Vanagon EuroVan
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VANAGON archives – April 2003, week 4

Table of contents:

  1. '82 1.9L Diesel Westfalia for Sale

  2. '82 1.9L Diesel Westfalia for Sale-Cleveland, Ohio

  3. 1.9L Head Stud Removal Success

  4. 134a conversion

  5. 15" Vanagon tire Recommendations

  6. 15" Wheel Question XCA tire info

  7. 185 tires on alloy wheels

  8. 1981 starting problem

  9. 1987Westy Radio

  10. 1990 heads

  11. 1990 vanagon heads

  12. 2.1L Vanagon engine still possessed by demons

  13. 2.1L distributor- 205M/205AC

  14. 25 mpg westy (impress)

  15. 82 Westfalia Camper, bunk bed maximum weight

  16. 82 Westfalia FS or FP (part II)

  17. 84GL with 175,900 miles - restoration

  18. 85 Country Homes camper for sale

  19. 87 Vanagon v 90 Cabrio ISVs

  20. 87 gl for sale in Orange County, CA $1500 obo

  21. 87 power lock actuator

  22. 91 Westy Syncro for sale (33k miles) not mine

  23. <No subject>

  24. AC removal

  25. ATTN: '80-'83 owners

  26. ATTN: 80-83 Owners

  27. ATTN: 80-83 owners

  28. Adjusting Rear Brakes - any tips?

  29. Alaskan Virus

  30. Another Clutch Slave Question,

  31. Any cheap fixes for clutch slave cylinder?

  32. Any hazard in driving a syncro w/ driveshaft removed?

  33. Anyone have a good used idle control unit for sale?

  34. Apologies to the group

  35. Attn: Robert Keezer I lost your email

  36. Back from Boston Marathon with a Vanagon question

  37. Back from Germany... some pics are on line!

  38. Bent my rod -- HELP!

  39. Big Valves for me ? - ME TOO!!!

  40. Big Valves for me?

  41. Big Valves for me? - too long.

  42. Brakes noisy

  43. Broken front window lift -- How to fix ??

  44. Bus Depot OXS Dilemma; Where Is the Truth?

  45. BusFusion News

  46. Busses (and all VWs) Over the Bridge 2003 this Sunday!

  47. California Mechanic's

  48. Carfax - I'd recommend it

  49. Classic VW Car Show, today

  50. Clogged charcoal canister

  51. Clogged charcoal canister.

  52. Clutch parts

  53. Conversions link

  54. Custom Gauge Installation Options?

  55. Diagnosis of Intermittent Power Loss or Misfire

  56. Did I receive the correct ignition coil?

  57. Diesel Westy w/ new 1.9L; need quick sale-Cleveland,OH

  58. Dripping sunroof on a Vanagon


  60. ECU NEEDED - me too!

  61. ETKA on XP-still not working


  63. FS 1990 Vanagon GL 4-speed n Newport News, VA $1900

  64. FS 1990 Volkswagen Vanagon - Hannover Edition

  65. FS 87' syncro gl -denver

  66. FS KYB shocks

  67. FS set of 4 Heavy Duty Shocks

  68. FS- VW radio

  69. FS: '82 Vanagon

  70. FS: 1987Syncro GL $2000 / BO from Hawaii now in Novato, CA

  71. FS: 87 Wolfburg Ed. in San Diego

  72. FS: German, Factory Lowered, springs from a 1988 GL Vanagon

  73. FS: L/R Front lower control arms and Wishbone arms off 1988 GL

  74. FS: Pair of German Heavy Duty rear hatch struts.

  75. FS: RARE 2 person bench front seat for vanagon

  76. FS: Smoked taillights. Brand new.

  77. FS: vanagon side windows w/ screens

  78. FW: 15" Wheel Question

  79. FW: Max Load Rating Calculation

  80. Fan switch numbered 2. front blower

  81. Finding women like this (Now a Friday Folly)

  82. Finding women like this (was Big Valves for me?)

  83. Fool moon in Joon 2003 (in NC) 5-30 to 6-1

  84. For Sale Need to Sell Quickly

  85. Friday Rant ..... only my first for today.

  86. Friday Rant .............. only my first for today.

  87. Friday type reflections

  88. Front end misery... but done.

  89. Front shock and spring removal

  90. Fuel rail spewing gas

  91. Fw: '82 1.9L Diesel Westfalia for Sale-Cleveland

  92. Fw: unexpected extremely high idle update

  93. Fwd: Re: OO TT

  94. Fwd: Re: Tyres and nitrogen

  95. Gas Sending Unit 91 Vanagon

  96. HELP!! Anyone near Amherst, MA???

  97. HIGHROOF vanagon camper on ebay.. wasRe: funky '85 on ebay

  98. Hall Sensor TEst 2.1L

  99. Hall Sensor Test 2.1L

  100. Head Gaskets: Fall Leaky; Spring No Leaky

  101. Help Wiring O2 Sensor

  102. Help, Clutch

  103. Hi lift springs all around?

  104. Hybrid Engines

  105. I need a pair of working black power mirrors

  106. I-75 Westy Dingy

  107. Intake noise (or: Woohoo! No more drone!)

  108. Intermittant stalling

  109. Intermittent Stalling - Capacitor Solution

  110. Kings English

  111. LOOK a hightop roof FS on ebay

  112. Looking for Transmission tools

  113. MAX spark adv. for 2.1 L engine

  114. Max Load Rating Calculation

  115. Middle GA Transplant Surgeon & Recipient

