Vanagon EuroVan
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VANAGON archives – May 2002, week 1

Table of contents:

  1. '72 w/Waterboxer power (little/NVC)

  2. '90 GL tranny nastiness

  3. 'Go Westy' Starter-gear reduction type

  4. 02 sensor readings

  5. 1.9 WBX -->Tiico , my latest experience (long)

  6. 1.9L exhaust system comments

  7. 1.9l Exhaust system sale


  9. 1st Overnight

  10. 2.0L ($2,500?) - VA 2L $590 Used?

  11. 3-Point Seatbelt Help

  12. 3.2L waterboxer, and 2.6L 5cyl in vw van

  13. 4-wheel Porsche di$c brake for Vanagon

  14. 4-wheel Porsche di$c, Alternative

  15. 7" round E-Code lights for your SA Grill or pre-'86 Vanagon

  16. 82 diesel to gti conversion - knock sensor needed?

  17. 82 vanagon - I need a new engine - questions

  18. 83 factory manual?

  19. 84 Westie stuck in 4th gear

  20. 84 waterboxer overheating

  21. 85 Water Sensor

  22. 85 westy front table

  23. 86 thru 91 coolant Tnak

  24. 87 Syncro FS - Calgary AB

  25. 87 Westy Wiper Mechanism Question

  26. 88 vanagon camper for sale in my local paper

  27. 91 Vanagon armrest needed

  28. <No subject>

  29. A damn OS question again, yea!!! now i need some help, it's my turn....

  30. A very important word to the wise. But No Vanagon Content.

  31. A/C Question

  32. AFM/Digifant ­ factory "harness fix" for sale

  33. AM/FM CD Deck for $99 Canadian

  34. Advancing timing for more power, was: Boston Bob's web site

  35. Allignment

  36. Am I being unreasonable(Bus Depot)?

  37. Another Pop Top Heart Stopper

  38. Anyone have a Westy 110V inlet cover for sale?

  39. Anyone looking to trade a diesel for a wasserboxer?

  40. Anyone... ?

  41. Bad AFM?

  42. Boston Bob's web site

  43. Boston Bobs Big Valve Engine Option III, and Engine Option II

  44. Boston Bobs tale of an engine stripper or .19 Main bearinginfo was Flickerin oil light on 85 auto

  45. Bought an SVX for the motor.......but I like the car too much to rip the heart out

  46. Brake light comes on at low revs

  47. Broke my shifter!

  48. Broken Stabilizer Link, any experts reading this?

  49. Broken Stablilizer Link, any experts reading this?

  50. Bus Depot Shipping?...Was "order line?"

  51. Bus Depot and debate for Californians

  52. Bus Depot order line?

  53. Buying a used van was:Re: 88 vanagon camper for sale in my local paper

  54. CHEAP Headlamp upgrade?

  55. COIL SPRINGS (samoore)

  56. Camping Report - 1st camp-out of the year

  57. Can the Sunroof Be Motorized?

  58. Can the Sunroof Be Motorized? NO!!!

  59. Chasing Surge

  60. Chrome Barrels - Iron Rings

  61. Chrome Barrels-Iron Rings

  62. Circuit breaker

  63. Clam Flogging!! at the Court House, Tomorrow Night (long-ish)

  64. Clam Sacrifice Tomorrow Night

  65. Clutch Replacement

  66. Clutch chatter vs tranny's mount

  67. Confirming a Bad Head Gasket?

  68. Cool Dormobile

  69. Cool Dormobile in UK

  70. Cool Dormobile on EBay in the UK

  71. Cool Site

  72. Cyber Cafes for Travelers

  73. Cyber cafes

  74. Diesel Dumb Question

  75. Diesel Sunroof?

  76. Diff gear box

  77. Different Models

  78. Double Relay ?

  79. Dutch Ovens, Recipes, No Vanagon Content

  80. E-Code/H-4's From Other Models?



  83. Engine Cranks and backfires

  84. Engine still not start!!!

  85. Engine still won't START!

  86. Every Bus 2002

  87. FS: 1991 Tri-Star

  88. FS: Bike Rack for Vanagon

  89. FS: Syncro front end

  90. FS: pintle-style tow ball attachment

  91. FW: Rejected posting to vanagon@GERRY.VANAGON.COM

  92. FW: Tragedy at Van-Again

  93. Factory Alloy Rims And BFG All Terrains For Sale

  94. For Sale: Bolt-on Hitch

  95. Free Fryedaye Flogging!!! Get Yours Today!!

  96. Fuel Consumption

  97. Fuel Injector Cleaning

  98. Fuel Pump won't turn on.

  99. Fw: Advancing timing for more power, was: Boston Bob's web site

  100. Fw: Headlight Protection

  101. Fw: Muffler Brackets

  102. Fw: Re: 4-wheel Porsche di$c brake for Vanagon

  103. Fw: Re: Bus Depot Shipping?...Was "order line?"

  104. Fw: Re: air-cooled?

  105. Fwd: Factory Alloy Rims And BFG All Terrains For Sale

  106. Fwd: Re: Fwd: Re: Ignition Switch..HELP NOW PLEASE!

  107. Fwd: Re: Ignition Switch..HELP NOW PLEASE!

  108. Fwd: ebay vanagon in boulder shortfax

  109. Gary Lee Custom Hatchback Racks....How do you like yours?

  110. Gearshift bracket

  111. Getting higher compression?

  112. Good Results with Speedo Service

  113. Got Location-Manager-Icon PIC!

