Vanagon EuroVan
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VANAGON archives – June 2001, week 2

Table of contents:

  1. "rebuilding" heater boxes and custom exhausts

  2. $Cash$ for your TiiCo video(respond in private)

  3. '85 Westy Spring Height

  4. '86 AFM in '84

  5. '90 Vanagon: Hose leaking antifreeze

  6. '90 vanagon--hose leaking antifreeze

  7. (More) Octane & Driving in Mexico

  8. (no subject)

  9. 1.8 or 2.0 Engine weight for Power Comparison Project

  10. 1.9 or 2.1?

  11. 1981 fuel related FI problem

  12. 1985 single cab for sale (rough)

  13. 2-Ton Axle stands - Good enough for Vanagon?

  14. 2.1 exhaust flex, litter box

  15. 2WD Prototype Springs - Day 2 (long)

  16. 5 Min. filll time for Gas?

  17. 81 Vanagon Ventilation Problem

  18. 82 Transmission Question

  19. 82 Vanagon Diesel FS in AR

  20. 82 odometer/tripmeter

  21. 84 Pretend Vanagon (Toyota) Mitsubishi

  22. 84 Pretend Vanagon (Toyota) western WV

  23. 84 Pretend Vanagon (Toyota)- don't knock 'em!

  24. 87 speedo assembly

  25. 87 syncro fs in minneapolis

  26. 90-91 Vanagon Westy

  27. 90-91 Westy

  28. 91' doors are better than 85 doors!

  29. 99 EVC for sale

  30. <No subject>

  31. > attachments - thanks

  32. > do attachments work?

  33. > missing hoses needed...

  34. ?? SA Engine Conversion ??

