch problems: 1st, 2nd, ...

  98. Cold Out/Warm IN

  99. Collant bleeder valve

  100. Contest Entry

  101. Could this be The One[tm]?

  102. Country Homes PopTop seen at junkyard

  103. DIEsel stories cont....

  104. DOE's VW have and EMAIL address??

  105. Da Trip....

  106. Dam for sale

  107. Das Bulli Haus

  108. Degrees of Separation

  109. Diesel Tools Sold!

  110. Diesels (IMHO), 'Da Trip', Winter Driving

  111. Disk Crash!

  112. Distributors revisited

  113. Does Canada have thanksgiving also?

  114. Drivin' in Mean Wind

  115. Driving in high winds

  116. EGR question

  117. EV oil change- post mortem

  118. Early Westfalia Tent WWW Page Up!

  119. East Coasters??

  120. Engine Disassembly, EGR, Air Pump

  121. Ethanol

  122. Euro-Bago sighting

  123. EuroVan Fog Light Switch

  124. EuroVan and Kayaks

  125. Exhaust Extractors??

  126. FS: 1963 23 window van (OR/WA)

  127. Farmington VW show report

  128. Finally got my rebuild back.

  129. First oil change

  130. Fish Chowder Potluck (Martha and Pfeiffer people)

  131. Flywheel problems!

  132. For WannaBus People

  133. For wannabus people (WA area.)

  134. Foreign TGIF

  135. Fri-yi-yi-day!!!

  136. Fridge igniter doesn't

  137. From the HUMOR Digest-probably offensive to somebody.

  138. Front door speakers and window crank

  139. Fuel Mileage

  140. Fuel guage & speedo problems

  141. Fuel guage problems

  142. Gas mileage

  143. Gerry's sliding door...

  144. Gotta sneak this in!!!

  145. Hand brake

  146. Happy Thanksgiving !!!!

  147. Happy about tires now.

  148. Hate to do this, but....

  149. Heater

  150. Help Help 009 Distributor?

  151. Help with dragging brakes

  152. Help?

  153. Help??

  154. Help???

  155. Heute ist Freitag. Schtats again. :)

  156. Heute ist Freitag. Schtats again. :) + Fine Poetry

  157. Historical Vehicle

  158. Hot Tip Subaru Motor

  159. How to Cut The Dash?

  160. I Bought the '85 Vanagon!!!!

  161. I lied, and Problems with Ms. Pickle

  162. I'm about to buy an '85 Vanagon (maybe)

  163. I'm sorry, not enough coffee...

  164. IRC

  165. IRC on #VW!

  166. Ice/snow/wind tales

  167. Iceskating

  168. Inexpensive mufflers

  169. Interesting Bus conversions

  170. Is VintagVW still working?

  171. It wasn't The One[tm]?

  172. Joel Walker, how 'bout your E-mail address?

  173. Kamm tail + mpg

  174. LDT (Long Drive Theory) and other musings

  175. LEDs


  177. Laguna Beach 'Falia Rental Info (finally)

  178. Late TGIF entry and comment

  179. Left Coast Circle-the-Wagons

  180. Let's See Now!

  181. Let's go Canada

  182. Levers Toujours et Levers encore...

  183. Lunch with Bentley

  184. Message Retransmissions

  185. Mice--round 2

  186. Midwest Busathon?

  187. Midwest Busathon? + Knoxvillw VW's

  188. Midwest/Midlands Busathon

  189. More Diesel stories cont....

  190. More questions on my '85

  191. More wear index

  192. My bus engine(again)

  193. My thoughts on heat.

  194. Mystery Samba roof leak solved.

  195. Need advice on '77 bus

  196. New addition (longish)

  197. New member's starting problem

  198. Nice places along Oregon Coast?

  199. Northern California Camper [with heat!]

  200. O2 sensor help please?

  201. O2 sensors, setting air mixture

  202. Occasional Rough Running '86

  203. Oops! Bentley not Peterson

  204. Original license plate mounting

  205. Oxygen Sensor / Full Throttle Switch

  206. Pete's generator question

  207. Pfeiffer Expedition Omen?

  208. Pfeiffer facilities

  209. Pfeiffer report (pretour W)

  210. PhDness

  211. Pix on the Vanagon WWW server

  212. Pre-Tour warm-up

  213. Product Review>T4 Keyless E

  214. Propane Fridge Blowing Out

  215. Propane Stuff

  216. Propane going out while driving

  217. Propane saftey question

  218. RE: Hot Tip Subaru Motor

  219. REAL owner's manuals

  220. Rain Water Leaks in My 85

  221. Raindrops keep fallin on my head ...

