Vanagon EuroVan
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VANAGON archives – February 2001, week 2

Table of contents:

  1. "Story of the Beetle" on Speedvision TV tonight: no vanagon content

  2. $18 Re: Best deal for temp 2 sensor

  3. $CRAP selling out: Vanagon car cover

  4. '85 Vanagon Westy - to buy or not to buy?

  5. '90 2wd rotors and calipers, free

  6. 0.9 bar or 1.8 bar Oil Press Switch Bullshit

  7. 1.9 Motor FS

  8. 100% or more return in 90 days!! 25246

  9. 1600$ weekender

  10. 1980 vanagon EGR valve/cleaning???

  11. 1985 Vanagon fuel overflow?


  13. 2-cab FS

  14. 2.1L Oil pressure problem: Rods: SYMPTOM NOT CAUSE: UNBALANCED crank the ...

  15. 2.1L Oil pressure problem: Rods: SYMPTOM NOT CAUSE: UNBALANCED crank the Problem

  16. 2.1L Oil pressure problem: Rods: SYMPTOM NOT CAUSE:UNBALANCED crank the ...

  17. 2.1L Oil pressure problem: Rods: SYMPTOM NOT CAUSE:UNBALANCED crank the ....

  18. 2.1L Oil pressure problem: Rods: SYMPTOM NOT CAUSE:UNBALANCEDcrank the ...

  19. 2.1l waterboxer - max horsepower?

  20. 82 Diesel Westy FS maybe!

  21. 84 auto for sale

  22. 86 smog check - payed + didn't pass

  23. 87' westy value

  24. : Re: Busses in the Movies

  25. <No subject>

  26. ?? 0.9 bar or 1.8 bar Oil Press Switch ??

