Vanagon EuroVan
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VANAGON archives – February 2004, week 2

Table of contents:

  1. "Steel Wheels" (Rolling Stones, road music content ??)

  2. (NVC or OT)Re: Going south... dam* Canadian weather

  3. 15" alloys (New TSW clearance)

  4. 15" wheels on 2wd Vanagon

  5. 2.4L Rebuilds?

  6. 2.4l Rebuilds

  7. 94EV Westy nearly stolen. Ignition lock broken

  8. <No subject>

  9. AVP Worldwide Engines- still in business?

  10. AVP is alive and well

  11. Advice needed on 2.1 heads

  12. Analog TPS fitted to a WBX throttle body?

  13. Antifreeze and pests and pets

  14. Anyone in SF area have these for Sale

  15. Are there any list members in the Southeast?

  16. Audi 100/200 callipers PHOTOS

  17. Audi 100/200 dual piston callipers

  18. Auto tranny torque converter

  19. Automtatic Tranny Kickdown

  20. Awning Preferences: A&E vs Carefree?

  21. Awnings

  22. Battery compartments that are not externally this OK?

  23. Bears & Vanagons

  24. Calling all OPTIMA BATTERY USERS!

  25. Can a jetta Idle Air Valve be used on an '87 2.1?

  26. Carat Interior Conversion HELP

  27. Clutch Master Cylinder Leak

  28. Copper Crush Gasket

  29. Copy Of "Ray's Wreckingyard roster" for sale

  30. Diesel Rings!

  31. Do Vanagon and A2 Fuel Gauges Share the Same Part Number?

  32. ECU question

  33. F.S. ECU, AFM, ISV control unit, etc

  34. FS 3 Michelin X-ONE's, 225/60-16

  35. FS: Digifant 2.1L ISCM

  36. FS: good used A/C compressor

  37. FW: Friend in Hawaii looking for vanagon

  38. FW: noisy speedo

  39. Fiamma Awning Problem

  40. Fiamma Awning Problem Resolved

  41. Finger Sparks

  42. Florida Vanagon Owners!!!

  43. Florida in May

  44. Free Vanagon parts.... what is left

  45. Friend in Hawaii looking for vanagon

  46. Front Suspension Overhaul

  47. Frydaye Follies - NVC

  48. Frydaye Follies - after the fact - NVC

  49. Fuel Tank reseal.... Harder than I thought...

  50. Fwd: audio source ?'s (iPod Installation)

  51. Fwd: westfallia table storage

  52. Going south... dam* Canadian weather...(FL Camping question)

  53. HELP needed in Wayne County, NC for parts pick-up

  54. Have you ever uncovered Hidden Damage from a Wreck...

  55. Head Gasket Seal surface...?

  56. How many Vanagons

  57. Hubcaps

  58. Idle Air Valve from a Jetta

  59. Idle and off Idle probem

  60. Including skylight, how tall is it?

  61. Information on Klimaus or Kilma Headliner Air Conditioners.

  62. Instructions for replacing the Clutch Master Cylinder

  63. Intermittant cut-out

  64. Internal cargo hooks

  65. Is 2WD 15 inches Wheels Vanagon a Taboo

  66. Jumping Wiper Relay (91 GL)

  67. LVC - Curses!

  68. Legitimate Microsoft updates for no charge NVC

  69. Looking for 94.5MM 1.9 Piston Rings

  70. Microsoft

  71. Microsoft...

  72. Miscelaneous WBX Upgrades

  73. NVC - Really cool website - USS Cole!!

  74. NVC Re: RoadHaus - Bear Country Precautions

  75. NVC vanagon Digest - 12 Feb 2004 (#2004-122)

  76. NVC; Thanks everyone!!!

  77. No Copper Crush Gasket?

  78. Noises from rear end revisited

  79. Number of Vanagons?

  80. OXS Light

  81. Oil Cooler

  82. Oil Pressure light 87 Vanagon FIXED!

  83. Oil pressure light 87 Vanagon

  84. P/Steering hose# ??

  85. Parts Sale Blowout...

  86. Parts van FS with good motor and auto trans

  87. Pop Top Heaven

  88. Positive feedback for Volks Cafe!

  89. Regarding steel wheels

  90. Resistor PN # 022 906 079

  91. RoadHaus - Bear Country Precautions

