Vanagon EuroVan
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VANAGON archives – February 2000, week 3

Table of contents:

  1. "Circle Yer Wagens!!!"

  2. "Circle Yer Wagons!! FULL VW SHOW

  3. "Hankerin' for fiberglass Carat Trim & Bumpers"

  4. "Hankerin' for fiberglass Carat Trim & Bumpers" (long)

  5. '86 vs. '87? Hot air

  6. '87 Vanagon GL For Sale/Trade (in WV)

  7. 'Cool' turn signals

  8. 1.9TD,Re: Please forward to the list

  9. 1.9l Home Rebuild?

  10. 1.9l Wasserboxer stumble...

  11. 16" Synchro wheels (where can i find some?)

  12. 16" factory wheels (synchro wheels for my '82 revisited)

  13. 1987 syncro westy w/bad engine, what can be done?

  14. 4 point Bosch Plugs

  15. 4 point Bosch Plugs...

  16. 5th seat for Westy

  17. 86 Vanagon

  18. 86 Westy "Weekender"?

  19. 88 Stock Rectangular headlamps FS

  20. 91 Vanagon bumper

  21. 91 bumper:

  22. <No subject>

  23. AC

  24. AC in 1988

  25. Added sleeping comfort & sliding door bug screens

  26. Agilis tires again

  27. Alternator not charging/ solenoid meltdown

  28. Another Sliding Door Question

  29. Another flooring question - wood this time (westy)

  30. Antifreeze Sauna

  31. Any interest in a Clear Turn Signal List Purchase?

  32. Any secrets for staying awake at the wheel?

  33. Any secrets for staying awake at the wheel?(a Warning)

  34. Any secrets for staying awake at the wheel?(little vanagon conten t)

  35. Any secrets for staying awake at the wheel?(little vanagon content)

  36. Any secrets for staying awake at the wheel?(little vanagoncon tent)

  37. Any secrets for staying awake at the wheel?(little vanagoncontent)

  38. Anybody need a Westy Propane Tank?

  39. Anybody with $19,500 to spend?

  40. Artist Wanted for BD Catalog

  41. Asbestos Resurrected

  42. Asleep at the Wheel

  43. Awesome cupholders

  44. Battery

  45. Beetle clarification (no V'gon)

  46. Beetles

  47. Black Cat

  48. Brake bleeder

  49. Brake rotor wear

  50. C.B. ant. mount

  51. CV joint field notes;

  52. Camping joke /F

  53. Car Care [TRACKING DOWN A BATTERY DRAIN - 02/16/2000]

  54. Carpet or plywood?

  55. Clutch Release Shaft Removal

  56. Cold Morning Puzzlement Part Deux

  57. Coleman Black Cat Heaters

  58. Compatibility question: 90 Multivan

  59. Continental Tire woes

  60. Cool Tool

  61. Corrosion of heads

  62. Corrosion take two:

  63. Country Survey

  64. Custom Interior Panels

  65. Custom wheels

  66. Damp Van Starting Problem

  67. Death Valley camping trip report

  68. Deja Vu all over again! (no Van content)

  69. Diagnostic tool for ill '88 Westy?

  70. Does the ECU remember? Learn? Or simply React?

  71. Doktor?

  72. Door Lock

  73. E-code headlights

  74. EMZ's language (no vanagon content)

  75. EVERYBUS 2000 T-SHiRTS

  76. Electolysis and WBX Fish Farms

  77. Electrolysis and prevention of corrosion

  78. Electrolysis and prevention of corrosion:

  79. Electrolysis and prevention of corrosion: Add this to the FAQs!

  80. Electrolysis and prevention of corrosion: It CAN be done...

  81. Electrolysis and prevention of corrosion: Missing the point...

  82. Engine transport: DC to Bostom

  83. Ethanol

  84. Euro-Drive: UPDATE 87 Volkswagen Vanagon, dies

  85. Euro-Elec: FIX 91 Volkswagen Vanagon, idiot lights, oil light

  86. Exhaust question

  87. Ezee Brake bleeder kit from IPD

  88. F/S: 89 Carat with wheelchair lift

  89. FIAMMA Racks now available.

  90. FS: '82-'84 westy front seats, striped pattern, exclent shape

  91. FS: Audi turbo 15" alloys

  92. FS:Nose Bra for '86-91, or? '83+

  93. FS:Vanagon Speedo/Tach/Clock Cluster

  94. FW: Car Care [TRACKING DOWN A BATTERY DRAIN - 02/16/2000]

  95. Folk Music + Westies = a Gathering

  96. Front Heater Valve Replacement

  97. Fw: 90 GL needs an interim 4 speed

  98. Fw: E-code headlights

  99. Fw: Painting front grill

  100. Fw: Painting your van???

  101. Fw: Re: pop-top (closing)

