Vanagon EuroVan
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VANAGON archives – February 2002, week 3

Table of contents:

  1. "Feel" grind when shifting

  2. ' 93 eurovan camper roofrack install

  3. '80 Westfalia-- best way to drive over passes

  4. '84 Wolfsburg Middle Seat

  5. '85 Vanagon For Sale

  6. '87 westy for sale

  7. '91 Weekender FS *lower price*

  8. '91 Westy coolant leak

  9. 100 cupholders, or so for sale or swap...

  10. 1981 Questions

  11. 1984 Gl $500.00

  12. 1985 Digijet Surging at idle (AFM?)

  13. 1985 Vanagon - temp. (degree) gauge not working

  14. 1985 Weekender for sale NY

  15. 1987 Poptop needed

  16. 2 New Paulchen Racks for Sale

  17. 2.1 Engine FS

  18. 2.2 Subaru engine f/s

  19. 2002

  20. 2002,2002,2002

  21. 2WD Diesel mounts in a Syncro... will it work?

  22. 80-83 Westy carpet (Adam, Stan)???

  23. 81 Westy - need a few parts

  24. 82 Diesel Heater

  25. 82 aircooled cooling tin and AC compressor question

  26. 83 Vanagon Fuel Tank Sound Dampening Pads Necessary??

  27. 84 GL Super Sunroof For Sale (Pennsylvania)

  28. 84 Transmasion hex bolt size

  29. 84 Westy and 87 Wolfsburg FS in NJ

  30. 86 Vanagon for sale seattle

  31. 87 weekender for sale

  32. 90 vanagon 1.9L engine for sale.

