Vanagon EuroVan
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VANAGON archives – July 2001, week 2

Table of contents:


  2. !!! ACCESSORY NEEDED !!! - not

  3. "Cool" observation about Westy a/c

  4. '80-'81 vanagon owners manual - $10

  5. '84 Westy Oil Press Problem/ Beaver Road Kill?

  6. '87 Vanagon Sycnro For Sale!

  7. '87 Westfalia to be back on the road...

  8. '90 - '91 Vanagon Wanted in Western WA Area

  9. '90 Wolfsburg Needs Repairs

  10. '91 Westy Value?

  11. 130Amp alternator upgrade?

  12. 2.1L Main Bearing Problem

  13. 2WD springs

  14. 2WD springs-not poor!

  15. 4th heater core burst in 1 year!

  16. 84 westy mirror

  17. 86 High Beam Lens needed

  18. 86 vanagon Oil Pressure Switch

  19. 90 Vanagon Oil Press Buzzer & Oil Light's on: Tis a Mistery

  20. 91 Multivan for sale

  21. 91 Syncro Westy for sale - Seattle

  22. <No subject>

  23. = 3 + 5 *

  24. > fluid in a 'new' engine

  25. A few urgent things - curtains, hot start, book

  26. A new Adventure on the way to the Audi 2.0 Turbo - or pulling gears


  28. ACME License Maker

  29. Additional questions ... trip x-country is going great but...

  30. Any of you own the biodiesel burner in the shop at Colma?

  31. Anybody on the West Coast going to DubWar? 7-28-01

  32. Auto to Manual Trans Question

  33. Automatic transmission

  34. Bad overheating

  35. Bentley Manuals SOLD

  36. Best Online Auto Classifieds?

  37. Bicycles - What's the best way to secure them inside?

  38. Building a westy

  39. Building a westy/DESTROYING A RARE SUNROOF VAN

  40. Bus Depot & Van-Again sites down?!

  41. Busdepot site down?

  42. CANADA Tire Info

  43. CB Antenna SWR etc.

  44. CB antenna question

  45. CHRIS, Help! Engine Tapping Noise in Air Cooled Westy

  46. CHRIS, Re: Rear shoulder belts for 88 Westy?

  47. CHRIS, Re: Rear shoulder belts for 88 Westy?- only for right rear.

  48. Calgary service recommendations?

  49. Can anyone help me?

  50. Canadian Laws. NVC (F)

  51. Cannot find URL for Bloss' Page

  52. Canvas Replacement ?? OEM Quality ?? Three Window??

  53. Car Shows - Anybody ever go?

  54. Changing pop-top seals??

  55. Checking a Radiator.

  56. Cleaning AFM carbon tracks

  57. Clutch slave cyl. removal & more

  58. Computer woes?

  59. Coolant Fairies - Another Q

  60. Coolant Trolls

  61. Coolant Trolls - Expansion Tanks

  62. Coolant Tubing

  63. Diesel heatshield; how necessary?

  64. Digest and email addresses

  65. Do Syncro 16 wheels fit on other Vanagons?

  66. Door Lock Problem

  67. Dumb question #127...

  68. Easy Mosquito Slider & Solar Powervent Pics

  69. Email addresses not available in digest mode

  70. En español !! (Not only)

  71. Equipped for the Left Coast

  72. Excuse the personal stuff...

  73. FREE 81 poptop, still needs home (pics up)

  74. FS - 1992 EV Scarborough, ON, CAN - double sliding doors

  75. FS 84 Sunroofer Weekender (western WV) 2400 obo

  76. FS Robert Bentley (NEW) for $50.00

  77. FS: '85-'91 vanagon slider door $65

  78. FS: 1990 2.1L WBX Engine

  79. FS: Automatic transmission

  80. FS: Bently Manuals

  81. FS: Modified bed hinges - 4" lift over stock

  82. FS: blue weekender sofabed and cushion, fits all pass vans

  83. FS: speedometer $35

  84. FS: vanagon metal bumpers

  85. FS: very rare in No. America / 1992 EuroVan Double Cab

  86. Fast idle problem

  87. Free Parts van

  88. Front End Protector (BRA) FOR SALE

  89. Fuel Pressure Info

  90. Fuel Tank in Canada WAS Re: Power Antenna for Vanagon

  91. Fuel pump woes (me and my fantastic luck)

  92. Fw: Murphy Bros. Quincy Ma. Good or bad or O.K.

  93. Fw: porta-potti

  94. Fwd: Coolant Tubing

  95. Fwd: Intermittant Starting Problems

  96. Get me out of here!

  97. Glove box removal (help!)

  98. Hella turbo fan

  99. Help with speaker wiring needed

  100. Help! Engine Tapping Noise in Air Cooled Westy

  101. Hot Weather Effects... and some information.

  102. How Many Total Miles On Your Van

  103. How Many Total Miles On Your Van?

