Vanagon EuroVan
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VANAGON archives – December 2003, week 2

Table of contents:

  1. '91 Vanagon with wheel-chair lift FS

  2. 15" alloy wheel Christmas Special from Van-Again

  3. 1986 Syncro for sale.-Asheville NC 4WD works great

  4. 1991 Multivan FS

  5. 2.0 Power

  6. 2.1 coolant problems


  8. 82 air cooled 7 passenger for sale

  9. 85"1.9L What happens when 1 or more injectors go bad?please help...

  10. 86 Syncro Rust free body parts

  11. 87 Westy - headers or stock exhaust?

  12. 89 Westy up for Auction in NJ

  13. 93 Eurovan $1500 obo, denver CO usa area

  14. <No subject>

  15. Air-cool stuff, what is comming up... soon!

  16. Another virus

  17. Awning still for sale

  18. Bleeding brakes

  19. Bus CV Boots Busted again

  20. Bus CV boot life

  21. Bus CV boot life- the fix-

  22. Bus Depot back up.

  23. Campground reccomendations for Key west or lower keys

  24. Clacky new(ish) lifter?

  25. Clear Front Turn Signals

  26. Clear Front Turn Signals)

  27. Clear Front Turn Signals... European listees respond?

  28. Clip Your Messages!!!!

  29. Converting a concourse-quality '65 Bug into a fun and profitable ice-cream truck

  30. Coolant bleeding temp

  31. Country Homes Campers

  32. Cylinder Types

  33. Decadent!

  34. Digitool & Archives

  35. Dim dash light any solution ?

  36. Distributor rebuild questions?

  37. Does anyone have a single "15 wheel FS?

  38. Does anyone know where the gas heater manual is for download?

  39. Does anyone know where to buy Eccentric Washers?(for upper control arm)

  40. Door Lock Motor (acutator) repairing

  41. ENOUGH, ALREADY! (was Passenger van to westy pop top conversion?)

  42. ETKA

  43. Engine replacement for 1990 Westfalia

  44. Engine stands

  45. Eurovan engines...was: Re: Which is it?

  46. FS 1985 1.9L Engine and Auto Tranny in Colorado

  47. FS 85 camper $1500 in NJ area

  48. FS 90 camper blown heads make offer Friedricksburg, TX

  49. FS: '90 GL Auto

  50. FS: Carat AC central airducks

  51. FS: rare Bluestar (89wolfsburg) diagonal interior w/ bed/tables/jumpseats etc

  52. FS:Front Door Seals

  53. FS:Round Headlioght Buckets

  54. FSI direct injection??????? (NVC)

  55. Front and rear brakes upgrades with 15 in wheels

  56. Fw: Power of a 2.0L Air cooled vs 2.1L

  57. Fw: Xenon Lights?

  58. Gas Cap Removal

  59. Genuine VW Sound Deadening Mats - Now $199

  60. Gerry is back online

  61. HELP, starter question

  62. Help:Little blue wire on alternator????89 Syncro GL

  63. I love this list

  64. Idle problem on deceleration

  65. Is there something wrong with busdepot order page?

  66. James Cook...

  67. Karl Bloss' pop top conversion

  68. Karl Bloss' pop top conversion - archive site inquiry

  69. Karl Bloss' pop top conversion, only partially available

  70. LP Tank questions

  71. Links to various poptop transplant sites, Bloss link dead

  72. Manual Transmission, what to do?

  73. Me too. Busted CV boot.

  74. My 86 Syncro for sale in WA

  75. NVC RE: Sadaam was caught

  76. Need upper Control arm Eccentric Washers.....Know any online sources?

  77. New Product Available-Replacement Westy Water Tank Locking Cap

  78. Oil Light/Dash Buzzer

  79. Oil Pressure Switch Access (Rear Switch)

  80. Ok....Still having rich running problems....anyone with a warm garage close to York,PA?

  81. Ok...still running rich problem....

  82. Over 100 Vanagon links!!!

  83. Overhead AC unit (NVC)

  84. Paging Bob Donalds

  85. Painting Your Westy Poptop

  86. Pass. van to pop top conversion? Cut at pillars?

  87. Passenger van to westy pop top conversion?

  88. Passenger van to westy pop top conversion?How about some photo's and text documentation

  89. Pedro's pop top conversion

  90. Performance Chip

  91. Please buy my 1984 Vanagon!

  92. Pop-top -- cutting at the pillars

  93. Poptops in SF

  94. Post 1999 engine mounting kits are ready and lower pricing!

  95. Power of a 2.0L Air cooled vs 2.1L

  96. Power of a 2.0L Air cooled vs 2.1L???