  114. HELP! Macintosh control panels setup for Bentley CD-ROM.

  115. HELP! Sliding window removal


  117. Headlight Protection

  118. Headlights

  119. Heads, lifters, the usual..

  120. Heater core front and rear inline? Has anyone done this mod?

  121. Help - Low Speed Radiator Fan Dead... High Speed Works..!?!?!

  122. Help W/ Grounds - Bucking and High Idle

  123. Hesitation

  124. Hesitation/stall

  125. High performance distributor, rotor, wires ALSO relocating the coil

  126. Hose Help needed on air cooled '82

  127. How hard is it to change the front upper ball joints?

  128. How hard is it to replace clutch in 82 diesel Westy?

  129. How to fill differential gear box with hypoid oil.

  130. How to remedy some sticking aux air valve problems

  131. I have a digifant

  132. I have a ton of vanagon stuff on ebay

  133. I just saved $300 on my alignment - Toronto owners stay away from Don Valley Volkswagen

  134. Ignition Lock...not switch

  135. Ignition Switch..HELP NOW PLEASE!

  136. Ignition switch

  137. Interesting facts

  138. Intermittant Wiper Control from Autotech

  139. Intermittent Wiper Relay Upgrade - Answer

  140. Intermittent Wipers

  141. It's no mystery..

  142. Jetta bucking syndrome? Also AFM Cover

  143. KOA?AAA

  144. Legacy Turbo FS

  145. Little Vanagon Content: BenT is back in town

  146. Long Island VW Show

  147. Looking for Laura Kennison

  148. Looking for cause of clanking beneath front end

  149. Looking to buy: very good condition 90-91 weekender/poptop automatic

  150. Low beam HELP!

  151. Low compression (2.1 WBX)

  152. Luggage Rack Removal ?

  153. Main Engine Bearings

  154. Message for Stan

  155. Michelin XCA Tires

  156. Mini Cooper in FL??? (NVC)

  157. Mmmmm.... What is that?

  158. More questions...

  159. Moroso Ceramic Engine Seal/ Ken Wilfry?

  160. Muffler Brackets

  161. Multiple Vanagons for sale

  162. NVC: Welder in WV Eastern Panhandle area?

  163. Need Power window switch

  164. Newbie seeking '85 Vanagon Muffle Brackets and Water Input Housing

  165. Not Funny ..(no Van cont)

  166. OK...... so I'm crazy.

  167. OT: Eudora archiving vanagon mail

  168. Ode to the list!

  169. Odometer Problems

  170. Oil Leaks and Leak Down Test

  171. Old posts mirrors and other adventures

  172. On my way to Sevierville,TN "Circle yer Wagons"

  173. On-Line Parts Sources (Minimal Vanagon Content)

  174. Online parts sources...

  175. Oops! Almost blew a wiper motor.

  176. Petronix Electronic Ignition--

  177. Pix of Suzuki Wagon-R

  178. Pop Top Heart Stopper

  179. Pop-Top Cha-Cha---

  180. Possible Westy shower solution

  181. Power Antenna How To (No VendorWhining) Warning: Has Tech Content!

  182. Power Antenna for all vanagons

  183. Problems after 1.9 head change

  184. Programmable Intermittent Wipers

  185. Puking clutch cylinder on '81

  186. Q's: Clutch Problems!!

  187. R 134a pressure specs

  188. R-34 A/C

  189. Raising the bar for engine conversions

  190. Rare model seen? True dual A/C

  191. Re : synthetic motor oil

  192. Re synthetic oil

  193. Re-torquing the heads

  194. Rear Cabinet Latch - 85 Multi Wolfsburg

  195. Rear View Mirror remedy

  196. Recalcitrant windscreen washers

  197. Red Line supplier

  198. Rediscover the Americas Drive About - Parts Giveaway .... Finally underway !!!!!!!!!

  199. Remedy requested for Suspected "rich-running" 1.9

  200. Return of Mexicali Rose

  201. Roadtrip

  202. Rob Walker

  203. Rotor's-&-Bearing's

  204. Rubatoguy

  205. Running Poor after replacing leaky exhaust?

  206. Rust Spots/Touch up Paint

  207. S&S Exhaust


  209. SVX-powered crewcab pickup blows trans

  210. SYNCRO de MAYO - Last Call

  211. Shaping up your new Vanagon

  212. Side view mirrors, was: cheap exterior mirrors

  213. Side view mirrors, was: cheap exterior mirrors and pet peeves

  214. Some more stuff---

  215. Spark Coil Failure

  216. Sylvania Silverstar?

  217. Synchro-sche

  218. Syncro height question

  219. Syncron Questions-Tires Squeal and Lower Dash Knobs?

  220. TIICO vs. BB vs. Soob


  222. TO LIST ADMIN - mea culpa

  223. TO LIST ADMIN - vanagons

  224. Tach Jumping

  225. Tennessee from a Californian's perpective (was Bus Depot and debate for Californians)

  226. The Coming Revolution!!

  227. The truth about Florida

  228. The truth about Florida--Love Bugs

  229. Tire Size Recommendation for a 1991 Carat

  230. To the list

  231. Tragedy at Van-Again

