Vanagon EuroVan
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VANAGON archives – July 2001, week 3

Table of contents:

  1. '84 Westfalia 4 Sale

  2. '84 Westy Oil Press Problem/ Beaver Road Kill?

  3. '87 Westy tire grief - getting closer

  4. '87 Westy tire grief - long

  5. '87 Westy tire grief - long (this is gonna stir up the bees nest...)

  6. '90 Westy Horn not operating

  7. 15" Alloy wheels for sale $200 for set of 4

  8. 15" wheels effect on spedometer?

  9. 15" wheels effect on speedometer?

  10. 1980 - 1983 Vanagon Model Differences

  11. 2 liter saga with fi continued

  12. 2 liter vanagon dizzy needed, new or rebuilt

  13. 2 liter...By Jove i think i got it!

  14. 2001 EV Car and Driver road test

  15. 2ND Annual Busses by the Sea Sept 14,15,16

  16. 3 New pistons & sleeves for 1988 for sale

  17. 306D

  18. 4WD stickers and Syncro capacities

  19. 86 syncro in junkyard, pittsburg, california

  20. 86 vanagon Oil Pressure Switch: Super Work Around/Easy In and Out

  21. 90 GL for sale - seattle $2000

  22. <No subject>

  23. A few urgent things - curtains, hot start, book

  24. AA Trans is back..Trip report(long)

  25. AA trans (who doesn't own a van)

  26. ANOTHER FREEBIE Weekender MIDDLE bench

  27. ATTN all bus freaks: unknown model year westy for sale

  28. Advice against color for my van

  29. Agilis tires

  30. Anyone going to Porsche Reunion at Lime Rock Park

  31. Anyone have opinion on Michelin Energy MXV4 for the Vanagon

  32. Anyone in the Flagstaff area?

  33. Automatic Tranny/Differential problem

  34. Automatic Transmission

  35. Awning Fiamma F45 Review

  36. BARRY, magic mossies


  38. Baltimore Maryland

  39. Bears & Adventurewagens (repeat)

  40. Best Online Auto Classifieds?

  41. Biodiesel fuel from french fries (or soybeans)

  42. Blown engine: Lists opinions on prognosis, possible rebuild, please!

  43. Burnt ignition coil wire

  44. Bus Depot & Van-Again sites down?!

  45. Bus Depot Phone Lines Down

  46. Bus Depot Phone Update / Grassroots Fest

  47. Bush Bars from South Afrika-Vendors?

  48. CARB madness! (Friday)

  49. CB antenna question

  50. CBs Vanagons Antennas

  51. CBs and Vanagons

  52. CDO Addresses

  53. CDOs Ovens and such

  54. Camping in Mt. Hood National Forest

  55. Canadians go buggy. film at eleven.

  56. Car Shows - Anybody ever go?

  57. Car buyer's inspection

  58. Checkerboard Van in Oakland

  59. Circle yer wagens

  60. Cooling system woes (again, again, again-again)

  61. Could Faulty thermostat cause poor mileage?

  62. Could Faulty thermostat cause poor mileage? GASKET?

  63. Couple o' electrical questions ('87 Westy)

  64. Date for San Diego event

  65. Diesel heatshield; how necessary?

  66. Does anybody like Bare Naked Ladies

  67. Does anybody like Canadians

  68. Drinkin' Gin & Tonics in Punjab

  69. En español !! (Not only)

  70. Engine Misses

  71. Eurovan Timing Belt

  72. Exhaust Leak

  73. FS 2 ASI swivels for captain chairs

  74. FS or ? 1.9l exhaust parts

  75. FS. Bentley Manual, through 89 models

  76. FS: '81 Westy w/ GTI engine

  77. FS: Westy 2 person middle seat w/ seatbelts, grey, in California

  78. FS: grey OEM Vanagon floormat set

  79. FW: pictures of the bush bars and other South Afrikaan VWs

  80. First Aid Kit

  81. Front window guide channel installation questions

  82. Fuel Filter Question

  83. Fuel Line Reducer

  84. Fuel pressure question (FI)

  85. Fw: [vanagon] Vanagon Custom Coil Springs Are Ready to Order

  86. Fw: magic mossies

  87. Fwd: Coolant Tubing

  88. Fwd: Half-Safe

  89. German First aid kit for vanagon

  90. HIgh Idle

  91. Having lots of trouble finding tires-an update.

  92. Heat Exchanger Bypass Pipe Question

  93. Hello, Tranny Pro, are you out there?

  94. Help I've broken my armrest and I can't get it off!

  95. Help Major Surging

  96. Help with 1980 dizzy please

  97. Help! Engine Tapping Noise in Air Cooled Westy

  98. How fast is too fast

  99. How much propane in the tank?

  100. I'm looking for wheel covers for '87 Westy

  101. Idle Stabilizer question.

  102. Ignition wires

  103. IndigeBus Fest October 5th through the 8th

  104. Installing Sliding Mosquito Slider

  105. Interesting item on eBay web site item#1617801490: VW-BUS-MULTIVAN-TD KAT-WESTFALIA

  106. Interesting item on eBay web site item#593302744: Mercedes-Benz : 306D Van

  107. Interesting item on eBay web site item#593302744:Mercedes-Benz : 306D Van

  108. Is Michelin still manufacturing the MXT 205/70R14 R?


  110. Kumho 852 as tire alternative...

  111. LPG diesels, anyone?

  112. Latest info on the '83 Westy

  113. LiMBO/Vanagon List Nite at The Drive-In (RI) - 8/4

  114. Lookin for 4 sp tranny '87 vanagon

  115. Looking for Jump Seat mounting bracket

  116. Looking to buy

  117. Low oil pressure in a Type IV...

  118. Low oil pressure/Type IV engine oil pump (long)...


  120. Making Ice in a Westy

  121. Marhall Brass 2 Stage LP Regulator discoveries

  122. Marketing Marvel Mystery oil (Was: Should I add it to oil or gas tank & Help! Engine Tapping Noise in Air Cooled Westy)

