Vanagon EuroVan
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VANAGON archives – July 2000, week 3

Table of contents:

  1. $20 Westy anyone??

  2. $20 Westy on Ebay- NOT!!

  3. '90 Westy Radiator Fan

  4. '90 westy water tank key

  5. 16 inch wheel inquiry

  6. 1897 Vanagon? FW: reputible mechanic in San Diego?

  7. 1986 GL For Sale San Francisco

  8. 1987 Digifant + Air Conditioner Idle Problem

  9. 1987 syncro westy fs

  10. 1990 Westfalia FS

  11. 2001 Eurovan

  12. 83 fresh air fan

  13. 84 vanagon- brake lines leaking

  14. 87 GL deal -- final List offering [Fri]

  15. 88 Westy parked 4 summer

  16. <No subject>

  17. <no subject>

  18. ?Jumpseat Seatbelts-Lap or Shoulder?

  19. A/C performance with Freeze-12

  20. ARB freezer/fridge report -- It rocks!

  21. Additional Storage

  22. Additonal Storage

  23. Air Conditioning

  24. Air Deflectors

  25. Alternator Bearings?

  26. Am I in luck on wire harness?

  27. Another Convert to 20-50 wt Oil

  28. Any BEHR AC info?

  29. Audi 5 zyl in S.A. Vanagon

  30. Auto Viagra

  31. BEHR Info

  32. Back Speaker Wiring on '85 Westy

  33. Backordered Parts (Little Vanagon Content)

  34. Battery recommendation

  35. Best price for radiator Fan?

  36. Brake line leaking (metal part)

  37. Bus Depot--THANK YOU and WOW!!!

  38. Busses By The Arch #16...

  39. Call to TOUGH Nut Crackers was- Digifant Idle & brief power loss

  40. Camber?

  41. Canadian Tire Stuff to browse

  42. Carrying Spare Gas

  43. Carrying Spare Gas Can and Filling

  44. Chrome Window Trim

  45. Collapsed Breather Hose

  46. Collapsed Breather Hose and a warning at the bottom

  47. Collapsed BreatherHose Support

  48. Coolant Flush Decison

  49. Cooling woes and the aborted trip to TBTT

  50. Cooling woes and the aborted trip to TBTT (somewhat longish...)

  51. Cracking Vanagon Coolant Tanks

  52. Curses, Oiled Again!

  53. Digifant Idle & brief power loss

  54. Digifant troubleshooting

  55. Digijet = K-Jetronic?

  56. Digitool for Digijet ??

  57. ETKA prices

  58. Electric Supercharger

  59. Electric Supercharger & Flaming...

  60. Electric Supercharger/Been there, Done that...

  61. Engine conversions

  62. FS 86 westy

  63. FS: '85 ECU, '87 Syncro snorkel

  64. FS: 1980 Westfalia Basic (P21) Model

  65. FW: '85 Radio Woes Continue

  66. FW: 87 westy for sale

  67. FW: 89 Westfalia Camper for sale

  68. FW: Brake line leaking-- kudos TomC

  69. FW: Engine conversion problem

  70. FW: Euro-Drive: 80 Volkswagen vanagon, No-start

  71. FW: For Sale: Westy in New England

  72. FW: High Mileage on a Eurovan

  73. FW: Need Help Removing Digigant Harness.

  74. FW: New battery experiences

  75. FW: Nova Scotia/New Brunswick Camping/Tourning Recommendations

  76. FW: Our beloved digifant

  77. FW: Quaife Differential for the 091?

  78. FW: Trucking Companies/Vanagon Content

  79. FW: Vanagon mentioned in Automobile Mag

  80. FW: Water tank pump dead

  81. FW: Windshield washer resevoir

  82. FW: [DIESEL] Why burning out a diesel glow plug in less than 40 m iles?

  83. FW: [Syncro] Syncro Forum

  84. FW: air conditioning

  85. FW: how to replace temp sensor II?

  86. FW: reputible mechanic in San Diego?

  87. FW: tiico automatic engine conversion

  88. FW: tire deal?

  89. FYI Traveling assistance info

  90. Friday topic?

  91. Fridge problems at altitude

  92. Front end Vibration eliminated...Finally

  93. Front wheel bearings...

  94. Fw from upgrading rear seatbelts

  95. Fw: (Friday Funneez)The Washington Post Style Guide

  96. Gotta Be a Wasserboxer SORRY not for me!

  97. Gotta Be a Wasserboxer!

  98. Ground isolater for speaker wire

  99. HELP ! Clutch pedal mechanism adjustment access needed.

  100. HERS (Human Element Recovery System)

  101. Hand-held tach use with Digifant

  102. Headlamp Replacements

  103. Help!! Clutch Linkage Adjustment Questions

  104. Help: '86 with erratic cold idle

  105. How safe is it?

  106. How search archives?

  107. Huge Nut on Rear Drum

  108. I need stuff

  109. IMO/IMHO

  110. IMO: Engine converting and Re: The writings of Gene Berg and ETC.

  111. IMO: engine Converting = Ignorance of what is out there.

  112. IMO: engine Converting = Ignorance of what is out there...

  113. IMO: engine Converting = Ignorance of what is outthere...

  114. Ignition coil failure

  115. Igntion coil failure

  116. Important Memo From the DOE (it's Friday!)

  117. Impreza for sale (in Japan)

  118. In response to interst in my 81 Westy...

  119. Konis

  120. Latest on Michelin MXT's (my search)...

  121. Leaking windshield--- No more for me!

  122. Leaving list for trip

  123. Looking for 80-83 A/C Compressor and Bracket