  104. How much pay for van?

  105. How much pay for van? GLX version

  106. How the heck to prime oil pump?(Saga continues, pics on www)

  107. I Need 1 "Fake Mag Wheel" vanagon hubcap

  108. I'm desperate - HELP??

  109. I-4 again

  110. I-4 fuel rail info....2d attempt

  111. Ignition Wires for 1.9 h2o

  112. In mittel englisch -- no personal

  113. In mittel englisch -- no personal (my apologies)

  114. Information

  115. Installing Sliding Mosquito Slider

  116. Intake air temperature sensor defective (88 Van)

  117. Is There A TIICO List?

  118. Keys locked in van

  119. Keys locked in van HERE'S A THOUGHT

  120. Kill The Thread

  121. Kirkland Tire question

  122. Kirkland tires

  123. Kirkland tires - need more info

  124. Kirkland tires again - Sorry! :-)

  125. Kirtland Tire question

  126. LPG diesels, anyone?

  127. Last call - FS: 1990 2.1L WBX in Seattle

  128. Leaving for Road Trip

  129. List Members in Raleigh, NC

  130. List donation update - We have a new server!

  131. Listee (Mike Miller) Needs HELP in Corona, California

  132. Listee needs HELP in Corona, California

  133. Looking for Vanagon in Portland, OR

  134. Lost Vanagon Key

  135. Lundy Canyon Backpack

  136. Meeting In Decatur Georgia Tomorrow

  137. Mexican Westy Upholstery Job

  138. Mileage

  139. My Kirkland Signature Tires

  140. Need injection pump throttle arm for Vanagon diesel

  141. Need rotors and calipers?

  142. New to List

  143. Not Downshifting

  144. Not Downshifting + bearing replacement info

  145. O2 censor hookup question.

  146. Oil pressue

  147. Oil temp, safe or not?

  148. One Vanagon 15" Steel Rim FS

  149. Outside Windshield Cover

  150. PARTS ADS wanted for Vanagon Cafe

  151. POP server -- WAS:non van content (also no vanagon content)

  152. Parts

  153. Pennsylvania Get Together?

  154. Porta Pottie?

  155. Power Antenna for Vanagon

  156. Power window switches

  157. Question about replacing front brake pads

  158. RE: En español !! (Not only)

  159. Rare VW Factory Awning/Canopy FS on Ebay

  160. Ratio Rockers with swivel/roller tips?

  161. Re '91 Westy value

  162. Re '91 Westy value F cars

  163. Re Re: Kirkland tires

  164. Re-wiring after a fire

  165. Re; Keys Locked in Van

  166. Rear shoulder belts for 88 Westy?

  167. Reducing exhaust heat extends the life of water hoses.

  168. Refrigerants

  169. Removing Westy rear cabinet

  170. Replacing rear hatch

  171. Running problems

  172. S&S Header Installation

  173. S&S headers on Syncro?

  174. Scooter on a Westy

  175. Scooter on a Westy?

  176. Seattle area AC shops

  177. Seattle meet

  178. Seattle show on the 14th

  179. Secret Hiding Place

  180. Securing Valuables in Westy

  181. Securing stuff

  182. See the All terrain Vanagon engine

  183. Self-healing hoses?

  184. Separating list server messages from less important email

  185. Shady Boy Awning

  186. Short in my gas gauge

  187. Sliding door extension help

  188. Speedometer Questions Miles vs. Kilometres

  189. Spring Clamps,Harry Houdini, and The love of changing hoses.

  190. Springs

  191. Su Traduccion Estupendo

  192. Subies in SE Michigan?

  193. Subject: Westy Fridge amperage?

  194. Suggestion, Re: Checking a Radiator.

  195. Suggestion, Re: Checking a Radiator.-now cooling Q&A

  196. Syncro Alignment in South Jersey???

  197. Syncro Gear Shift Lever + parts

  198. Syncro Stuck in ditch!!!

  199. TIICO: Conversion Discussion

  200. TIICO: drive plate confusion

  201. TIICo conversion folks

  202. TV/VCR.Combo- where to install????

  203. Thanks!

  204. The Saga of the Cross Country Jumpseat Bracket

  205. The only ten tools needed

  206. Thermostat checking (Overheating)

  207. Tiico fuel rail info........

  208. Timing mystery

  209. Trade: mosquito netting question

  210. Transporters By the Tunnel, final reminder

  211. Trip Report #3

  212. Trip report and questions

  213. Trying to replace front bushings

  214. Turnsignal Blinker