  33. 91 Carat F.S. in Utah

  34. 93 Eurovan install sliding window latch

  35. <AIRS> 81 Vanagon Help

  36. <AIRS> On the Road 81 Westy

  37. <No subject>

  38. <no subject>

  39. Accessing the archives through email

  40. Air Conditioner Question

  41. Air cooled Westys

  42. Amphibious Vanagon

  43. Another Back on the List / Mysterious Leak

  44. Another strange request (more on topic)

  45. Anyone in ME?

  46. Anyone running a Porsche 6?

  47. Auto Trans Repair Question

  48. Auto Transmission Leak Repair

  49. Aux Furnace Experts?


  51. Battery/Cooling Water

  52. Blew the heads (both)

  53. Blew the heads (both)... DIESEL

  54. Bottom ventilation lever

  55. Busted Bumper? i'll fix it! also fiberglass bumpers/trim FS

  56. Buying a Vanagon from JDB Imports in Commerce City, CO?

  57. CAD file of vanagon

  58. Carpet for Cargo Areas in Westy

  59. Carpet for cargo area wanted

  60. Chrome Bumpers .... for trade

  61. Clutch slave cylinder and leaking coolant

  62. Comment on Starter Bolts and Engine Bolts

  63. Crossed coil wires, Any possible damage??

  64. Curtains

  65. ECUs

  66. Eberspacher BA6 ? heater from old van available

  67. Edisto Freeze Yer Toe III.... Feb 22-24, 2002 You are invited

  68. Edisto Island, SC Campout

  69. Engine Wear

  70. Engine Wear and Power Requirements

  71. Engine replacement for 84 Vanagon

  72. Eurovan only list?

  73. FOR SALE! 82 WESTY


  75. FREE to a good home.

  76. FS Syncro/Camper parts from wrecked 1990 35k

  77. FS door trim piece for late Vanagon

  78. FS: '86 Audi 4000 Quattro (No Vanagon content)

  79. FS: 1973 Project Beetle (NVC)

  80. FS: 1981 Vanagon Camper - Rochester NY $500

  81. FS: 1986 Syncro Westy "Stealth Camper" in Portland Oregon -

  82. FS: 71 Westy

  83. FS: Vanagon mirrors

  84. FS: Vanagon westy AIRCOOLED 83 deluxe LOWER PRICE!

  85. FS: rear fiberglass bumper endcaps, sliding screened windows, hubcaps, etc etc

  86. Flaking paint on stove control panel discussion

  87. For "Rudi Kammereck" Only

  88. Free Stuff!

  89. Fuel Line Heat sheilds

  90. Fuel Pump Relay

  91. Fw: [Non-Vanagon] IRS Scam !?!?!?!?!?!

  92. Fw: [WetWesties] 87 Adventure Wagon Syncro for sale in Eugene

  93. Fwd: <FMBC> Edisto Freeze Yer Toe Edisto Beach, SC This weekend

  94. Fwd: A Redneck Valentine <f>

  95. Gas Tank Removal and Rinsing

  96. Gas in Oil fill

  97. Gathering Tire Inflation Data

  98. Generation span of the list..........

  99. Genuine VW Oil Pumps

  100. Getting weirder by the day!

  101. Getting weirder by the day! - Not really.

  102. Gorgeous '91 Syncro For Sale

  103. Grease for Linkage and misc.

  104. HEAT glorious heat!!!

  105. HEAT glorious heat!!! + 2¢

  106. Hall Control Unit and timing

  107. Have a great extended weekend.

  108. Head Gaskets: A Rite of Passage : A Prayer

  109. Head gaskets: Rites and Prayers

  110. High-Speed Internet & Eurovan

  111. How bad is replacing the heater blower motor?

  112. I agree with Jim on this. Ebay is not the list

  113. I got SA second from BD;and no comment

  114. I got SA second from BD;and no comment (repairing plastic parts)

  115. I lied, so sue me

  116. I miss my van...

  117. Images of Toyota Hilux Surf mirrors & adaptors

  118. Interesting Westfalia Dometic condiment on ebay (ANVCW) absolute

  119. Interesting Westfalia Dometic condiment on ebay (ANVCW) absolutely NVCwha...

  120. Interesting Westfalia Dometic condiment on ebay (ANVCW) absolutely NVCwhatsoever

  121. Is radiator bleed screw just a 13 mmbolt?

  122. Is your Vanagon as unlucky as mine.....windshield has taken hits several times, even here on So CAL freeways

  123. Is your Vanagon as unlucky as mine.....windshield has taken hitsseveral times, even here on So CAL freeways

  124. Kennedy Engineering Products

  125. LICENSEE MAY use the Software.

  126. Last call, new 15" alloys cheap

  127. Last question of the night

  128. Last request of the morning

  129. Leaking Coolant advice requested

  130. Lookin' fer pictures

  131. Max. burn time of LP tank using refrig

  132. Max. burn time of LP tank using refrig.

  133. Mazda RX7 oil cooler on Westy

  134. Miscelanios Whatnot

  135. More Newbie '81 Hyd. Lifter questions... (Aircooled)

  136. Mounting WR-1 relay ?

  137. Moving Time - Florida

  138. My 1981 again

  139. My Vanagon's gone, and so am I!!

  140. My get up and go, Got up and Went!

  141. NPR MP3

  142. NPR MP3 Properties

  143. NPR Reporter Wants to Dump Her Vanagon!

  144. NVC vw Pickup

  145. Need Help * non vanagon *

  146. New Microbus

  147. New springs on my 1989 Vanagon with shims for the lefty camper sway

  148. New to list

  149. No Heater/No Wipers!

  150. OHM Readings . . . . . . o2 sensor

  151. OHM Readings for 1.9 injectors and o2 sensor

  152. Off topic- Canadians get gold medal

  153. Ohio VW Bus Event May 2002

  154. Oil Pressure Safety Switch???????

  155. Optima Yellow vs Red as Starter Battery

  156. Optima Yellow vs. Red as Starter Battery

  157. Our vanagon houses

  158. P.R. Retaining wire T4

  159. Performance Chip?

  160. Pop Top Mold

  161. Pop Top mold on underside. How do I get rid of it?