  222. Rare Flavor of Vanagon

  223. Re A/C an' all that stuff

  224. Re Adjust Battery LED Pot

  225. Re N vs S CA

  226. Re- Drivin' in Mean Wind

  227. Re- Gotta sneak this in!!!

  228. Re- LDT (Long Drive Theory)

  229. Re- anybody know of problem

  230. Re- pre-tour warm-up

  231. Re: 1977 bus

  232. Re: Bobo Iceskater

  233. Re: semi-pre-mid-week stats

  234. Re: window screens

  235. Re[2]: Bus-Boys "Albatross" beam adjusters

  236. Rear axle nut-easy

  237. Rear axle nut. Uuugh!

  238. Reconditioned motor??

  239. Refrig. Operation Manual Part 2

  240. Refrig. Operation Manual Part1

  241. Reply to Westy rental Question

  242. Request Help On Antenna Installation

  243. Rough Idle, Engine Stalls - Tow in

  244. Rough idle or misfiring during partial load

  245. Rumblings from the rear!

  246. Running diesels rich

  247. Rust & Dead Vanagons

  248. Safaris

  249. Sliding door operation

  250. Sliding door operation (fwd)

  251. SoCal Area: Need VW Bus

  252. Solar Electricity for Vanagon

  253. Someone was looking for Ghia convertables?

  254. Speaking of Bosch Platinums...

  255. Speaking of tops

  256. Split Case to Tunnel Case Conversion

  257. Split case to tunnel case conversion

  258. Split-Case/Tunnel Case Trans Conversion

  259. Splitting Calif.

  260. Stainless Steel exhaust

  261. Steering gear

  262. Still out there?

  263. Stock 57 bus convertible

  264. Stoned VW GIF

  265. T.G.I.F.

  266. TGIF

  267. TGIF <a groaner>

  268. TGIF Contest

  269. TGIF contest entry

  270. TGIF winner

  271. Thanks one and all

  272. The Car Talk Brothers strike again

  273. The Existance of Santa Claus <Kris Kringle, Father Christmas, etc.>

  274. The FINAL TGIF entry

  275. The FINAL TGIF entry (speaking of stale air...)

  276. The Oldest Profession

  277. Thermostat/Too cool

  278. Those of us in the Midlands

  279. Tips, Tricks, etc.

  280. Tires AGAIN!

  281. Tires, tires and tires

  282. Tires: Bridgestone

  283. To Gerry Skerbitz... Am I off the list?

  284. Tours and such...

  285. Toy/Model busses

  286. Transaxle Numbers

  287. Transaxle Numbers Was: Wear Index

  288. Transmission swap

  289. Transporter Room Three.

  290. Transporter: God, it's Fab!

  291. Two old VW's for sale

  292. Type 2 w/ Rabbit engines?

  293. Type II's Forsale in Sacramento Area

  294. UK Slough Swapmeet update

  295. Ultimate Airhead

  296. VW repair shops in Sunnyvale area?

  297. Vacuum advance problems

  298. Vacuumn advance problem - update

  299. Van Street

  300. Van cover & bra for sale

  301. Vanagon Web archives working again (and better than before)

  302. Vanagon mailing list

  303. Vintage VWs Forsale, Sacramento CA area

  304. Volkswagen Magazines

  305. WANTED:'63 "Deluxe" model MicroBus


  307. WTB '87 or newer Westfalia

  308. Wanting to buy a VW....

  309. Waterproofing Canvas A No-No

  310. Wear Index

  311. Well, Ric, if the HUMOR digest offends...

  312. West Coast Pre-Trip Stuff

  313. West Coast Trip - stores nearby

  314. West Coast shindig (later, folks!)

  315. West coast poptop camper BBS

  316. Westfalia for Sale

  317. Westy 3-Way Fridge Questions

  318. Westy 3-Way Fridge Questions/LEDs

  319. Westy rental?

  320. What tools to own?

  321. Which muffler is best?

  322. Why so few 75s in Joel stats?

  323. Winter Camping Tips.

  324. Winter gathering

  325. [A] parts & info needed for early type II front end

  326. `66 electrical problem-solved, funkengroovin, other list?

  327. a great winter tire...

  328. a life?

  329. a really cool VW

  330. adv req:dropping eng to fix oil cooler

  331. air dams (was mpg enhancements)

  332. alternative Big Sur sites

  333. anti-theft for diesel vanagons?

  334. anybody know of problems with '93 EV brakes?

  335. batteries ... and rummors of batteries

  336. belts, belts, belts & new motor update

  337. blow-by to the limit ...

  338. blow-by to the limit ... what limits?

