Vanagon EuroVan
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VANAGON archives – July 2000, week 4

Table of contents:

  1. "Drivers sue over value of totaled cars"

  2. $$$Need Syncro Fender Flare$$$

  3. $144.00 = Lowest price for Optima battery?

  4. '73 Camper

  5. '85 Defroster Switch Mojo

  6. '86 Syncro 7 passenger GL, with weekender package for sale

  7. '86 Westy syncro GL FS - NH

  8. (no subject)

  9. 16 inch wheel inquiry

  10. 16" Bug wheels: what value? (sorry)

  11. 82 diesel westy partsmobile for sale.

  12. 85 Exhaust:

  13. 87 westie

  14. 93 EV Diesel Westie FS in Canada

  15. <No subject>

  16. A Friday tech question!

  17. A general transmission question...

  18. A/C Hose replacement

  19. A/C performance with Freeze-12

  20. A/C performance with Freeze-12 EXPERT NEEDED

  21. A/C wiring schematic

  22. AFM cleaning - SHOT?

  23. ATF/MMO

  24. ATTORNEYS --<.grrrr>

  25. Added info on Quantum TD FS, and Westy baking tips.

  26. Adventurewagen info for those who have asked (long)...

  27. Alaska trip

  28. Alcohol Consmption In Westies!

  29. Alternator Bearings?

  30. Am I missing something? - Engine tin

  31. Amber turn signal...more info

  32. Anyone familiar with 1000 Islands area?

  33. Anyone own a Nissan repowered Vanagon?

  34. Anything happening in or near the SF Bay Area?...

  35. Archives?

  36. Are you there Ron?

  37. Autobahn coolant

  38. Be careful of making this mistake!

  39. Beautiful Westy spotted at Road America

  40. Bentley says nada about the water pump ?!

  41. Best way to clean oxidized paint

  42. Bi-Tron

  43. Brake service questions

  44. Brown Captains Chairs for 1984 Vanagon

  45. Bully for the Bulley

  46. Bus Depot's New Awnings soon!

  47. Buses, Loafs, and Vanagons

  48. Buying a bus?

  49. Calgary VW events this weekend

  50. California help needed ! URGENT !

  51. Can the Vanagon rims be repaired and powered baked

  52. Cheap Muffler Replacement?

  53. Chicago area mechanic wanted....

  54. Cleanest Conversion?Stock?

  55. Cleanest conversion

  56. Cleaning front air dam

  57. Cleaning the poptop

  58. Cup Holders

  59. Dash / Air Distribution Box removal

  60. David's input on Phaedra's engine power loss

  61. Do I need a new starter???

  62. E-brake cable snapped - Doh!!!

  63. Electric Supercharger/Been there, Done that...

  64. Engine Conversion and MPG

  65. Engine Conversion and MPG(IMNSHO)(long)

  66. Engine conversions

  67. Engine conversions (RSA Audi 5)

  68. Engine conversions (long)

  69. FS '80 Rusty Westie

  70. FS - 83.5 Westy

  71. FS: '86 Vanagon in Texas!

  72. FS: 1980 Westfalia Basic (P21) Model

  73. FS: 1983.5 Sunroof Vanagon

  74. FS: 1986 Vanagon GL in TX

  75. FS: 82 DIESEL Westy in San Fran, CA

  76. FS: 86 camper in Birmingham, AL $3850

  77. FS: 87 GL Camper

  78. FS: Portable Refrgerator

  79. FW: '85 Defroster Switch Mojo

  80. FW: 84 parts-van FS

  81. FW: 87 Syncro Westie

  82. FW: 90 Westfalia

  83. FW: ATF/MMO

  84. FW: ATF/MMO - The Bulley Pulpet

  85. FW: ATF/MMO - The Bulley Pulpet <VF>

  86. FW: Are you there Ron?

  87. FW: For Sale: camper in New England (update)

  88. FW: Green coolant hurt engine?

  89. FW: High Country Bus Fest departing Greensboro, NC

  90. FW: Last word about ?

  91. FW: Last word about my sig file

  92. FW: Last word about my sig file - No Vanagon content

  93. FW: Oil Shortage (OFF topic)

  94. FW: Potential purchase of Canadian Westy: Advice needed.

  95. FW: Recommended repair facilities page?

  96. FW: Reviving Vanagon Grilles

  97. FW: Rochester(NY) Listees(Little Vanagon Content)

  98. FW: What does o2 sensor do?

  99. FW: [Syncro] Serial # Help

  100. FW: [VB] The mother of all VW links

  101. FW: pulling engine from '84 waterboxer

  102. FW: rear rack type stuff

  103. Fan Switch

  104. Feedback from ShadyBoy Owner

  105. Feeling a little sluggish

  106. Female in a man's world

  107. Fire extinguisher advice wanted

  108. For those of us who are left out

  109. Friday: Kraut Festival

  110. Front turn signals

  111. Fuel Pump Change- Difficult?

  112. Fw High altitude power loss

  113. Fw: Alcohol Consmption In Westies!

  114. Fw: Alcohol Consmption In Westies! (longish)

  115. Fw: R U There Ron

  116. Fw: Seeking Gyro Gearloose

  117. Fwd: Help - stranded south of Provo Utah

  118. Fwd: Re: Parts Place