  162. RX7 cooler link correction

  163. Rear Seat Removal

  164. Rear Seat Removal - weekender sofabed for sale

  165. Rear bed seats - some questions answered

  166. Recommended VW shops in San Diego

  167. Relay kit!! SA Grill!!

  168. Removing Heater under back seat

  169. Removing Silver Grille Paint?

  170. Replacing Rear Main Seal

  171. Reverse osmosis water is NOT ideal

  172. Rust Inside Propane Tank

  173. Seat Input requested

  174. Selling one of my Westfalias (82 Diesel)

  175. Serious question

  176. Shims Swaybars CVs and Steve's Spings

  177. Should I buy a 1989 WOLFSBURG?

  178. Single and wondering how much to sell the 1980 for

  179. Skylight

  180. Spare Tire Carrier of Interest To Me

  181. Spark Plug Boots

  182. Spring replacement addendum

  183. Springs and insuring flame war

  184. Springs replacement

  185. Springs replacement addendum #3

  186. Springs replacement and adding shims on 1989 Camper

  187. Stainless exhaust and heater boxes for 82 aircooled

  188. Starter Bolts

  189. Stripped oil drain-how to repair?

  190. Subaru 6?

  191. Subaru engines

  192. Subaru wbx reliability

  193. Subaru wbx reliabilty

  194. Subject: Re: distilled water & wbx reliabilty(NVC)

  195. Subtle changes in 85GLs with in 5 month production dates

  196. T4 PR retaining wire

  197. Tach unit and foil for sale.

  198. Testing fuel gauge

  199. Thanks and advice for top (safe & sound) cruising speed

  200. Thanks for all the Fish opps I mean Info

  201. The 87 Weekender FS is in the DC area

  202. Tire Diameter

  203. Tire Thread

  204. Transmission/Clutch problem?

  205. Transmission/clutch problems

  206. Transmittion Rebuilders?

  207. URL for NPR Spot MP3

  208. Unregulated Fuel Pressure on '85 1.9L Digijet

  209. Unusual Post - Technical, Information Bearing & Helpful

  210. Update on the 1989 Wolfsburg...

  211. Useful Vanagon Resources


  213. VW curtain kit from Z

  214. Van-Again website webstore is down

  215. Vanagon History Book

  216. Vanagon Springs (Bus Depot Mis leads again!)

  217. Vanagon Yardsale

  218. Vanagons For Sale

  219. WANTED, awning for a Westy 87

  220. WANTED: blue or grey weekender interior

  221. WANTED: pics of 'weekender' interior

  222. WBX Reliabilty

  223. WBX reliability - is it held in low regard in Europe?

  224. WBX reliabilty

  225. WTB - rear cabinet from multivan w/ poptop

  226. WTB: Eurovan 2.4L Diesel motor and tranny

  227. WTB: Relay kit!! SA Grill!!

  228. WTB: center fiberglass for rear bumper

  229. Wanted:Off Road Vehicle CV Boot etc. Protection

  230. Wanted:Off Road Vehicle CV Boot etc. Protection (NSC)

  231. Wasserboxer reliability in Europe

  232. Water Boxer Reliability

  233. Water pump manufacturers

  234. Westy Air Conditioner Hose Removal

  235. Westy Shipping

  236. Westy bed FS, full width

  237. What do I need to install 15" wheels?

  238. [Fwd: Hamm's How To Syncroize a 2WD Westy posted]

  239. [Syncro] 2WD Diesel mounts in a Syncro... will it work?

  240. [WetWesties] Gas Tank/Lines

  241. [WetWesties] Vanagon AC

  242. [WetWesties] Westie wanted/Westie for sale? (fwd)

  243. [vanagon] Common problems with Vanagons

  244. [vanagon] Re: Common problems with Vanagons

  245. `Cont'd: After 3000 mi trip: 84h2o overheating, grinding gears(manual trans

  246. aircraft hose

  247. anyone parting out a '89 wolfsburg?????

  248. calendar

  249. cruising speed

  250. cruising speed - Power Chip Option

  251. distilled water & wbx reliability

  252. distilled water & wbx reliabilty

  253. dyno results from Boston Bobs

  254. eBay Adventurewagen:Si?..No!!

  255. ebay car?

  256. electrical goop

  257. electrical insulating goop

  258. engine speeds

  259. fan

  260. fs 1987 Syncro Westy GL

  261. grille & lights

  262. headrests for sale, mount on middle or rear seats also

  263. list

  264. new microbus

  265. new microbus VLVC

  266. no dashboard lights

  267. not a fuse--wipers/heaters still not working

  268. oil light and buzzer

  269. parts supplier

  270. propane tank

  271. re.82 diesel heater

  272. rear bed seat

  273. rear bed seat (weekender sofabed for sale)

  274. reverse osmosis

  275. reverse osmosis was Re: distilled water & wbx reliabilty

  276. right sized tires, wrong speed indication

  277. size of nut on LP fitting?

  278. speeding ticket in Vanagon

  279. strange idle

  280. synchro camper on ebay

  281. syncro single cab ad

  282. syncro tranny rebuild

  283. tiico: oil level

  284. tiico: oil level - retraction

  285. tranny boots...

  286. vanagon Digest - 16 Feb 2002 (#2002-173)

  287. vanagon Digest - 17 Feb 2002 - Special issue (#2002-175)

  288. vanagon Digest - 19 Feb 2002 (#2002-185)

  289. vanagon Digest - 19 Feb 2002 - Special issue (#2002-184)

  290. vanagon grill pics

  291. vanagon in commercial?

  292. vanagon springs - Take II

  293. vanagon springs - my only response

  294. very nice animation of flat 4 on

  295. wbx reliability

  296. wbx reliabilty

  297. wbx reliabilty & distilled Water
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