Vanagon EuroVan
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VANAGON archives – March 2000, week 1

Table of contents:

  1. "frank doe" <> -- harassing

  2. '82 Diesel for sale

  3. '82 harness

  4. '85 Westy 1.9l Cold Stalling

  5. '85 Westy engine conversion

  6. '87 Westy for 12K? Read This!

  7. '87 Westy for Sale

  8. (1984) Wanted: Konis or Bilsteins

  9. - Hello! Subject Lines Appreciated! (Non-Vanagon)

  10. 1984: Cruise control conversion

  11. 1984: Porsche trans swap advice wanted

  12. 1985 Vanagon - Engine Transplant. Factory vs. other Rebuilds

  13. 1985 Vanagon GL For Sale

  14. 1986 Vanagon GL Syncro FOR SALE

  15. 1986 Vanagon listed this a.m.

  16. 1989 Tri-Star Double Cab for sale with US title!

  17. 1990 Vanagon

  18. 32 stickers.

  19. 4WD/Syncro stickers on a 2WD

  20. 70 Double cab FS

  21. 82 diesel for sale

  22. 85 westie spring rebuild, thermostat housing and coolant pipes questions

  23. 86 Syncro - Differential Lock

  24. 9 passenger Vanagon for sale in VA

  25. 9 passenger Vanagon in San Diego

  26. 90 Multivan spare tire - compatibility question

  27. 90 Multivan spare tire -compatibility /stealing spares

  28. 93 Multivan value in Connecticut

  29. <No subject>

  30. AC Housing on a 1991 Westy

  31. AC and a sighting

  32. Adding AC and PS to 84 Westfalia

  33. Ain't the rain, it's the timing

  34. Alternate source for Vanagon diesel engine mounts?

  35. Any Vanagon happenings in Northern Virginia this year, etc.?

  36. Any listees in durango?

  37. Automatic Transmission, slipping when cold?


  39. Beetle FS, pix available

  40. Bentley Manuals

  41. Bentley Manuals (different topic)

  42. Bentley Manuals on CD-ROM

  43. Bentley Manuals on CD-ROM :)

  44. Black Gold Sucker?

  45. Blower Resistor - Fix or Replace

  46. Body Parts Needed

  47. Brake fluid overfilled

  48. CV boots

  49. Can someone build this sticker?

  50. Cheap Electronic Oil Pressure Guage

  51. Chevron Fuel Sys Cleaner with "Techrolene" (sp?)

  52. Cool VW Coffee Mug

  53. Coolant leak out of control

  54. Cup Holders $5.95

  55. Cup Holders @

  56. Cup Holders,etc.

  57. Dead Whale-84 Vanagon

  58. Dealer Scam was RE: battery safe code on radio

  59. Diagnosing FI troubles

  60. Did everyone else get spammed [little vanagon content]

  61. Diesel V-belt mystery

  62. Diesel Water Pump Belt

  63. Digi tool

  64. Digifant TDC sensor

  65. Digifant Troubles

  66. Digitool for 80-83

  67. Digitool: Digijet version?

  68. Do volvo rims work on vanagons?

  69. Does this e-mail come with aa attachment??

  70. Door Column Part

  71. ECU wire harness for 2.0L aircooled

  72. EV MV "weekender" interior for sale

  73. Enter new list member

  74. Euro-Drive: 91 Volkswagen Vanagon, Poor-idle/Poor-mileage

  75. EveryBus 2000 Webpage Update

  76. Ezee Brake bleeder kit from IPD

  77. FS 84 Vanagon 57K miles

  78. FS Camper GL in Washington State

  79. FS: '70 Double Cab

  80. FS: 87 Westy in Seattle

  81. FS: Audi Turbo Alloy Wheels

  82. FS: Brown Driver Side Door from 82 Vanagon $30

  83. FW: (Fwd) Fw: Tired of paying 75 cents a litre!?

  84. Factory fog light switch

  85. For Sale: 88 GL (Florida)

  86. Friday - More Canadian Tire Mythology

  87. Friday - More Canadian Tire Mythology --

  88. Fridge goes out above 40mph

  89. Front Brake Hose Source?

  90. Fuel leaks/smell

  91. Fw: Baja gas

  92. Fw: Friday - More Canadian Tire Mythology

  93. Fw: Lost compression

  94. Fwd: Digifant Troubles

  95. Fwd: Re: '82 Diesel Vanagon WANTED

  96. Fwd: Re: Ordered New SA Vanagon

  97. Fwd: What's that funky squishy hose for?