  102. Fw: Re: rust pictures

  103. Fw: Wolfsburg

  104. Fwd: Diagnostic tool for ill '88 Westy?

  105. Fwd: Re: Any secrets for staying awake at the wheel?(little vanagon content)

  106. Gel coat Pop-Top?

  107. Gina Wise Up!

  108. Gina Wise Up!!!

  109. Gina humor

  110. Great 86 Vanagon GL for sale!!!

  111. Greater Atlanta VW Meet Sunday Feb 20th

  112. Gross Rust, Great Courage

  113. Handle

  114. Hatch Struts

  115. Hesitation and 90 Carat FS

  116. Horn contacts

  117. Hot Item

  118. Hydraulic System Bleeding

  119. ISO :Screen Saver address

  120. Ignition Coil Wire Routing

  121. Ken Wyatt and the Vanagon List Sticker Contest Site

  122. Ken et al... Has anyone discussed a Fiamma bike carrier group d...

  123. Ken et al... Has anyone discussed a Fiamma bike carrier group dea l?

  124. Last call for bra

  125. List Sticker Contest TEMPORARY Site

  126. Looking for CB Antenna mount

  127. Looking for Recommended Awning

  128. Looking for Richard Golen's email address

  129. MORE Seat Belt Help and Parts Wanted

  130. Magnets - was table won't open

  131. Mail

  132. Market Value Question

  133. Market Value Question - Another one...

  134. Mild Vanagon - Carpet questions

  135. Mile high club?

  136. Miles on Vanagon

  137. More 27/8.5X14 BFG

  138. More Oil Leaks - Any Advice Greatly Appreciated

  139. Most miles on Vanagon

  140. Most miles on Vanagon Now tricks

  141. Need Parts Numbers - Coolant O-Ring

  142. Need your opinions: stainless exhaust opportunity

  143. Netmeeting

  144. New RENT A PARTS opens doors -- $CRAP

  145. Nose Bra 86-91 or? 83+

  146. OME Syncro Shock group purchase - How to order your set!!!

  147. OME shock information

  148. Oil cooler: possible to use AC condenser?

  149. Overheat thought

  150. Overheating:

  151. PAINT : (

  152. Paint Code location

  153. Painting front grill

  154. Painting your van???

  155. Part number for the TD "after run" coolant pump wiring harness?

  156. Parts For Sale!

  157. Passat Wheels

  158. Paulchen Rack System For Sale

  159. Paulchen vs Fiamme Racks?

  160. Perl, you heathen

  161. Perl, you heathen..

  162. Plastic Vanagon Models

  163. Pop-Top lock latch

  164. Prettypark virus (no vg content)

  165. Putting down the Toilet seat:

  166. Putting down the Toilet seat:????????????????

  167. Q.about Front Syncro Axle Removal (longish

  168. Q.about Front Syncro Axle Removal (longish)

  169. Q.about Front Syncro Bearing Removal (shortish


  171. REAR HEATER Repair/By-pass advice

  172. Radiator Fan Switch

  173. Rare '70 dual cab

  174. Relay for power windows?

  175. Rental in NorthWest USA

  176. Reviving the Vanagon

  177. Richard Golen

  178. Ron Semko, p-mail me please

  179. Ronal Wheels Web Info

  180. SECRETS for staying awake

  181. SUV and Vanagon (story)

  182. Screensaver

  183. Seat Belt Help and Parts Wanted

  184. Seat belts

  185. Seats

  186. Shocks on a camper

  187. Size of 12 pointer...Was.. need CV boot bolt spacers

  188. Sliding Bug Screens - again

  189. Sliding Door Handle

  190. Solution to watching a mechanic

  191. Source for Vanagon Carpeting

  192. South African Engines

  193. Spare tire mounted on vanagon nose?

  194. Spare tire mounting

  195. Staying awake Question!!!!!!!

  196. Still won't start when warm

  197. Story (lite vngn cntnt)

  198. Subaru engines

  199. Subject lines please

  200. Syncro Testing

  201. Syncro Testing & Syncro Page

  202. Syncro brakes go "bonk"

  203. Syncro front diff.

  204. Table won't open. Any ideas how to open?

  205. Test - no content, just delete

  206. Toyota Woes

  207. Trailer hitches

  208. Trip Report - Belgium/France/Germany - churches/snow/wine


  210. VW Diesel Piston sets for sale

  211. Vacuum Line Routing

  212. Vanagon 14" steel Wheels for sale...

  213. Vanagon Turbo Diesel specific part numbers

  214. - world's best vanagon web-site??