  215. Vanagon Miles

  216. Vanagon Westfalia for sale, Iowa City, IA (NOT MINE)

  217. Vanagon key lost

  218. WTB: adj armrest

  219. Wanted to buy! Transmision mount for '85 Van/standard

  220. Wanted: Engine, preferably alive

  221. Washing Your Westy/Removing Paint

  222. Washing your Westy?

  223. Well, I made it...

  224. Well, I made it... (Correction!)

  225. Westfalia Canopy/Awning FS at Ebay! Ends tomorrow!

  226. Westfalia Tent

  227. Westy A/C: Is that all there is? '90 westy FS

  228. Westy Fridge amperage?

  229. Westy cover and outside storage recommendations

  230. What Do I Check Next?

  231. Where is that washer reservoir?

  232. Who is going to the Seattle VW show on the 14th?

  233. Window Locks

  234. Window Trim

  235. Window switch retainer

  236. Wolfsburg badge

  237. [Bicycles - What's the best way to secure them inside?]

  238. [DIESEL] How the heck to prime oil pump?(Saga continues, pics on www)

  239. [Re: POP server -- WAS:non van content (also no vanagon conte nt)]

  240. [Re: POP server -- WAS:non van content (also no vanagon content)]

  241. [Syncro] Re: How To Install Your New VC

  242. access to back of seam above propane tank?

  243. alternator/battery light on at 3600+ RPM..what gives?

  244. animation starring a Westy...

  245. auto trans cost?

  246. biodiesel

  247. bumper gray?

  248. camping/parts list

  249. cancun

  250. cigarett lighter

  251. cleaning the canvas

  252. coolant fairies...

  253. coolant fairies...(long)

  254. don't wanna replace your fuel hoses??

  255. drivers door lock

  256. drivers door lock -- MORE VANAGON SELF-HEALING

  257. electrical whoes - help needed

  258. faucet innards (not Farrah)

  259. floor tracks for single captain's chair

  260. good band: clumsy lovers (NO VW CONTENT)

  261. how many and how much

  262. how much did you pay for your vanagon

  263. how to install the floor tracks in your westyRe:tracksforsingle captain's chair

  264. hydrolic lifter adjustment

  265. in The Dalles last friday

  266. john muir's book?

  267. look at this crazy vw camper! full size, yet!

  268. middle/back seat anyone?

  269. more free wheels.

  270. need I -4 stuff

  271. new bearings but no change in oil pressure

  272. new engine & bleeding

  273. no ignition key

  274. noiseproofing mastic sheets

  275. nominal digitool readings (digifant)

  276. nominal digitool readings with digijet

  277. non van content

  278. non van content (also no vanagon content)

  279. odometer and trip-odometer stopped

  280. overheating

  281. overheating, radiators, water pumps, whatever

  282. part # for e-brake handle?

  283. parting out '81 westy poptop camper, and '90 carat/wolfsburg

  284. parting out 84 74 88

  285. permission is needed to reuse Hollister CD materials

  286. porta potti

  287. porta-potti

  288. power/heated mirrors for sale, fit all vanagons

  289. problems with Vanagon Cafe

  290. refigerants

  291. right rear interior trim panel removal

  292. securing valuables in Westy

  293. shadyboy installation ??s

  294. shifter kit & adjustment

  295. shylight reviews

  296. sill plastic for our '87 westy

  297. skylight reviews

  298. syncro safari??

  299. syncro sticker

  300. tiico questions

  301. transmission/front differential filler bolt removal

  302. update on oil pressure woes

  303. van prices /how many miles

  304. vanagon Digest - 11 Jul 2001 - Special issue (#2001-890)

  305. vanagon Digest - 12 Jul 2001 - Special issue (#2001-894)

  306. vanagon Digest - 13 Jul 2001 - Special issue (#2001-901)

  307. vanagon to westy conversion

  308. warm start stumble

  309. was fairies, now T-fittings

  310. wasserboxer problem

  311. water faucet switch

  312. water tank key

  313. wheels

  314. will repair broken power window motors
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Any profits from list compilations go exclusively towards the management and operation of the Vanagon mailing list and vanagon mailing list web site.