  35. A True Alien Census, 'Fessing up

  36. A place to stay in AZ

  37. A place to stay in Arizona

  38. A/C Clutch Relay

  39. A/C Temp Switch Question

  40. AC Compressor and Condensor for Sale

  41. AC, idle speed and cooling fan

  42. ADDED:FS:1980 Weekender


  44. ASI/Riviera headcount

  45. ASI/Riviera headcount and one for sale

  46. Addiatives, good or bad?

  47. Additives, good or bad?

  48. Allison Ignition still there?

  49. Announcing Kampers near Knoebels

  50. Another Two Battery Set-up

  51. Another airflow box ?

  52. Apostrophes & spelling & Vanagon differences.

  53. Apostrophes & spelling (was Re: Sears disaster- BOZO's heh)

  54. Ask Jeeves Answer: The Word Detective

  55. Aux oil Cooler setup

  56. Bad dream

  57. Bad dream -- AUTO RESPONSE

  58. Battery Question

  59. Battery Question - group 41.

  60. Best timing for '90 Westy

  61. Bigger Problem than Coolent Sensor

  62. Boston Bob Engine, Low Compression and Low Vacuum - Update

  63. Brake bleeding, size of wrench???

  64. Burned fridge pilot light?

  65. BusFusion 2001 - Thanks & Photos

  66. BusFusion Report

  67. Calling any D/FW Texas Vanagon owners

  68. Camper top seal where to get?

  69. Camping spots near Niagara Falls

  70. Caıro Report: Pılgrım's Progress

  71. Caıro Report: Pılgrım's Progress

  72. Census

  73. Chucky Rustoleum

  74. Coolant filters

  75. Custom Made Curtains

  76. Diesel Head Torque spec

  77. Diesel Westy oil leak

  78. Digijet Timing Info

  79. Does anybody make a Class 2 hitch for Vanagons?

  80. Don't race Beetles!!!!

  81. Drilling the Westy poptop

  82. ECU or Harness or AFM plug Malfuction Question

  83. ENGINE FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  84. Engine Cutting Out at Highway Speed

  85. Engine Fires: A Professional POV

  86. Engine codes?

  87. Engine vs RPM vs MPH

  88. Every Bus 2001


  90. FS: 2 person westy middle seat w/ floor tracks

  91. FS: power mirrors and jumpseats

  92. FS:1980 Weekender

  93. FS; Fuel Pressure Gauge

  94. FW: Renewal of your subscription to the vanagon list

  95. FYI...Manual FS on Ebay (VAN '80-82 inc.Diesel)

  96. Fiamma Bike Rack - My impressions

  97. Fire Extinguisher Mounting.

  98. Free fonts..

  99. Front brake question

  100. Fw: 2-Ton Axle stands - Good enough for Vanagon?

  101. Fw: FW: Renewal of your subscription to the vanagon list

  102. Fw: Re:Were 15" wheels EVER stock outside of SA?

  103. Fw: Sliding door differences?

  104. Fw: Solar question and electrical oddity

  105. Fw: Spillage when filling the gas

  106. Fwd: How to Connect Trailer Lights

  107. Fwd: [vanagon] Air-cooled - feels like towing an elephant

  108. GOOD LUCK AMERICA!!!!!!

  109. GOOD LUCK AMERICA!!!!!! (Who KNEW??)

  110. Gas Tanks

  111. Gas Tanks........sealant

  112. Gas Tanks.......sealant

  113. Gas tanks.........sealant

  114. Good explanation of Octane rating

  115. Great info on DIY Powder Coating

  116. H&R Wheel Spacers

  117. HELP!!

  118. HTML, URL, FTP, TCP/IP, JAVA, PERL, and all those others....

  119. Hail

  120. Has anyone removed a/c systems in 84ish Westies?

  121. Hella Optilux model 2020?

  122. Help me find an '82 Transmission

  123. Hi, I came up with the following for flushing & filling the coolant system on m

  124. High and low pressure zones on a Vanagon - ideas for my intercooler anyon...

  125. High and low pressure zones on a Vanagon - ideas for my intercooler anyone!?

  126. Highway Noise

  127. Hit&run: by a BUS!

  128. How My 60's Beetle Burned

  129. How to diagnose a propane regulator?

  130. How to seal propane connection

  131. How to test ignition coil?

  132. How to test ignition coil? this guy needs some help

  133. How to turn the van over from the back

  134. How to turn the van over from the back (f)

  135. How to turn the van over from the back?

  136. JOHN, Bad dream

  137. Jacobs Compusensor ignition work on aa 2.1?

  138. Jimbo has to go!

  139. Just my luck :-(

  140. K&N Air filters. anyone?

  141. Lambda sensor

  142. Last Call for Fuel Pressure Gauges

  143. Last call for overheating help

  144. Latest news on No Spark

  145. LiMBO on Long Island what a weekend!!!

  146. Load in Van?

  147. Long distance Vanagon buying

  148. Many pardons ... a Eurovan question

  149. Maple Grove VW show tomorrow

  150. Mendocino Redwood Campout

  151. More Help Puh•Leeze!!!

  152. More Replacing PopTop Screen

  153. More on sears auto dept

  154. Mounting Devices for Extinguishers?

  155. My Census

  156. My Westy abandoned me for the second time this year :(

  157. NEED: radiator metal shroud

  158. Need Cheap Flight

  159. Need help setting timing and idle on digifant

  160. New Mexico Trip

  161. No Vanagon Content - Question about Sciroccos

  162. Octane

  163. Octane & Driving in Mexico

  164. Octane, the whole story

  165. Octane. NVC

  166. Oil drain plug and Heli-coil <f>

  167. On being well grounded

  168. One more question for the list

  169. Optima Batteries

  170. Overheating 84 Vanagon

  171. Oxygen sensor-replace or unplug?

  172. Pads good, sounds not!

  173. Passat steel rims on a Vanagon...DO NOT DO IT...TOO weak...

  174. Plastic Cooling Pipe Damage

  175. Plastic coolant pipes (again)...

  176. Plastic cooling pipes damaged...

  177. Porsche 914 heads on Vanagon motor...

  178. Power steering leak

  179. Propane Leak! Yikes!

  180. Psychological Quirk: 'Fessing up