  119. Fwd: Re: Pharts Place

  120. Glow Plugs

  121. Gonna do it! (Was Valve Cover Gaskets and Lifter adjustment?)

  122. Great Campgrounds Between L.A. and S.F.?

  123. Grille Restoration

  124. HCBF, Fox Lake VW Show

  125. Hallelujah, PTL, & Amen!

  126. Hand-held tach use with Digifant

  127. Hatch-mounted carrying rack?

  128. Heavy Duty / Syncro Air Filters are back!

  129. Help Please

  130. Help-Temp sensor location?

  131. Help... I need no mail...

  132. Hesitation & Slow Starts

  133. High altitude power loss

  134. Hotsprings and Swimming holes...

  135. How in the h*ll?!?!???!!??!?!

  136. Howdy all!

  137. I'll be back

  138. I'm back - sliding door?

  139. I'm back and happy

  140. IMO/IMHO

  141. IMO/IMHO defined

  142. IMO: engine Converting = Ignorance of what is out there...

  143. Interior protection

  144. Intermittent Power Loss Syndrome

  145. It is Friday: re: Whine due to Sig File

  146. Just some food for thought

  147. K&N Oil Filter?

  148. Karl, You Da Man!

  149. Last word about my sig file

  150. Leaky propane?

  151. List Help

  152. Look for me and my stickers!

  153. Looking for Replacement Carpets

  154. Mark Stephens

  155. Meat Beas at the B-B-Q

  156. Mechanic say's Oil pump can't leak slowly

  157. Mechanics apraisal

  158. Melissa's Saga

  159. Melissa's name

  160. More 16" Wheel info

  161. More Info on Parts Place Auburn Hills,MI

  162. My sig fie

  163. Mysterious plug in '85

  164. NEW AWNINGS soon! (RE: Shady Boy awnings)

  165. NO 120 volts in van

  166. Need 81 Westy Camper supplement

  167. Need Diesel engine or westy fs

  168. Need Diesel, Glow Plug Advice

  169. New Oil cooler...? on Diesel smoke

  170. Newsletter at the printers.

  171. No spark

  172. OXS & Batt between 2K & 3K rpm

  173. Odor removal (A refreshing topic)....

  174. Off topic question

  175. Off topic, was - The Bulley Pulpet

  176. Oil analysis section on my web page

  177. Oil sensor still buzz after going to Mahle oil filter, now what?

  178. Other CA. campgrounds

  179. Ottawa area VW Show

  180. Owner's Manual for '84 Wulfsburg Edition Vanagon

  181. Painting Window Trim

  182. Parts Place

  183. Parts Place - Dear Vanagon List Subscribers

  184. Parts Place - Dear Vanagon List Subscribers - Part II

  185. Parts Place Piracy... Bold faced and in writing

  186. Parts Place [OT]

  187. Parts Place according to Aesop

  188. Parts Place history

  189. Parts Place preys on "customers"(longish)

  190. Parts Place preys on its "customers"

  191. Parts Place, Melissa, and legal stuff

  192. Parts Place- hold on a minute

  193. Parts Place:

  194. Parts Place: Take it to the shows

  195. Parts Places

  196. Parts in Holland?

  197. Pharts Place

  198. Price to pay for westy front table w/ leg?

  199. Propane regulator WARNING

  200. Proper Compression for 2.1

  201. Q: How do we clean the headliner?

  202. Question:Vanagon Importing Costs?

  203. Questions about Westies and Syncros

  204. RE; EV Diesel Westy

  205. RE; EV Diesel Westy - emissions testing

  206. RV Registration (Was Fw: Alcohol Consmption In Westies! (longish)

  207. Re Mexican Auto Insurance

  208. Re; How do you clean a headliner?

  209. Re; Melissa Saga.

  210. Re; Melissa, and the Parts Place ( Could be a country western song)

  211. Re; Reviving Vanagon Grills

  212. Re; So whats the procedure--

  213. Re; What's the big deal

  214. Re; Which Options to Pursue?

  215. Re; Which options to pursue

  216. Recommended repair facilities page?

  217. Recovering interior panels

  218. Refinishing stove face and indicator panel

  219. Reflecting foil sun shade WARNING

  220. Removing Rear Heater

  221. Rentals in SF area

  222. Repair nightmare on vacation!

  223. Repair nightmare on vacation! (long)

  224. Replacement owner's manuals

  225. Reputable VW Mechanics in or around Asheville, NC???

  226. Reputation -- Melissa incident illegalities?

  227. Reputation in a hyperlinked society

  228. Reviving Vanagon Grilles


  230. Say 'no' to stuck brake drums

  231. Seeking Gyro Gearloose

  232. Seeking Vanagon Microfiche data base like parts shop have but on the net

  233. Serendipity (W)

  234. Serial # Help

  235. Shady Boy awnings

  236. ShadyBoy Awning Update

  237. Shakespearean Insult Kit

  238. Sherpak car top carriers

  239. Signature

  240. Signing off - on my way to Cairo