  123. Marvel Mystery oil

  124. Marvel Mystery oil... Should I add it to oil or gas tank (Was: Help! Engine Tapping Noise in Air Cooled Westy)

  125. McMaster Carr has neat stuff

  126. Mercedes-Benz : 306D Van

  127. Michelin Tire Question

  128. Midwest Van Show-Wisconsin

  129. Mosquito Net/No See 'Ems

  130. NAPA hose conversion

  131. Need New Windshield

  132. Need new injectors

  133. Needed: Spare tire in Silicon Valley

  134. New to water cooled, temp questions

  135. New to water cooled, temp questions(long response)

  136. Nice 87 GL ripe for an I-4/Subie covert

  137. No see 'em

  138. Odd transaxle problems

  139. Oven in a Westy

  140. P.E.R.R.O.

  141. Paddle van Pictures are now available

  142. Parts for sale

  143. Pictures

  144. Pictures of Bush Bars from South Afrika

  145. Pilgrim's Progress #3

  146. Placement of Fuel Filter

  147. Power mirror tips (long)...

  148. Power mirrors for sale....Re: power mirrors? Heated or not?

  149. Rad fan NOT on all the time

  150. Rear Cushion

  151. Rear Disc Brake conversions page PHOTO UPDATE

  152. Rear Heater

  153. Rear main seal replacement/flywheel removal

  154. Removing BA6 - completely

  155. Removing Door Panel

  156. Removing Door Panel - The Tool

  157. Repair manual for '87 Westy

  158. Replacement key blanks

  159. Ronal R9 wheels for VW T3: info

  160. STILL ISO: 83.5 VGN 4sp TRANNY

  161. SYNCRO FS

  162. Sam's club sells tires

  163. San Diego event

  164. Servicing AT/Diff/PS fluids

  165. Servicing power windows

  166. Shake, Rattle, and Roll...

  167. Shake, Rattle, and Roll...checking wheel/tire true

  168. Signal flasher problem

  169. Sliding Door Handle Question

  170. Sliding Door Intermittent Electric Door Locking Problem

  171. Speeding ticket in Canada (partial vanagon cont.)

  172. Speedo offsets

  173. Subie/I-4 Conversions Near Portland, OR

  174. Synthetic Oil

  175. TWO TDI motors in stock!

  176. Temperture and thermostat notes

  177. Thanks, and, uhhh, van misses

  178. This will be hard ...

  179. Touch-up Paint

  180. Trailor hitch for '87 Westy

  181. Transmission filler

  182. Trip Report, Boston Bob Engine Update, AC Problem Resolved

  183. Trip report from France/Switzerland

  184. Trip report: Eastern Oregon-John Day Fossil Monument

  185. Universal Joint

  186. Update on the '83 I was looking at

  187. Upper Bushings squeak

  188. VDO tachometer question

  189. VW Cabriolet Question

  190. VW Cabriolet wheels on Westy?

  191. VW Seattle Show

  192. VW Shop in San Fran

  193. Vacuum gauge install help needed

  194. Van Show Links

  195. Vanagon Diesel Aux Heater Questions

  196. Vanagon favorite part - seats

  197. Vanagon favorite part.

  198. Vanagon screens

  199. Volkswagen Camper and Comercial Issue Three Is Out

  200. WTB 2.1l exhaust pipes

  201. WTB: Canvas for Poptop- in Grey

  202. Was: Middle Seat Shoulder Belts

  203. Was: Middle Seat Shoulder Belts (LONG)

  204. Washing Your Westy/Removing Paint

  205. Well, I made it... (Correction!)

  206. Westy Fridge Performance

  207. Westy cover and outside storage recommendations

  208. Westy propane leak?

  209. Westy single center seat, AC, other parts For Sale