  339. boy! you guys are really slipping!!! a poem:

  340. buses for sale: 71 p/u, 81 camper

  341. busses in Chile

  342. camper rental in Laguna Beach, CA

  343. camper tops vs the weather

  344. car survey (fwd)

  345. checking specs inside the engine

  346. clutch cable replacement

  347. discussion list

  348. discussion list, TGIF, flat

  349. early vanagon door locks, passenger side

  350. engine bogging, air flow meters

  351. engine tin

  352. fish-chowder recipe

  353. fishing lore

  354. food humor-adult

  355. for campers: Propane Safety

  356. for campers: Propane Safety & '74 Plumbing

  357. for sale/wanted: vwcoa and LiMBO

  358. for you camper types ...

  359. forget TGIF ... it's POETS!!!

  360. friday stats

  361. friday stats (not just the list)

  362. ftp site and gopher still down

  363. ftp/gopher archives

  364. fuel economy

  365. fuel mileage

  366. fuel mileage (and Pfeiffer facilities)

  367. fuel mileageWOW!

  368. fuel mileageWOW!!

  369. fukengroovin

  370. generator article (another viewpoint on electricity :)

  371. generators vs. camping (long and tiresome)

  372. generators vs. camping (opinions and such)

  373. gerry's thermostat and translation pblm

  374. gerry's thermostat problem

  375. gerry's thermostat problem .... now in english!

  376. gimmie some opinions

  377. good FI books?

  378. good news?

  379. gopher access to archives back up

  380. hard-pressed brake lites

  381. hard-pressed brake lites (was Bobo Iceskater)

  382. heater vs fan

  383. heavy steering wheel

  384. hello

  385. here's who's what: 1952-1967 buses

  386. here's who's what: 1968-1979

  387. here's who's what: 1980-1991

  388. here's who's what: 1992-1995

  389. holiday travel sights...

  390. in case you don't receive any vanagon list stuff ...

  391. installing self-retracting seat belts in older busses

  392. latch

  393. list of W. pretour people

  394. locations (again)

  395. low rpm flat spot

  396. magazine article: adjusting water-boxer fuel injection

  397. magazines

  398. mpg enhancements

  399. multiple questions

  400. music on da trip

  401. my summer trip

  402. need advice about a bus...

  403. newbies: pretour?

  404. noodles

  405. noodlin', PEE-cans, and JOEL

  406. obscure? WI bus guy

  407. oops, here's mine!

  408. pfeiffer

  409. pfeiffer info

  410. pilot bearing/clutch problems

  411. potluck signup w. pretour

  412. pre-tour trip

  413. pre-tour warm up

  414. pre-tour warm-up

  415. pre-tour warm-up (East coast)

  416. pre-tour warm-up - East coast

  417. preheater pipe

  418. pretour (W) more info

  419. pretour (west) info

  420. pretour WEST

  421. propane pilot light

  422. rain and slow leaks

  423. replacing old pop-top screen

  424. repost: 72 bus for sale ... cheap!

  425. repost: bus for sale

  426. repost: eurovan wants a kayak roof mount

  427. repost: for split-windows: a fellow in need :)

  428. repost: indiana wants a bus

  429. repost: norwegian tire tests

  430. repost: old for sale, new to buy.

  431. repost: oregon 63 bus for sale

  432. repost: studded snowtire test

  433. repost: wants a 63 microbus

  434. repost: wants a bus (cheap!)

  435. screens

  436. semi-pre-mid-week stats

  437. semi-pre-mid-week stats (fwd)

  438. semi-pre-weakly stats ... location

  439. sent old story by mistake

  440. shorts? what shorts?

  441. solar panels vs generators vs camping vs kids

  442. splitting californians

  443. starter bendix

  444. stats for the holidays (weakly and otherwise)

  445. still RE:fuel consumption

  446. stove=heater=safe?

  447. stove=heater=safe? + update

  448. up?

  449. test message

  450. tgif in other languages (will started it!!)

  451. the false Joe Clark

  452. the song...

  453. thermostat:

  454. trip odometer

  455. trip odometer - problem solved?

  456. tubas???

  457. unknown buses - i'm after you again! :)

  458. updated W pretour people

  459. vdo odometer

  460. vw magazines

  461. vw magazines & other things.

  462. warning!!!!!

  463. was that your van?

  464. wear more index

  465. well, if we're gonna get really silly ...

  466. west coast trip - need a ride

  467. west pretour pack.list

  468. west pretour pack.list (fwd)

  469. where to find JC Whitney

  470. window screens

  471. your mail
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The vanagon mailing list archives are copyright (c) 1994-2011, and may not be reproduced without the express written permission of the list administrators. Posting messages to this mailing list grants a license to the mailing list administrators to reproduce the message in a compilation, either printed or electronic. All compilations will be not-for-profit, with any excess proceeds going to the Vanagon mailing list.

Any profits from list compilations go exclusively towards the management and operation of the Vanagon mailing list and vanagon mailing list web site.