  241. Skylight Guy or Bus Depot??

  242. Slick 50

  243. Smokin 1.9

  244. So Long, Auf Wiederheuren, usw.

  245. So what's the procedures to filling a small claims on a backyard bozo mechanic?

  246. So whats the procedure-- ATTORNEYS --<grrrr>

  247. Source for metal clutch lines

  248. Speedometer

  249. Spotted a I-4 conversion for sale

  250. Starter removal

  251. Stebro muffler compatibility

  252. Steering column cover (Friday whining)

  253. Steve's Lock Shoppe closed through Saturday

  254. Sticker Application (F)

  255. Stickers

  256. Stranded outside Prove

  257. Stuck Horn

  258. Suggested amendment to sticker installation instructions

  259. Susan's diesel trans- - Daryl recommendation

  260. Switched power for 84 vanagon radio

  261. Switched power for vanagon radio

  262. Switched power for vanagon radio--easy solution

  263. Syncro front hub question

  264. Temporary sign off

  265. Test

  266. Thank you - Starter

  267. Thanks - Was AFM Cleaning

  268. The Bulley Pulpet

  269. The funniest Friday ever! Congrats!

  270. The mother of all VW links

  271. The writings of Gene Berg and ETC.

  272. This list is funny

  273. Thule Rack and Rocketbox

  274. Travel contacts needed

  275. Travels with Lucia across America

  276. Unsubscribe

  277. VW Show in NC on Aug 27th

  278. VW parts yard in California

  279. Valve Cover Gaskets and Lifter

  280. Valve Cover Gaskets and Lifter adjustment?

  281. Valve seat drop on 81 vanagon

  282. Van won't start

  283. Vanagon A/C Evaporators FS

  284. Vanagon FS in Auburn, Alabama

  285. Vanagon Has No Power

  286. Vanagon Importing Costs? LONG

  287. Vanagon Sticker and Johnson Baby Shampoo

  288. Vanagon Turbo Diesel conversion links

  289. Vanagon entertainment tonite

  290. Vanagons FS

  291. WTB '90 Carat Rear Bumper

  292. WTB: 83-91 Westfalia (Syncro?)

  293. WTB: Front table and related mounting parts

  294. WTB: Orig. floor mats or rubber mat

  295. WTB: Rear bumper with end caps.

  296. WTB: several Vanagon/Westy parts, used

  297. Want tunes through headphones

  298. Wanted: Oil Fill tube 025 115 303A

  299. Was: AFM cleaning -Shot?

  300. Weep No More For Me

  301. Westfalia Camper GL For Sale

  302. Westy Chair Reupolster?

  303. Westy Speaker

  304. What to do about brakes

  305. What's the Home page of "The Parts Place" ?

  306. What's the big deal with this sticker thing any way ? give it a brake

  307. Where have all the Vanagons gone?

  308. Whine due to Sig File

  309. Whine during acceleration

  310. Who is the list administrator

  311. Window Trim

  312. [90Vanagon] Do thermostat housings go bad?

  313. [Fwd: common speaker wire to rear Vanagon speakers]

  314. [Syncro] Canada Van importing to US? Experiences?

  315. [cooling] Water Wetter concoction, de-ionized water

  316. [vanagon] Frig Problem with Propane

  317. aftermarket AC?

  318. amendment to a suggested amendment for sticker installation.

  319. captain chair arms

  320. coolant pipes

  321. current folks at the party

  322. diesel in CA public service bulletin

  323. diesel vanagon and golf FS NY Cheap

  324. door speaker location

  325. early 83.5 coolant hose Q?

  326. engine conversio and gas consumption

  327. foil-reflecting sunshade

  328. foil-reflecting sunshade-now fresnel lense?

  329. front mudflap installation tip

  330. glove box removal

  331. glow plugs

  332. great sig file alert, was Re: Whine during acceleration

  333. homepage of "Parts Place"

  334. is Portland OR the promised land

  335. is Portland OR the promised land (contains vanagon content, I promise)

  336. mechanics in LA?

  337. oder remover

  338. part number

  339. parts place

  340. problems with electric locks and windows

  341. rear brake question

  342. rear discs

  343. rear rack type stuff

  344. searching archives

  345. shifting or lack of

  346. side skirts?

  347. sliding seats?

  348. sold

  349. sticker alignment problems

  350. syncro front half shafts for sale

  351. taller 4th gears

  352. tranny rebuild

  353. travel guide recommendation - Southern B.C.

  354. unsubscribe

  355. update the flow chart, was Re: FW: Last word about my sig file

  356. vanagon Digest - 27 Jul 2000 - Special issue

  357. vendors: trans mount

  358. which option to pursue?

  359. wiriing help
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