  232. Trans-axle information & suggestions

  233. Travel from Oregon to Austin

  234. Travel necessities

  235. Undercoating Info...

  236. Unscribe


  238. VW rebuild?

  239. Vacuum Retard

  240. Van-Again and debate for Californians

  241. Vanagon Main Bearings Available

  242. Vanagon Production discontinued in South Africa

  243. Vanagon bike carrier for up to 4 bikes, yakima, thule

  244. Vanagon construction

  245. Vanagon list status

  246. Vanagon mailing list & alternate vendors

  247. Vanagon supplemental security

  248. Vancouver --==> Toronto

  249. Very Sudden Coolant Leak URGENT!

  250. Viscous coupling shortage???

  251. Volks Cafe Big Bumpers

  252. WANTED: 1.9L

  253. WANTED: Tranny for 82 in PA

  254. WANTED: speedo for 88

  255. WOB?? Carfax posts to the list????

  256. WOB??do we all need to see lengthy SIGNATURES on the list?

  257. WTB

  258. WTB - Owners Manual for 1987 Vanagon

  259. WTB 15" wheels

  260. WTB 1990/1991 Carat

  261. WTB folding seat mount

  262. WTB: late model 90-91 multivan - automatic

  263. WV Listers?

  264. Wagon-R power steering

  265. Warning ! - Ottawa area

  266. Warning: Don't buy cheap exterior mirrors

  267. Water Light (85 Westy Vanagon GL)

  268. Water Sensor Issues

  269. Water Tank Sensor Fixed!

  270. Water Wetter and Less Coolant???

  271. West Yellowstone

  272. Westfalia Info/Books

  273. Westfalia Logo jpeg/GIF

  274. What Octane Fuel

  275. What Octane Fuel?

  276. What's the diff ?

  277. Wheel bearing vs. CV joints

  278. Where to Buy 195 R 16 D Tires?

  279. Which redline oil to use

  280. Winnipeg Westy --- anyone know it

  281. Wire Gage for Water Pump

  282. Wolfsburg Interior for sale

  283. Yakima Rack -Westys

  284. Yakima Rack Pictures

  285. Yakima Rack Pictures (wrapped text)

  286. Yakima Rack Pictures (wrapped text)/Racks for Westys

  287. [Syncro] 1.9 WBX -->Tiico , my latest experience (long)

  288. a 7-10 cap?

  289. air-cooled?

  290. alternator oddness

  291. bubbling in coolant during flush

  292. can anyone with a european etka...

  293. cig lighter light?

  294. cold start problems\dying

  295. cool site this too, from Norway

  296. coolant pipes

  297. debate for Californians

  298. developtrust

  299. developtrust "portopotty guy"

  300. diesel gas conversion - fifth day

  301. diesel gas conversion - fourth day

  302. diesel gas conversion - which header?

  303. diesel gas conversion exhaust manifold

  304. diesel to gas conversion ongoing...

  305. diesel to gas conversion ongoing...WARNING!

  306. diesel to gas conversion ongoing...WARNING!/2

  307. ebay vanagon from arizona

  308. faucet knob

  309. filling water tank '90GLCamper

  310. fl light, inside, above table

  311. flush radiator://adding distilled?

  312. fresnel lens

  313. front heater core

  314. front seats

  315. fuel economy in campers

  316. headlights again

  317. heater trim panel removal

  318. holy smokes!

  319. how do I fill the propane tank

  320. how much tranny lube do I need?

  321. how to keep your vw alive

  322. license plate seal?.....I did not know that!

  323. lights still for sale

  324. missing your westy table tightening knob? Sears has 'em!!!

  325. more virus ????

  326. new vanagon ownership question

  327. norwegian translation? Help

  328. oil: time or miles?

  329. on rear heaters, bubbles and valves

  330. parting out '86 GL Raleigh NC

  331. parts wanted for '86 or newer weekender

  332. pop-top screen replacement

  333. power to manual window conversion

  334. propane install

  335. red carat

  336. scrutiny

  337. shipping, packing, etc

  338. slider window removal (tint)

  339. stalling situation

  340. starting diesel to gas conversion

  341. the best destination in the pacnw

  342. the filter man is back

  343. thermoelectric cooler prob update

  344. thermoelectric cooler problems

  345. trip report with engine woes and choices

  346. trip report with engine woes and choices Go the Tiico

  347. utility trailers???

  348. vanagon Digest - 30 Apr 2002 (#2002-519)

  349. vanagon on ebay

  350. vw show on long island

  351. wanted: REAR westy table arm

  352. website update - wheel alignment

  353. weird idle...

  354. roll call?/ roll call?

  355. westy accident waiting to happen

  356. westy poptop- for sale, add to your hardtop van

  357. window crank

  358. window tinting
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