  27. ADV. Accept Visa/MasterCards Online!!!

  28. AVP

  29. Advice needed in Westy purchase

  30. Agilis 61 (and load range c vs. d question)

  31. Air-Lift Install

  32. Air-Lift Installation

  33. Aircooling tin questions

  34. Alloy wheels for sale.

  35. Anna K Virus is loose

  36. AnnaKournikova email virus expected to hit today

  37. Another hesitation question....

  38. Any interest in 15" Steel Rims

  39. Anyone got a Digitool in the Twin Cities MN??

  40. Anyone have a spare???

  41. Anyone there repairs ECUs?

  42. Auxillary heater Q

  43. Bareback or with a saddle?

  44. Best deal for temp 2 sensor

  45. Big island

  46. BlueStar/WhiteStar Brochure and snail mail from Canada

  47. Boycott the malls

  48. Brake Bleeder / Coolant Pressure Testor

  49. Bus on JUNKYARD WARS?

  50. Buses in the Movies

  51. Busses in the Movies

  52. Camping Spots in Miami?

  53. Canadian exportation of Vanagon to the USA

  54. Canadian importation

  55. Cancer and 1.9 compression readings

  56. Carbs on Wasserboxer?

  57. Cathedral City/Palm Canyon

  58. Cooling Tin Questions

  59. Custom back window

  60. Darrel Boehler's site? URL???

  61. Dead Dash Cluster needed

  62. Differences of early/late caliper mounts

  63. Different Thermostats...

  64. Discover The Secrets of Wealth on the Internet!

  65. Dismantling 82 Westy, need non-Westy parts?

  66. ECU

  67. ECU and upgrade chip available, was: lousy mileage

  68. EG33 redline?

  69. EXPERTISE NEEDED! oil pressure woes con't. part 4

  70. End to List SPAM

  71. Engine Dies update

  72. Engine dies


  74. FOAF Response

  75. FREE 32-Page Guide. Inside Secrets to Success on the Web

  76. FS '85 Westy "weekender"

  77. FS 1981 Westy near SF, CA

  78. FS 85' in NC

  79. FS 86 and 87 AC compressors

  80. FS AC compressors -Sorry here is the link to the pics

  81. FS PS pump w/bracket and resevoir

  82. FS throttle body w/ throttle switch

  83. FS used alternator from 87

  84. FS: '87 Syncro in NM

  85. FS: round headlight buckets for SA Quad grille for '86-'91 vans


  87. Factory Only Parts--Camelback Replacement Vendor On Our List Already

  88. Found the mysterious problem with the golf conversion

  89. Friday - no Vanagon content

  90. Frydaye Follies for Friendly Ffolkes or Fickle Fussbudgets!

  91. Frydaye!!! one last one!!! for you snowbound folks up Nawth! :)

  92. Fuel hose - what kind do I need?

  93. Fuel injector bracket???

  94. Fw: Re: SUV was road rage

  95. Fw: Re: SUV was road rage (OT)

  96. Fw: what are dichroic light bulbs?


  98. Fwd: Re: [T2] Rebuilt Half Axles/ Autozone $99

  99. Fwd: [hebmuller] Missing Body #6](stolen '49 vw hebmuller

  100. G-R-I-P-E-S ....conversions instead

  101. G-R-I-P-E-S part 5 oil pres woes and more woes and ....

  102. Gas Fridge Questions

  103. Gas Tank is In!!(long)

  104. Gas filler question

  105. Gas tank fun

  106. German Brake Drums $39!

  107. German Brake Drums $39! - part # corrrection

  108. German SUV

  109. Gift for Wife

  110. Gift for Wife now vendor rant


  112. Has anyone put a turbodiesel system in a gas inline-4?

  113. Have a new DMV links page

  114. Hawaiian/Tropical print curtains?

  115. Hello All

  116. Help w/Gas Tank Vent repair?

  117. Help!! Another broken alternator bracket

  118. Here you have, ;o)

  119. Hesitation shuffle

  120. High beam indicator

  121. Higher heat output with synth oil?

  122. Homeworker Needed

  123. How cold is the pre-86' A/C?

  124. How much different is a "Wolfsburg" Westy?

  125. How propane refrigerators work

  126. I found something new today!

  127. I got an off subject, I got a virus, I got a UPS problem, I got a lawyer ...

  128. I got an off subject, I got a virus, I got a UPS problem, I got a lawyer problem

  129. I-4 conversion parts kit available in Seattle

  130. If you get a message from me do not open it

  131. Inquiry to Shady Boy Owners

  132. Intermittent Hesitation

  133. Introduction and some Questions

  134. Just bought #4...

  135. KYB shocks suck

  136. LA & Phoenix part vendors

  137. License plate door

  138. Lo Oil Pressure-Con Rods Mainly the Problem?

  139. Looking For Entrepreneurs in the United States

  140. Looking for cheap running watercooled vanagon

  141. Lose Weight While You Sleep!


  143. MARK......MARK??? (no content, sorry)

  144. MORE Frydaye Follies for Fickle Ffolkes or Friendly Fussbudgets! :)

  145. March trip on Hwy 41....views from the list...

  146. May I have a moment for this?

  147. More intermittent hesitation probs

  148. Motor Home Seat

  149. My Syncro Madness Site Moved--Bigger Pics

  150. My name is Keith and I am a Vanagonaholic


  152. NVC Re: road first experience tonite.. LOCK YOUR DOORS!!!

  153. Need advice on a place to stay in New Haven

  154. Need help getting Karl Mullendore's email and Phone #

  155. Need help w/ stuck door latch

  156. Need help with belts

  157. Northern Starter Blues -Mystery # 2

  158. Not running yet. ?????? any ideas.

  159. Oh my butt hurts from that spanking! (no content)

  160. Oil Pressure light & buzzer, Yikes! Mystery # 1

  161. Oil pressure light on at idle: add a $1.50 oil booster spring.

  162. Oil pressure light on at idle: add a $1.50 oil boster spring.

  163. Outa hand

  164. Paulchen accessories wanted

  165. Plain Text

  166. Poor Gas Milage

  167. Poor Gas Mileage

  168. Poptop Seal and Canvas Replacemnt

  169. Possible FS 15" Wheels

  170. Prospective dates for Central Ohio Westies

  171. Pure Vanagon Content..Was Net Cops

  172. REMOVE.... Re: Homeworker Needed

  173. Radiator replace

  174. Rear Foglight Wiring

  175. Rear Heat Exchanger

  176. Reason

  177. Rebuilt Half Axles/ Autozone $99

  178. Renting a tow-dolly for vanagon core-HELP!

  179. Rest Stop Murder update in AR

  180. Right-side head removal,2.1L

  181. Rough cost for '89 Westy?

  182. SA Vanagon spotted in Graceland!! Elvis a Lurker?


  184. SUV was road rage

  185. SUV's

  186. SYNCRO.ORG a Non-Profit?

  187. Safari Trek

  188. Safari Trek now Winter Rally

  189. Seattle- 88 Wolfsburg Subaru-Legacy powered van for sale.

  190. Sliding door not latching

  191. Snowed White and Dwarfed 7 Times

  192. Snowhite and the Seven Dwarfs - The REAL story!

  193. (no Vanagon contentions)