  124. Loose Rad Fan Fuse Holder 90 Carat

  125. Luggage rack seal...

  126. Maxwell's Pretty Good Used Parts

  127. Michelin MXT status...

  128. Moral Support

  129. Moral support...

  130. Mud Flaps, Trailer Hitch, Diesel Exhaust, and other Parts For Sale!

  131. My Coolant Runneth Over

  132. New battery experiences

  133. Nixon, Hargrove, Devans & Doyle, LLP

  134. North Bay ONT.CA

  135. Northwest Vintage VW meet?

  136. Odd Intermittent Source

  137. Off topic parts

  138. Oil Pump seals

  139. Oil Viscosity Recommendations

  140. Oil pump seal hard to change?

  141. On Scrapping Plastic Bumpers

  142. One headlight goes out with high beams - SOLVED!

  143. Our beloved digifant

  144. Overflow Tank Blues

  145. POP-TOP Counter Balance Problem

  146. Part needed: printed circuit

  147. Performance Wasserboxer: Fact or Fiction

  148. Pics of SA Mud Flaps

  149. Pop Top Counter Weights?

  150. Possible 85 Westy for sale, maybe

  151. Q for SA listees on installing SA mudflaps

  152. Quantum Turbo Diesel FS. Drive it or convert your Vanagon.

  153. Question on rocker arms...

  154. R134 USERS??????????

  155. Re Possible ''85 Westy for Sale, maybe

  156. Re; Gotta be a Wasserboxer!

  157. Re; SA Mud Flaps

  158. Re; Where to find a Van online

  159. Re;SA Mud Flaps,

  160. Rear Brake Assemblies FS.

  161. SA Grille price typo. Not $375, but $275.

  162. SA Mud Flaps

  163. SA Mud flaps: clarification

  164. SA mudflaps

  165. SA parts and Transporters by the Tunnel

  166. Sears battery for Vanagon

  167. Sherpak car top carriers

  168. Shocks...

  169. Shorter oil pan for Subaru engine? S.A. comp. to Subie?

  170. Signing off - on my way to Cairo

  171. Signing off for vacation

  172. Single 5th seat

  173. Smokin 1.9

  174. Smoothest Shocks for my Vanagon 87 would be.....?

  175. Spark plugs

  176. Spark plugs...

  177. Speedometer Needed

  178. Steering column cover (Friday whining)

  179. Stereo sound upgrade - more bass

  180. Stereo status...

  181. Stereo status...long

  182. Syncro Stuff

  183. Syncro front hub question

  184. Thank you for all your help!

  185. That $20 Westy on Ebay/what a story:little real vanagon content

  186. The Meaning of Life

  187. The writings of Gene Berg and ETC.

  188. This guy is a good men he saved my van! (read!)

  189. Throttle Position Switch Cams

  190. Tranny question re: 84 westy

  191. Trucking Companies/Vanagon Content

  192. Trying to search archives

  193. Turn signal

  194. Van is running like a dream!

  195. Vanagon parts and accessories for sale

  196. Vanagon sighting at the movies

  197. Vent wing repair

  198. WTB jump seat hardware

  199. Wanted Koni Shocks for my 87 Vanagon

  200. Wasserboxer in a Beetle??

  201. Water boxer

  202. Water tank pump dead

  203. Water tank pump dead also Bus Depot

  204. Water vs. Air

  205. Westfalia Wanderers pictures

  206. What do you think.--aux heater preventative maintenance..

  207. What is fair price for water pump job

  208. When's the CD coming.

  209. Where can I get a new 'p trap' for the bottom of my sink

  210. Where can I rent a Westy or other compact camper around the globe?

  211. Why burning out a diesel glow plug in less than 40 miles?

  212. Wild surging@idle fixed!

  213. Window Trim Install - Details & MisInfo in Archives

  214. Window Trim.......

  215. Windshield wipers won't park

  216. You can not fool Digifant...I tried

  217. [Fwd: common speaker wire to rear Vanagon speakers]

  218. [Syncro] Syncro Forum

  219. air conditioning 1991 Westy Syncro ?'s

  220. air cooled eng convert.

  221. any list members in Salt Lake near the Salt Palace? (no Vanagon content)

  222. are grommets for USA mudflaps available?

  223. battery recommendation requested

  224. e-bay beater

  225. early 83.5 coolant hose Q?

  226. electrical woes

  227. faq for adjusting CO with O2 sensor???

  228. fuel tank seals

  229. hard accelerations and kick out the A/C compressor

  230. horn replacement

  231. looking for 2.1l intake box

  232. looking for parts

  233. looking to buy...

  234. mould cleaner?

  235. mudflap stuff

  236. my apologies to list

  237. new forum at

  238. overheating in SYR

  239. parts needed

  240. proper way to change hose ?

  241. rear heater hose diameter

  242. rusting coolant pipes

  243. speaking of tools (was "Huge Nut on Rear Drum")

  244. sticker?

  245. the problem with this story...

  246. third seat FS

  247. van registering

  248. where to find a van online ?

  249. which adhesive for gutter trim

  250. which way does the coolant bleed valve line up?
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