  210. Where to buy vanagon bra

  211. Where??????????????????????

  212. Window Trim (orderable???)

  213. Windshield "How-To"

  214. Windshield "How-To"?---Don't

  215. Wipers won't

  216. Wire leaked it's smoke

  217. World's Funniest (Home Videos)

  218. Yet another 2 Liter Question

  219. Yet another 2 liter question

  220. [DIESEL] mount-to-block torque spec

  221. [FWD: Returned mail: Host unknown (Name server: host not found)]

  222. [Re: Vanagon favorite part.]

  223. access to back of seam above propane tank?

  224. any seattle area A/C experts out there? where to go? what to do?

  225. anybody in Seattle coming to California soon?

  226. auto trans cost?

  227. bears and westys

  228. biodiesel

  229. biodiesel (long)

  230. can you stand on top of your westy?

  231. coolant faires problem solved

  232. coolant fairies, expansion cap.

  233. distributor rotation?

  234. don't wanna replace your fuel hoses??

  235. eBay Vanagon / Corrado First Aid Kit

  236. flooding

  237. for sale: fiberglass lower moulding pieces, power mirrors, weekender interiors

  238. gas regulator locating

  239. handles

  240. happy trails again :)

  241. headin' to Halifax

  242. hello again i resubscribed and this is a test

  243. hitch for vanagon

  244. hot wheels sunagon

  245. how long does a refer run?

  246. how long does the westy frig run?

  247. how much propane in the tank

  248. intermittent shutdown

  249. log splitter

  250. look at this crazy vw camper! full size, yet!

  251. looking for '84 Westy A/C parts

  252. magic mossies

  253. marvel mystery oil

  254. missing van/plug wire question/tri sport camp

  255. momo steering wheel hub

  256. new bearings but no change in oil pressure

  257. no-see-ums

  258. old propane tank lost cause?

  259. pictures of the bush bars now on the web

  260. pictures of the bush bars now on the web!

  261. power converter for the price of shipping

  262. power mirrors? Heated or not?

  263. power steering rack question

  264. prices for vanagon fiberglass stuff, seats etc

  265. rad fan stuck on

  266. rad van not going on

  267. rear hatch struts report

  268. reversing subaru coolant manifold pipe

  269. running a log splitter from a power steering pump???

  270. shady boy

  271. singin' the AC blues.....

  272. soundproofing and seat tracks, ad nauseum

  273. speaking of windshields .. anyone have a used one for cheap?

  274. spring options and cost?

  275. steering rack

  276. synthetic oil in an aircooled

  277. temp o.k.

  278. thank you joel, as it takes all types

  279. tiico questions

  280. tranny plug - found it

  281. transmission fill plug

  282. transmission oil

  283. vanagon Digest - 14 Jul 2001 (#2001-907)

  284. vanagon Digest - 18 Jul 2001 (#2001-926)

  285. vanagon rear hatch mosquito screen $25

  286. vw type I, type II, type III and type IV

  287. weekender sofabed and side table panels for sale, fit all vans

  288. westy overhead a/c system for sale.

  289. window screens

  290. wiring for gauges

  291. wood splitter

  292. would 15" rims solve the dreaded tire problems??

  293. zinfandel lunch /F
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