  194. Spamish Inquisition...

  195. Spare Tire Cage Bolt

  196. Steve's Lock Shop/ 2 Thumbs up

  197. Still Confused about Syncro CV Boots

  198. Stuff For Sale

  199. Sunburst Alloys for sale

  200. Switching rear hatch to one with wiper

  201. Swivel Seat Mechanism for sale

  202. Syncro WBX For Sale......

  203. Syncro for sale......

  204. SyncroBeast - update, still not starting

  205. Tach not working

  206. Tach now works!

  207. Take it out or leave it in?

  208. Thank you - '85 Vanagon to buy or not to buy

  209. The Project Advances, need help with rad!!!

  210. The Project Advances,,,

  211. Tired of the 40 X 40 X 40 Plan? 16747

  212. Track rod replacement

  213. Trek up Hwy 45 from .... help

  214. Two silver tabs

  215. US economy is like a car?/F

  216. Ullage, Oil Temps etc.


  218. VDO Oil Press. Hose upgrade instal.?

  219. VDO Oil Press. Hose upgrade install.?

  220. VIN Location

  221. VIN location

  222. VW Wolfsburg Camper aircon problem

  223. Van Fire - '82

  224. Van-Again Tax Refund Sale!

  225. Vanagon Content

  226. Vanagon Haiku (Hey, it's Fahreyedai!!)

  227. Vanagon/Camera Advise

  228. Very Important Information -YGJD

  229. WBX Engine Repair/Replacement

  230. WBX Remanufactured in Canada

  231. WTB Jump Seat(s)

  232. WTB: Syncro axles for cores

  233. Wanted: 87-93 Westfalia

  234. Wanted: Front Turn Signal Lens, Right, 80-91 Vanagon

  235. Wanted: sense of humor

  236. Welding - my first big job

  237. Westy Sink Switch/Spigot

  238. Westy interior fireplace instalation

  239. What an awesome position to be in

  240. What else should I replace doing Tico coversion?

  241. What is Lilly rebuild, was lousy mileage

  242. Who needs an O2 sensor, cheap?

  243. Why do we want to give YOU money?

  244. Will '90 Calipers fit on an '85?


  246. You Can Do This udvla

  247. [Syncro] BlueStar/WhiteStar Brochure and snail mail from Canada

  248. [Syncro] Has anyone put a turbodiesel system in a gas inline-4?

  249. [Syncro] Need help w/ stuck door latch SOLVED

  250. [Syncro] Not running yet. ?????? any ideas.

  251. [Syncro] SyncroBeast - update, still not starting

  252. [T2] Fuel injector bracket???

  253. [T2] LA & Phoenix part vendors

  254. [T2] Rebuilt Half Axles/ Autozone $99

  255. [WetWesties] 82 Westy issues (frustrated)

  256. [vwpassat] Re: road rage.....not fighting back..

  257. [vwpassat] road first experience tonite.. LOCK YOUR DOORS!!!

  258. aftermarket turbo/supercharger to deisel?

  259. again, tiico conversion

  260. air bubble that is stubborn

  261. air flow?

  262. batteries?

  263. battery door and swivel seat?

  264. broken alternator bracket? What's the real cause?

  265. cargo net

  266. colorado mechanic

  267. colorado mechanics

  268. digifant wiring discovery

  269. ebrake cable equalizer?'sPlastic water outlet ripoff

  270. flames and leak

  271. glow plug removal

  272. heater blower

  273. how to remove and install a radio? ('85 vanagon)


  275. i started this stupid Thing thread....

  276. idle stabilizer valve

  277. list stickers

  278. looking for contact information

  279. lousy mileage

  280. more stuff for sale

  281. off-topic?

  282. off-topic?/wasRe: thinking about a (VW) Thing

  283. off-topic?/wasRe: thinking about a Lawyer/Thing/GTI/bicycle

  284. oil pressure

  285. please close list to nonmembers

  286. recomended vendor!!!!!

  287. remove the body?

  288. road rage

  289. road rage.....not fighting back..

  290. road first experience tonite!!!

  291. road first experience tonite.. LOCK YOUR DOORS!!!

  292. road first experience tonite.. LOCK YOUR DOORS!!!]

  293. rvsolar

  294. she's beautiful!

  295. syncro fs

  296. temperature issues

  297. thermostat revelation

  298. thermostat revelation?

  299. they make it to Tierrgo del Fuego

  300. thinking about a (VW) Thing

  301. tow dolly VS car trailer

  302. twisted?

  303. vanagon Digest - 11 Feb 2001 - Special issue (#2001-213)

  304. vanagon Digest - 12 Feb 2001 - Special issue (#2001-220)

  305. vanagon Digest - 13 Feb 2001 - Special issue (#2001-224)

  306. vanagon Digest - 5 Feb 2001 (#2001-185)

  307. vanagon Digest - 9 Feb 2001 - Special issue (#2001-204)

  308. what are dichroic light bulbs?

  309. what are dichroic light bulbs? 0.87% VW USRDA Conten

  310. where is the 02 sensor on an '85 1.9l

  311. won't start
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