  98. Fwd: surface rust--anybody heard of this stuff?

  99. GTi-style grills, 4 round lights

  100. Gas Consumption

  101. Gas consumption

  102. Gas heater fix (long)

  103. Gas tank leak

  104. Grease for Window Regulator?

  105. Green Fuel Injector

  106. Ground Wire to Distributor?

  107. Group Buy?

  108. Group Stick

  109. Head leak x 2

  110. Heaters for Vanagons

  111. Hella Lights

  112. Hella Lights [stock VW switch (Bus Depot)]

  113. Help Wanted VW Parts Counter

  114. Help from the computer wizzes on the list, please <No van content>

  115. Help: Paint for pop-top westy

  116. Horn Problem

  117. How Difficult Is It To Remove Window Tinting?

  118. I need a 3 person middle seat or else....

  119. I need a recommendation for a place to stay in Northern Germa ny!

  120. I need a recommendation for a place to stay in Northern Germany!

  121. IBERPARTS spam

  122. IBERpartscrap!

  123. ISO Syncro front axles

  124. Inside panel removal & insulation?

  125. Interesting find at local u-pull-it

  126. Interesting item on eBay web site item#271641038: HUGE VW Volkswagen Vanagon Camper Flower Pwr!

  127. Joel Walker address refused

  128. Last Call for LIST STICKERS

  129. List Sticker Contest Extended Deadline

  130. List Vendor Etiquette

  131. Location of Temp Sensor II

  132. Looking for Kurt Kinzer (PA area)

  133. Looking for Robert Keezer

  134. Lots of different vanagon models

  135. M-code puzzlement

  136. MBZ Wheels

  137. MUD FLAPS

  138. Mail on, please

  139. Maybe buying a van..

  140. Mercedes wheels

  141. Mercedes wheels (Offset)

  142. More vanagons and VW stuff............the saga continues!

  143. Morning Oil Burn

  144. Need Bosh 4 Prong Spark Plug #

  145. Need Header Parts

  146. Need help identifying hose attachment on 90 Multivan

  147. New Subscriber

  148. New member from New Zealand

  149. New to list

  150. North Conway NH, Cup holders, Interior lights, ramblings

  151. ONE ONLY genuine VW trans $965

  152. Odd-Ball Vanagon Parts Sale

  153. Oil Pressure Gremlins

  154. Oil cooler problems

  155. Oil pressure gremlin

  156. Ordered New SA Vanagon

  157. Ordered New SA Vanagon --in vwfrank's dreams

  158. Ordered rear 3-point belts today

  159. Paint for westy POP TOP?

  160. Part number for heater hose?

  161. Porsche transagon

  162. Power Loss

  163. Precision Navigation compass

  164. Precision Navigation compass/deviation vs. variation

  165. Propane Use of Fridge

  166. Push rod tubes

  167. Radio Code

  168. Re; portable heaters

  169. Re; portable heaters <F>

  170. Rebuild specialists: speculation

  171. Refrigerator problems

  172. Regarding Darrell and his Digitool

  173. Regarding Darrell and his Digitool --vwfrank doe

  174. Repost: $ value of used engine

  175. Rubber boot part #'s

  176. SA Vanagon parts list

  177. Seatbelts, EZ question.

  178. Shift pattern from down below?

  179. South African Caravelle engines

  180. South African VW dealer & VW SA

  181. South African Vanagon

  182. South African Vanagon (long)

  183. South African Vanagon/Importing rules

  184. South Africn Vanagon

  185. South America Trip

  186. Spacers

  187. Spam/Iberparts

  188. Spam/Iberparts hit me in Atlanta

  189. Spark plug gap

  190. Stairs to the Westy roof?

  191. Stairs to the Westy roof? (F)

  192. Suspension

  193. Syncro body for sale

  194. Syncro speedometer/cluster

  195. Syncro tire repairs?

  196. TUV

  197. Temp I & Temp II Sensors

  198. Test, dont look!

  199. This european headlights

  200. Tires again

  201. Tires again.

