Vanagon EuroVan
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VANAGON archives – July 2011, week 3

Table of contents:

  1. 2.1 engine clack or rattle

  2. 5 speed transmission

  3. 87 2.1L Vanagon Motor for sale in MA

  4. AC fan switch only works on high

  5. AC idle enrichment circuit

  6. ADMINISTRIVIA - List down?

  7. Airlift 1000 suspension kit

  8. Anyone use one of these?

  9. Automatic transmission question

  10. Aux Battery system, volts escaping to ground!

  11. Bus Depot Awning clamp

  12. Camper Interiors and High Roofs

  13. Could compressed natural gas work or be an upgrade for the fridge and stove

  14. Cross-country trip report

  15. Decent grab loop?

  16. Free Small Stuff in San Antonio

  17. Frydae: Another Small Modern Diesel Coming

  18. Fwd: Free Small Stuff in San Antonio

  19. Fwd: Watching Oil Temp (long, as usual), Re: Watching Oil Temp (long, as usual)

  20. Go Westy auto trans cooler

  21. Hesitation starting in 1st gear

  22. High Country Bus Festival, July 27-31

  23. Inspection time again - exhaust system blues

  24. Is my Aux Battery Charging - NOT

  25. Is my Aux Battery Charging - YES IT IS!

  26. LineX Syncro Westy

  27. List down?

  28. Loosening Axle (rear)

  29. Moon discs?

  30. Need Headlight Buckets

  31. Need Westy interior piece

  32. New Vanagon haiku

  33. OPEN SPOT for Syncro Safari, Pacific Coast '11

  34. Ohh those VW gods...billowing blue smoke.

  35. PB Blaster 50

  36. Plastic Strap Behind '87 Westy Passenger Seat

  37. Poptop Issues

  38. Propane Sniffer (Was: Propex Install at Westy Ventures)

  39. Rear Wheel bearing...diagnostic question..

  40. Rejected posting to vanagon@GERRY.VANAGON.COM

  41. Right turn into driveway kills engine (1.9L '84 2-WD)

  42. Running Rich

  43. Rust Demons VII

  44. Rusted hydraulic clutch lines

  45. Sad story for Vanagon family vacationing in Wyoming

  46. Starter swap?

  47. Strategy for low-mess oil drain

  48. Strategy for low-mess oil drain.

  49. Stuck in Homer AK & Need Driver's Side Spindle 84-85

  50. Subject: Re: LineX Syncro Westy

  51. Tires And Weight Rating

  52. Tough decision, but FS: 90GL (Blackbeard)

  53. Turbo motor?

  54. VW Logo Light On Brazil Shopping

  55. Vanagon 86-91 headlight cover/protector

  56. Vanagon Sighting - Skyline Drive

  57. Vans for parts

  58. Walley Westies - Northern Ontario Bus Meet

  59. Watching Oil Temp

  60. Watching Oil Temp (long, as usual)

  61. Watching Oil Temp (long, as usual), Re: Watching Oil Temp (long, as usual)

  62. Westy Camping Oregon Coast

  63. What would make you disconnect your front axle on your Syncro?

  64. Wheels and Tires_FOR SALE

  65. Wheels and tires

  66. Wiring the stereo to the aux battery

  67. [F] sheep

  68. gas smell

  69. ground wire ohms

  70. holes

  71. radiator grill

  72. the drawn out pop top conversion update

  73. tires and weight rating

  74. trip report - rockies for 3 days

  75. truck nut plate

  76. understanding tire sizes

  77. vanagon Digest - 14 Jul 2011 (#2011-574)

  78. vanagon Digest - 17 Jul 2011 (#2011-581)

  79. vanagon Digest - 19 Jul 2011 - Special issue (#2011-588)
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