  215. - world's worst web-site??

  216. - world's worst website??

  217. VolksMotorsports Rockers and Chips

  218. WANTED: '85 up vanagon crewcab

  219. WAS Re: blank


  221. WTB Fridge for 85 Wolfs. (behind passenger seat)

  222. WTB, Left, adjustable, armrest

  223. WTB: European Vanagon Syncro microfiche

  224. WTB: Paulchen Rack

  225. Wanted: Westy seats, Left armrest and battery cover plate

  226. WasserBoxer fish farm (F)

  227. Watching mechanics (a totally different question)

  228. WebPage put together...

  229. Welding up 16" rear trailing arms

  230. Westfalia CB Antenna

  231. Westy Question Please

  232. Westy Saves Valentines Day!

  233. Westy antenna issue

  234. Westy stuff for sale

  235. Westy water tank level indicator fix?

  236. What is the lph rating for the vanagon's fuel pump?

  237. What to clean engine parts with?

  238. Wolfsburg

  239. Wolfsburg/Carat grey bumper paint code

  240. You've Got Snow! <F>

  241. You've Got Snow! <F> $.C.R.A.P. Rental

  242. [Friday] So you don't have a VW but wish you did?

  243. [Fwd: '86 syncro for sale]

  244. [SYNCRO] Dif Lock

  245. [Syncro] 16" trailing arms

  246. [Syncro] BFG All Terrain update

  247. [Syncro] Diagram showing tire/wheel/offset combinations

  248. [Syncro] Re: 16" Synchro wheels (where can i find some?)

  249. [Syncro] Welding up 16" rear trailing arms

  250. [Syncro] Welding up 16" rear trailing arms - PICTURES ANYONE???

  251. [vanagon] Gerry seems to be down

  252. a tip to keep you rolling

  253. availability of metal cooling lines?

  254. br8 pad replacement

  255. bug netting on sliding door

  256. burned injector connector

  257. click and clack was downer

  258. clutch question

  259. door lock

  260. empty subject lines!

  261. empty subject lines!YEAH WHAT HE SAID!

  262. engine conversions

  263. frequency/probability of new heads vs. gaskets only?

  264. front seats w/armrests, what are they worth?

  265. head gasket or bad connection?

  266. here we go again :<) Re: Wolfsburg Ed. (Wolfsburg Education ;<)

  267. installing new rear brakes

  268. kool westfalia book on ebay

  269. leaking exhaust manifold

  270. looking for a poptop cover for inclement weather

  271. looking for advice

  272. maiden trip on rebuilt 85' GL

  273. more on Agilis

  274. most loved mechanics in Vancouver BC?

  275. my shorts

  276. need CV boot bolt spacers

  277. noisy rear shocks: summary

  278. oil change humor-NO vanagon content

  279. oil consumption rates?

  280. oil pump removal

  281. oil stick

  282. painting grill

  283. pop-top (closing)

  284. power mirrors - how to get them to heat

  285. pressing in lug stud

  286. rebuilding a 2.1 engine. tips, suggestions wanted

  287. rust pictures

  288. rust pictures FWIW

  289. screen saver pics

  290. secrets for staying awake

  291. shop rate was Re: watching mechanics

  292. silver bumper color

  293. spare tire mounted on front of watercooled vanagon

  294. swival seat mechanism for sale

  295. synchro wheels on my '82?

  296. syncro vanagon parts

  297. this is the downer to all of us

  298. vanagon engines/trans, etc. for sale

  299. vanagon parts

  300. watching mechanics (a totally different question)

  301. web site update

  302. westy table arms FS, and table mount brackets

  303. which pads

  304. which thermostat?

  305. window regulators

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Any profits from list compilations go exclusively towards the management and operation of the Vanagon mailing list and vanagon mailing list web site.