  202. Towing a westy .. Class II or Class III or any other bright ideas?

  203. Unca Joel's Actionwagen


  205. VW Depot

  206. VW tool numbers (?!)

  207. Van-Again Garage Sale II

  208. Vanagon Newz for All

  209. Vanagon in South Africa

  210. Vanagon is Type 25

  211. Vanagon rear hatch differences by

  212. Vanagons I must buy..

  213. Vanagons I must buy...

  214. Vancouver Listees: Need Beer?

  215. Vast quanity of cupholders found

  216. WAS Re: Does this e-mail come with aa attachment??

  217. WTB: Stove face

  218. WTB: valve adjusting tools

  219. WTB; valve adjusting tools for diesel

  220. Want to trade sailboat for bus

  221. Wanted 091 ZF limited slip

  222. Wanted: One Westy swivel seat base

  223. Was Re: Push rod tubes

  224. Weekend from hell

  225. Weekend from hell 2

  226. Weekend from hell 3

  227. Weight of a 1982 vanagon westfalia

  228. Westfalia Wolfsburg for sale

  229. Westy for rent in CO

  230. Westy speakers

  231. Westys FS - Boston Globe

  232. What is Vantastics' address?

  233. What is the price of gasoline in your town??

  234. What to do in the weekend ?? (F)

  235. Which gas??

  236. Wiper relay, part number

  237. [DIESEL] K&N Versus AMSOIL Air Filters

  238. [F] Canadian Tire [was: seat covers]

  239. [Syncro] VC MISSION ACCOMPLISHED...almost

  240. [Syncro] intercoolers etc

  241. [VB] Want to trade sailboat for bus

  242. alaska package?

  243. alloy wheels

  244. another stupid question

  245. baja gas, octane, and timing

  246. battery safe code on radio

  247. brake resevoir replace?

  248. bulley's website address

  249. center seat

  250. convertion (the start)

  251. cupholders (Camping World)

  252. do not use charcoal for portable inside heat!

  253. eBay #271587235 1985 Volkswagon Westfalia Camper

  254. electrical problem

  255. fuel filter and suspension

  256. gas gauge doesn't work

  257. head gasket fix

  258. idiot lights

  259. list vendor etiquette

  260. looking for van with rear-facing jump seats

  261. lug pattern

  262. nc bus campout march 10,11,12

  263. need a part number (was Re: Seat belts, EZ question.)

  264. north carolina bus campout march 10 , 11 , 12

  265. portable heaters?

  266. projeckzwo wheels coming

  267. rear seatbelts

  268. say your syncro camper isn't quiiiiite the 4x4 off-road campe r you'd wanted??? :)

  269. say your syncro camper isn't quiiiiite the 4x4 off-road campe ryou'd wanted??? :)

  270. say your syncro camper isn't quiiiiite the 4x4 off-road camper you'd want...

  271. say your syncro camper isn't quiiiiite the 4x4 off-road camper you'd wanted??? :)

  272. say your syncro camper isn't quiiiiite the 4x4 off-road camperyou'd wanted??? :)

  273. sitings near toronto

  274. skylight ???

  275. skylight ??? Oops Sorry

  276. small areas of surface rust

  277. sticky throttle switch

  278. still rough idle

  279. stock springs?

  280. stock syncro springs?

  281. strange clutch noise

  282. stripped flywheel bolt

  283. subwoofer in a westy

  284. surface rust--anybody heard of this stuff?

  285. tail light corrosion

  286. techron fuel injector additive

  287. trailer hitches

  288. vanagon Digest - 2 Mar 2000 - Special issue

  289. wanted window seals

  290. was Repost: $ value of used engine

  291. weber parts source for guy stuck in driveway

  292. where's the engine breather hose?

  293. windshield washer don't work

  294. wtb speedometer cluster
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Any profits from list compilations go exclusively towards the management and operation of the Vanagon mailing list and vanagon mailing list web site.