  181. Puh-Leeeeze Forgive Me!!

  182. Puh-Leeeeze Help!

  183. Puh-Leeeze Van-Again!!!

  184. R-134a Oil

  185. RE; Drilling Fiberglass

  186. Radiator out/observations...

  187. Re fire extinguisher

  188. Re-occuring problem

  189. Re.Pretend Vanagons (yuk)

  190. Re.Spillage when filling the gas

  191. Re; White Smoke

  192. Rear springs

  193. Rear view mirror install???

  194. Remote starter for <$5.00

  195. Removal of "water" drain plugs?

  196. Replacing PopTop Screen

  197. Replacing older slider handle with newer one

  198. Reply on Engine Power

  199. SA Engine Conversion

  200. Seat belt stop button

  201. Seats For Sale

  202. Shade Tree Gas Tank vent repair?

  203. Sliding door differences

  204. Smokey Yunick is Dead

  205. Solenoid Fix (was: How to turn the van over from the back)

  206. Speakers For Free

  207. Speaking of axle stands

  208. Spillage

  209. Spillage when filling gas

  210. Spillage when filling the gas

  211. Squeal

  212. Starter Trade

  213. Subject: Re: 2-Ton Axle stands - Good enough for Vanagon?

  214. Success?

  215. Supsension Noises

  216. Surgery

  217. TIICO question.........someone with one please respond

  218. Temp Discrepencies/Scrap A/C?

  219. Thank your Vendors on the oil pump.

  220. Thanks guys.

  221. Thanks! (problem solved)

  222. This is HTTP

  223. This is HTTP(no vanagon Content)

  224. Three Double Cab Transporters on eBay!

  225. Tight Valves/RPM cont.

  226. Tight Valves/RPM.

  227. Tight valves!

  228. Timing Question

  229. Timing solution

  230. TireJack

  231. Trade In

  232. Trailer Hitch, diesel oil pick-up, other Parts for Sale

  233. Transaxle Value

  234. Twin Cities VW Show/Swap Meet

  235. Type 4 thermostat

  236. VW Camper Mag.

  237. Vacuum Diagram

  238. Vanagon Sightings--The Darker Side

  239. Vanagon fundraising efforts- PROGRESS!

  240. Vanagon sighting (Friday)

  241. Vanagon sighting (PBS Frontline)

  242. Vanagon sighting --The Darker Side

  243. Vanagon sighting near beach in Sandy Hook, NJ

  244. Vanagon stuff at junkyard

  245. Vanagon trailer wiring help needed

  246. Vibration induced electrical failure

  247. Vortex Schmoretex!!

  248. WTB aux oil cooler kit

  249. Want to buy $tuff for our van

  250. Was Brake Rotor Squeal. Now tuning and timing research

  251. Water Level Lights

  252. Water pump replacement successful -- now to completely flush system -- how?

  253. Were 15" wheels EVER stock outside of SA? What years was the syncro 16" made?

  254. Westy air conditioning alternative(friday)

  255. What does this part do?

  256. What is "Jury-rigged"? (NO VANAGON CONTENT)

  257. What is "Jury-rigged"? (NO VANAGON CONTENT)]

  258. What is it

  259. What is the best trailer hitch? Anyone have any experiencewithFast Forw...

  260. Where Mount Second Extinguisher?

  261. Where do I get Michelin MXTs (Reinforced) in 205/70R14?

  262. Window closes hard

  263. Zoltan Needs Headrests

  264. [Re: Bad dream]

  265. [Re: Don't race Beetles!!!!]

  266. [Re: Re-occuring problem]

  267. [T2] 1981 fuel related FI problem

  268. [T2] Camping spots near Niagara Falls

  269. [T2] Type 4 thermostat

  270. [vanagon] wheels WTB

  271. a Friday topic

  272. a/c install pictures

  273. another diesel question

  274. anyone need a vanagon owners manual?

  275. asi/rivera

  276. asi/riviera

  277. brand new poptop seal FS-Re: Camper top seal where to get?

  278. census

  279. census data

  280. coolant filters, anyone?

  281. exhaust brackets and bed washing

  282. exhaust smoke

  283. fire extinguisher

  284. fire extingusher mounts

  285. first 2WD Prototype Spring install

  286. gas spillage

  287. good speakers and cabinets for vanagons?

  288. hip-hip ---hooray!(not the AFM harnessam)

  289. how many photographers are among us?

  290. i put stuff on ebay

  291. interconnecting two propane tanks

  292. intermintent chugging

  293. leakey thermostat housing

  294. list members in Brisbane?

  295. load capacity in a Westy?

  296. long-distance Vanagon buying (I did it)

  297. mk II brake pads (20% thicker) standard on a syncro?

  298. new EV is awesome, folks -- check this

  299. octane!

  300. overheating 84 vanagon

  301. posting to the backup Vanagon list

  302. propane regulator

  303. radiator 82 diesel

  304. re 914 heads on an air cooled 2liter

  305. rear end of van hotter than surface of sun

  306. rear end of van hotter than surface of sun-UPDATE

  307. redline v. amsoil

  308. roof rack for 84 Westie

  309. side door handle for 84'

  310. some general vanagon questions

  311. steering woes

  312. temp o2 sensor...where??

  313. torque converter won't fit

  314. travelers' page

  315. van parts for sale, mostly 1.9

  316. van stalls after warming up

  317. vanagon Digest - 14 Jun 2001 - Special issue (#2001-746)

  318. vanagon Digest - 9 Jun 2001 (#2001-723)

  319. vanagon long block fs

  320. vanagon warms up and then stops runnings

  321. weight of back pack was Re: roof rack for 84 Westie

  322. white doors for sale.....complete with glass and all

  323. white smoke?

  324. wish your passenger van was a camper? whole camper interior for sale


  326. yay, fixed my problem....but how long can I go?
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Any profits from list compilations go exclusively towards the management and operation of the Vanagon mailing list and vanagon mailing list web site.