Vanagon EuroVan
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VANAGON archives – May 1994

Table of contents:

  1. "wobble" pump

  2. '71 brakes

  3. '71 wiring harness sources?

  4. '73 Bus parts for sale

  5. '87 Syncro Westy for sale

  6. *MY* 82 Diesel!

  7. 1.6L & 1.7L swap for 2.0L parts

  8. 1973's surge ahead to a r...

  9. 1973's surge ahead to a resounding 1-bus lead!

  10. 1982 Diesel Vanagon for sale

  11. 2nd antenna

  12. 73 1700 van timing questions

  13. 81 Vanagon with ASI Conversion?

  14. 83 vanagon for sale, los angeles area (spare parts, anyone?)

  15. Add my Bus to the list!

  16. Africa and the vw bus

  17. Air-cooled Buses are naturally loud

  18. April archives available via ftp

  19. Automatic 3-Point Left Center Seat Belt, Retrofit Installation

  20. Automatic Rear 3-Point Seat Belts, Retrofit Installation

  21. Axle NUTS

  22. BBTA

  23. BJ front end on '67

  24. BMW 2002

  25. BUSES BY THE ARCH 6...

  26. Ben & Jerry's VW Show and get-together

  27. Budget Camper

  28. Bus Noise

  29. Bus Sunroof

  30. Bus Wiring Looms

  31. CA emissions

  32. California Smoggin'

  33. Camper Refer Madness

  34. Camper Uneven Weight Distributn

  35. Cheap VW Parts from Canada- not.

  36. Control arm bushings!!!!

  37. Diesel vanagon heat


  39. Engine rebuild - heads

  40. Eurovan trim panel

  41. FTP site for tire quality/safety?

  42. Flame war on levers/climate control

  43. Free Vanagon Parts Catalogue

  44. Gas spillage & other oddi...

  45. Gas spillage & other oddities

  46. Gauge for the Propane

  47. Good VW yard in Seattle Area

  48. Good rubber

  49. Got me a T1 Type 2

  50. Have Factory Training VHS Tapes

  51. How much is that 1971 Beetle in the gas station

  52. How much is that Beetle in the window?

  53. How to get to stuff on camper luggage rack?

  54. Idle stabilizer testing

  55. Introduction from new member

  56. It's time...

  57. Jump Seats

  58. Junkyard Buses

  59. Leaky exhaust

  60. Leefers? we don't need no stinkin' leefers! what we need iz

  61. Leefers? we don't need no stinkin' leefers! what we need iz (fwd)

  62. Leefers? we don't need no stinkin' leefers! what we need iz Knobs!!

  63. Location of EGR vacuum hose

  64. Low idle speed when cold

  65. More rebuild/new engine questions

  66. Need a good VW parts yard...

  67. Need steering box for '64 Bus

  68. New Fuel Inject Test Data

  69. Newbie ask about FAQ

  70. Noise; good and bad...

  71. Nut Bustin'

  72. OXY SENSOR $$$$$$$$

  73. Parts for 77 Camper...

  74. Passing Vanagons & Westfalias

  75. Pop-top hold down straps.

  76. Propane Madness

  77. Re-installing distributer drive gear, T4

  78. Rear axle nuts

  79. Rebuild help please!

  80. Rebuild update

  81. Reefer Madness one more time

  82. Refrigerator Madness

  83. Replacing Coolant... Tips Anyone?

  84. Reply to 2nd antenna

  85. Reply to How to get to stuff on camper luggage rack?

  86. Retrofit A/C to '87 Vanagon?

  87. Roll Call

  88. SAFETY: VW Bus belts

  89. SMOG


  91. Sacramento

  92. Seal around sliding door

  93. Seats for a '78 bus

  94. Seats for the Bus

  95. Story about my '84

  96. Sunroof Installation

  97. Syncro's: + & -

  98. Tiring Question

  99. Today is a Holy day...

  100. Torsion Bars

  101. Turbodiesels

  102. Upper Bushings [Also netiquette]

  103. Upper bushings???

  104. Upper control arm bushings, checking

  105. Urgent - removal of hose from fuel injector

  106. VANAGON '83 for SALE $1500

  107. VW Bus Wanted

  108. Vanagon Driveability Complaints

  109. Vanagon Intermittent Misfire

  110. Vanagon Manuals

  111. Vanagon front shocks

  112. Vehicle does not start, ignition miss

  113. WESTFALIA WANDERERS/Canadian van club (name?) postponed...

  114. Westfalia Clubs ??

  115. Westfalia bug netting

  116. Westy restoration

  117. Where to buy window rubber

  118. Wierd Westys

  119. Wiring Harness / Digijets

  120. [A] Need Assistance With Charging System Troubleshooting

  121. all us buses on the list

  122. batteries: some more general info ...

  123. bus noises: quieting 'road noise'

  124. buses by the arch & blatant LiMBO plug

  125. charging system trouble

  126. charging system troubleshooting

  127. coolant renewal/flushing procedures (james lu)

  128. dangerous fume from battery

  129. electrical drawing program

  130. electrical problem

  131. electrical systems

  132. exhaust pipes

  133. free camper top for 75-??

  134. friday again

  135. fuel inlet pulls out of Solex carb! how to fix?

  136. fuel spillage and low fuel level problems ... the recall list

  137. gas heaters

  138. gas spillage & other oddities (huff)

  139. grills, grills, grills

  140. help GM alternator in a 74 1800?

  141. how about it?

  142. how do clean it?

  143. jump seat? camper...

  144. location of vacuum hose????

  145. my beef of the day: vw heaters

  146. my bus vs. the mountains

  147. my western trip

  148. mysterious stalling for Dharmabum

  149. nose protector phone number?

  150. oxy sensor (lambda probe) $$$$$$

  151. oxy sensors $$$$

  152. rebuild help

  153. recalls/safety info 800 number

  154. refer madness returns

  155. repeat: vanagon surging and jerking and low power. more tech

  156. repeat: vanagon surging and jerking and low power. more tech bulletins

  157. repost from 82 diesel bus for sale

  158. repost from 84 bus for sale

  159. retrofit of 3-point belts to rear seats of vanagons

  160. retrofit of 3-point seat belts to center seat of vanagons

  161. roll call

  162. rust repair panels

  163. small part, BIG BUCKS!

  164. smashed wheel well

  165. still looking for that source of a good nose protector ("bra")

  166. temp sender position

  167. upper control arm bushings

  168. vanagon prices for 91 models

  169. vanagon: turbo-diesel in america

  170. vanagons (all): recall info from NHTSA as of 05/06/94

  171. vennelayshun

  172. vw heat / night problems

  173. vw seat belts for the back/middle seats of vanagons

  174. warning about netiquette and repost of errant message

  175. weekend report and shifting prob.

  176. welcome message

  177. westfalia restoration articles from HOT VWs

  178. westfalia restoration articles from HOT VWs (1968-1979 buses)

  179. westy iceboxes

  180. what and where (again) ...

  181. where are you, little bus ...

  182. where are you, little bus...

  183. wierd westys

  184. wind noise in vans

  185. window screens

  186. yet another reminder of LiMBO (for all you who haven't heard).
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