  98. RADIO/CD PLAYER QUESTIONS - common ground wiring

  99. RADIO/CD PLAYER now working

  100. Rear wheel bearings

  101. Removing front AC from 84 Vanagon - need some info

  102. RoadHaus - Baja Trip Report

  103. RoadHaus - Buses by the Bridge, Jan 16-18, 2004

  104. RoadHaus - Christmas VW Bus Gift Idea

  105. RoadHaus - Favorite Road Music CD Suggestions - Results are In

  106. Roadhaus - another great xmas gift idea / Pez VW Buses

  107. Running lights

  108. SUV ad for Toyota Quest compared to the vanagon

  109. Sadaam was caught

  110. Sadaam was caught NVC (over)

  111. Sliding window glass source? (1984 vanagon)

  112. Solenoid-operated manual shifter?

  113. Solenoid-operated manual shifter? Hydraulic...

  114. Spiraling Dollar!

  115. Sprinter is a LT?? Re: What will you all be driving 15 years from now

  116. Sprinters and the likes...

  117. Strange Idle

  118. Subaru conversion

  119. Subject: Westy w/Front Sunroof

  120. Suburban Heater Thermostat

  121. Temp gauge

  122. The Angel on the Tree (Frydaye Follies)

  123. The Journey DVD

  124. The Poop on Saddam

  125. The World's Scariest Police Chases 4 - Vanagon!

  126. Tom C..? was:Re: Sadaam was caught

  127. Vanagon 2.1 Engine Oil Pressure Survey

  128. Vanagon head rests for sale -4 left

  129. Vanagon list use and generally accepted rules.

  130. Vanagon list use and generally accepted rules./Rules? What Rules???

  131. Virtual tour of VW's "transparent factory"

  132. WTB E-Brake cable


  134. WTB Skylight mechanism.

  135. Westy w/Front Sunroof (picture)

  136. What do I need?

  137. What ground are there to check? Was still running rich..

  138. What will you all be driving 15 years from now

  139. What will you all be driving 15 years from now since the EV is ...

  140. What will you all be driving 15 years from now since the EV is dead?

  141. What will you all be driving...

  142. Whatever happened to that roofless mariachi-band Synchro on eBay ...?

  143. Where do jumper cables go on an 87 westy?

  144. Which is it?

  145. Who had all the vanagon links on their webpage?

  146. Who knows Terry Kay

  147. Winter oil.

  148. Wiring help for replacement to OEM radio in 90 Carat.

  149. Would any transmission fit?

  150. Xenon HID lighting

  151. Xenon Lights?

  152. Xenon Lights? (was South African grills & H4s)

  153. Xenon Lights? South African grills & H4s

  154. Xenon and being the focal point of a smoldering hole

  155. [Fwd: Re: Digitool & Archives, work with 1.9l?]

  156. [T2] 71 turn signals

  157. advice needed: 2001 Eurovan

  158. any use for a worn out manual steering rack?

  159. battery and oxy lights coming on.

  160. conversion weight

  161. easy.. Re: Passenger van to westy pop top conversion?

  162. easy.. Re: Passenger van to westy pop top conversion? How about some ph...

  163. easy.. Re: Passenger van to westy pop top conversion? How about some photo's and text documentation

  164. engine stands

  165. for sale: 2.1L ECU and AFM

  166. for sale: 2.1L ECU and air flow meter, and ISV controller

  167. for sale: side ADVENTUREWAGEN/westy sliding window w/ screen

  168. for sale: vanagon bodykits/ground effects fiberglass bumpers/sideskirts

  169. for sale: westy side windows..wasRe: Sliding window glass source? (1984 vanagon)

  170. fuel leak / starting problem

  171. intermittent starting problem

  172. little blue wire fixed/thank you all!

  173. middle seat removal

  174. need EGR lingage for 1982 2.0 aircooled

  175. need mechanic in Eugene, OR

  176. ok, how about NY? 93 eurovan $1750 obo Northville, NY usa

  177. oxygen sensor

  178. pet peeve-edit your replies

  179. pet peeve-edit your replys

  180. pushrod tubes

  181. roof sections

  182. starter question

  183. stove help

  184. stove help/advice needed

  185. sunroof in luggage rack

  186. vanagon Digest - 8 Dec 2003 to 9 Dec 2003 - Special issue (#2003-1154)

  187. westy pop top conversions are not for the rich
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