  116. NEEDED: Stock steel wheel lug nuts

  117. NEEDED: used 2.1 Vanagon engine

  118. Need a pair of working black power mirrors

  119. Need pressures for r-134 in vanagon

  120. Need used vanagon a/c parts.............

  121. New T5 spotted

  122. Nigerian Order Scam (Vendors take note)

  123. No spark

  124. OIl light on buzzer going off, good engine!!!

  125. OO TT

  126. OO TT (f)

  127. Oh no more clutch slave and master questions

  128. Oh no more clutch slave and master questions,

  129. Oxy Sensor Ground??

  130. Pagining Sandlin was Re: replacing lock cylinders + ignition switch

  131. Pagining Sandlin was Re: replacing lock cylinders + ignitionswitch

  132. Parting out advice

  133. PeachState Transporters Spring campout info

  134. Power Mirrors don't work

  135. Rad fan--2 or 3 wire???stumped

  136. Radio 4 sale

  137. Really stupid shock question

  138. Rebuild tips

  139. Repairing paint flakes

  140. Replacing 88 headlights

  141. Report: Tyres and Nitrogen

  142. RoadHaus - Premature wheel bearing failure

  143. RoadHaus - SAC B-Que Postponded

  144. Roadhaus - Friday type reflections

  145. Rubber Biscuit

  146. Smooth sailing on the Coquihalla :-)

  147. Solid Lifters in a WBX

  148. Source for odd sized fan belts

  149. Still keeping cool in your VW

  150. Still keeping cool in your VW - I made it Friday

  151. Still looking for sliding door for '89 Westy in VA

  152. Strong gas smell on cold start

  153. Stuck in 4th gear

  154. Stuck in 4th gear !

  155. Stuck in Third Gear -

  156. Stuck in Third Gear - New Transaxle Question

  157. TF spotted

  158. Thanks and Farewell

  159. The King's English

  160. The King's English (FISH)

  161. The King's English addendum

  162. Tiico fuel rail spewing solved

  163. Too long (was Big Valves for me?)

  164. Twins!

  165. Tyres and nitrogen

  166. VW Bus Shirts @ Giant Tiger

  167. Van-Again

  168. Vanagon Headlamp Relays

  169. Vanagon beat up by 4 wheel drive pick up

  170. Vanagon syndrome

  171. WTB 87-91 Westfalia Slider door in Northern California

  172. WTB sliding door for '89 in central VA

  173. WTB squirrel cage for '85 Westy A/C fan

  174. WTB/ Part needed:1.6L hydraulic turbo diesel block

  175. WTB: Driver side power window motor and peripherals

  176. Wanted - rack, tow hitch, awning, etc

  177. Westy Propane tank...can it be fit to a non-Westy?

  178. Westy Radio

  179. Westy wave ? Huh!

  180. Wierd a/c problem help needed

  181. Wiggly/Jerky Steering Update

  182. Will 90 Cabrio ISV Control unit fit 87 Vanagon?

  183. Wrong date for- Fool moon in Joon campout

  184. [Syncro] AC Barrier Hose

  185. [Syncro] Max Load Rating Calculation

  186. [Westfalia] roof rack mounting tabs

  187. [vanagon] Re: electric or hybrid conversion?

  188. alternator bracket mount

  189. any Colorado Springs list members?

  190. anyone refill a vanagon charcoal cannister?

  191. asheille repairman?

  192. black box above coil

  193. brake fluid capacity

  194. cambpelltown PA show april 26

  195. carfax

  196. cheap westy

  197. clutch

  198. commands

  199. cutting out and sparking coil

  200. dash switches for sale...wasRe: Fan switch numbered 2. front blower

  201. ebay van for sale

  202. electric or hybrid conversion?

  203. etka installation issues on XP

  204. funky '85 on ebay

  205. gas leak around sending unit..

  206. give me that old time religion, that old time lifter

  207. good deal on bus

  208. grey water tank sought

  209. grey water tank sought - 87 westy

  210. hershey/campbelltown vw show tomorrow

  211. hesitating when warm?

  212. less then 1500 vanagon

  213. occasionally won't start.

  214. one of the better ebay terms of sale on a Vanagon

  215. oxygen sensors checking and theory

  216. pricing a 91 westfalia.

  217. quantum synchro value

  218. rear sag on a 85 westy

  219. remove ignition switch

  220. removing the fridge

  221. replacing lock cylinders + ignition switch

  222. replacing lock cylinders + ignition switch (starter button on dash)

  223. replacing lock cylinders + ignition switch + fish

  224. seeking words of encouragement for my cooling system 1986 vanagon gl

  225. shameless plug

  226. split wave - keep your hand on the steering wheel

  227. still searchin for my trusty ride!

  228. sway bars

  229. unexpected extremely high idle

  230. updated pictures

  231. wet floor

  232. who is running 225-75-15's on their vanagon? will they fit?
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