  92. RoadHaus - Florida VW Van Events Soon !!!!

  93. RoadHaus - Louisiana Raccoons / The rest of the story

  94. RoadHaus - Louisiana Raccoons / The story

  95. RoadHaus - VW Events Hoping to attend.

  96. RoadHaus - Wireless Internet Report

  97. Roadhaus - Summary of Florida Trip Suggestions

  98. Set Timing: Digijet w/ Automatic

  99. Sliding door lock stuck - Vanagon 83

  100. Steal Wheels?

  101. Stub Axle / Grease: Enough Is Too Much

  102. Subject: Calling all OPTIMA BATTERY USERS!

  103. Subject: Steal Wheels?

  104. Subwoofer options

  105. Survey: Where is your paint code label?

  106. Syncro gas tank lines

  107. Thanks for Auto Tranny input

  108. Transmission advice

  109. Transmission advice; 3/4 slider

  110. Troubleshooting Digijet fuel injection system.

  111. Ugh, it finally happened after @50K on new engine...

  112. Unplugging Distributor?

  113. Used Vanagon 2.1 Liter AMC Cylinder Heads made in spain.

  114. Van-Again's new Free Classifieds Section

  115. Vanagon Automatic Kick-Down problem

  116. Vanagon Automatic shifter

  117. Vanagon Seat Belts

  118. Vanagon Subwoofer option(s)

  119. Vanagon for sale in Hawaii

  120. Vibrating brakes revisited

  121. WBX Core engine for sale. (PA)

  122. WBX Turbo... was Re: Miscelaneous WBX Upgrades

  123. WTB Westy gas line floor plate

  124. WTB: 15" alloys

  125. WTB: Auto tranny torque converter

  126. WTB: Right, Grey Jumpseat

  127. WTB:propane lines-not tank

  128. WTB:rear hatch VW emblem and Syncro emblem

  129. What's a Tristar Doka Worth?

  130. Which end?

  131. Your message to vanagon-request@GERRY.VANAGON.COM

  132. [Fwd: [TDI-conversion] FS: Rebuildable 1.6 n/a engine San Fran area]

  133. [Syncro] Awning Preferences: A&E vs Carefree?

  134. anyone ever upgrade their faucet

  135. audio source ?'s

  136. audio source ?'s (iPod Installation)

  137. audio source A's

  138. bURNINGvAN report-kind of long

  139. broken vanagon..whats it worth?

  140. california vanagon owners a question

  141. coolant needle survey

  142. driver's side; clear coat paint peeling; 1989 GL

  143. dummy I am

  144. eurovan altezzas...gaaaack!!

  145. expansion tank cap avail? old school

  146. fridge upgrade test and question kind of long

  147. fridged removed

  148. grinding starter

  149. headliner material for westy

  150. high nox

  151. how many vanagons?

  152. interior for sale

  153. my ride to hospital in a Sprinter ambulance (NVC)

  154. need a motor?

  155. new LPG tank question

  156. noisy speedo

  157. odd gauges

  158. odometer

  159. parts for sale

  160. perfomance exhaust, etc

  161. price for a tune-up

  162. propane line update

  163. pulling fridge and related electrical--and still driveable?

  164. re head repair/ ? rear defoger

  165. rear speaker mounting-passenger vanagon

  166. rust removal with a battery charger

  167. scratching finish.. was driver's side; clear coat paint peeling; 1989 GL

  168. sean B

  169. stuck syncro throttle cable

  170. syncro part needed ASAP

  171. the 83 has got to go

  172. unclas [Syncro] Awning Preferences: A&E vs Carefree?

  173. vanagon runs great,looses power,restart good to go.

  174. westfalia table storage

  175. westfallia table storage

  176. what is an 86 vanagon gl worth?

  177. why does my electric clock stop and go?

  178. will early camper equipment fit into a late vanagon?

  179. wisdom of DOT 5 brake fluid (kinda long)
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